
•Letters •

Sometimes I think, I over think. And start to feel anxiety. Taking me into a new world, right were I met you.

When I was with you, I could express every bit of emotions I felt bit by bit. But I never got express exactly how I felt about you since the day you came into my life.

Because you left, left with out saying goodbye nor without giving me a last chance to express my feelings to you.

How I wish, I expressed my feelings to you sooner, then you wouldn't think of leaving me. How I wish I could say sorry to you a million times so you wouldn't have thought of leaving me.

But now you're gone, and you're never coming back. I always asked myself while thinking about the happy memories we made, what did I do wrong to make you leave me.

But then again, what could I do. It was your decision and I wouldn't want to stand in your way, but I always wished you would come back to me.

So I write these letters to signify your existence, for you will forever reside deep in my heart.

From your loving angel -


Once again, I found another letter at my door step which made really want to know was this ITHURIEL person. And why does he keep sending different letters.

This was the third time, I found a letter at my door in the morning. The first two were written in Italian, which I could only understand a few words.

And now the third in english.

The more I thought I thought about it, the I started to think moving to Italy was a bad idea. Which was exactly what my mom said.