
Ito Ai: A New Dawn

After living ten years in a living hell. Ten years of fighting against the Machinas. Ten years of watching her comrades die in front of her eyes. Ito Ai finally met her own end at the hands of the Machinas. But to her surprise, instead of dying, she woke up in a familiar place. With a second chance at life and knowledge of the events of the future. Will Ito Ai be able to change her fate? Will she be able to put a stop the Machinas? Or will she be forced to hide and struggle as she did in her past life? The wheels of fate are always turning. ---- **** Cover Art, not mine!*** Only the text is! I will update it once I get a new cover made! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Sci-fi
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118 Chs

Mutation Part Two

After getting all the necessary equipment, Ai met Eiji at the closed shutter. Out of the small bag she brought with her she pulled out a geiger counter and passed it to Eiji. "Keep a close eye on the readings. We do not want to get radiation poison and die from overexposure." 

"How are we going to get the cells you want to get?" Eiji asked as he took the geiger counter and turned it on. 

"With this!" Ai pulled out a long metal rod with a knife tightly taped to it. She had prepared this at the last second so it was roughly done but would still do its job. "I also have some glass containers with lids as well."

"Seems we are all set then." Eiji replied with a smile. 

In the control room, Mai was looking at the camera watching Ai's interactions with Eiji, and mumbled to herself. "Those two get along pretty well..."

"Did you say something?" Shogo, who was standing behind her, asked.