
Itachi The Mage With Sharingan (in TBATE)

Itachi dies for good after saying goodbye to his brother. But will he find peace or rather, will he have a second chance ? He is in TBATE (the beginning after the end) for those who don't know. ITACHI WILL NOT BE THE ARTHUR DOG'S. Itachi = Arthur's adopted big brother temporarily and will be more powerful than him. No chakra, just mana and talent. For harem, I don't know because we have to rebuild the Uchiha clan. There will be hearts for him but he will have Tess and for Arthur, I will see in the future. I would follow the original plot but there will be new things too and changes. Chapter sizes: 1500-3000 worlds (or more) Characters and cover are not mine. (Read the webtoon or the novel if you dont want spoils)

ShiroTheBest · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 : Arthur knocked out and Tessia !

Two children came out of a portal created in the sky and then they landed on the ground.

Looking at their surroundings, they noticed that they were no longer in the cave.

Arthur started to cry while Itachi was surprisingly calm but his eyes had turned cold.

He had managed to unlock his Sharingan, although he didn't expect to have them in this lifetime. He again suffered a traumatic experience. This one granted him his Sharingan with 2 tomoe directly even though for now, he cannot use them due to his young body and because his mana would not allow him to keep his Sharingan constantly if he did so.

Meanwhile, Arthur was filled with past memories with Sylvia. It might have been just 4 months together, but she had treated him like he was her own son. He hadn't noticed the change in his brother from a nice brother to a cold person. Each received a voice in his head. (I'm skipping Arthur's, you already know.)

"Ahem...Hello Itachi." He had widened his eyes and trying to find the voice around him.

"This is Sylvia, as you might have guessed. If you listen to this like Arthur, it's because I've shown you who I really am. As surprising as it may sound, you are far from learning the whole truth. Your body is that of a 5 year old boy now, your mana core has already evolved to Red Core, Solid Stage. Even though you have an extraordinary talent, you are not powerful enough. As a farewell gift, I instilled in you my only will which I split into 2 for you and Art. Your future development as a mage will depend on how well you are able to use my gift. " Itachi felt guilty at the speech.

"Itachi. I can imagine what you might be feeling right now. Hate, guilt, grief. Don't let your feelings eat away at you and keep moving forward. Remember that you have a family to seek and a family to seek goal to accomplish in this life."

'An objective ? Come to think of it...what good is getting strong if I have no goals...I wanted to

just peace in my past life, but now what can I do ?' Itachi was now thinking about his future.

Live a normal life with his family ? Do basic work and just make money for a living ? No. He is an Uchiha. Specifically, Uchiha Itachi. He must show the world the power of his clan. He will become a strong mage and then bring peace using his name.

"It looks like you've thought about your goal…My only wish for both of you is that you enjoy the joy and innocence of childhood. Become a man that your parents and I will be proud of. When your mana core will have reached white level, you will hear from me again. At that moment, I will explain everything to you. Until then, I say goodbye to you and above all enjoy life. no longer a criminal, Uchiha Itachi." He widened his eyes in shock in the last sentence but quickly regained his composure.

'So she knows my past... * sigh * I will have my answers in due course. But me, take advantage of childhood ? Sorry Sylvia, but I can't comply with your request...' Itachi turned to Arthur who was also in shock upon hearing his own message.

"Arthur. You must have received a message from Sylvia as well. Now it's time to go." he said but suddenly he heard a noise.

He took Arthur and then hid behind a tree.

It was a chariot with men and a little girl according to what Itachi heard

The reason he was able to hear was simple. He had had the idea of ​​constantly strengthening his senses using mana absorption. It allowed him to be vigilant and to be able to pay attention to each movement in more detail. Although he has unlocked his Sharingan, he cannot currently use it so he is content with this.

Arthur seemed to have understood that there were people as well. He just fell silent without protesting as he listened to the people downstairs.

"Let's get ready to go. We're only a few days away from leaving this damn forest." said their leader.

"Hey boss, elf girls sell quite a lot, right?"

"She's a child too, so she's a virgin too! She's going to pay us big !"

They were slave traders. They had captured an elf to sell it on the black market.

Arthur squeezed his hands in rage for he hated bandits. Itachi was calm and just sighed. It was a regular thing to have slave traders in his past life. So he wasn't that impulsive, but he was still mad at them. How can they do such disgusting acts just for the money ? He will never understand humans like this.

"Arthur. Don't be impulsive. Being blinded by your feelings, you'll reach without thinking." Itachi looked at Arthur's face which still didn't seem to have changed.

He sighed then decided to knock him out discreetly by hitting his neck.

"He's way too controlled by his feelings. It was the only way to calm him down and I would rather he didn't see me killing them." The air around him had turned frozen as his eyes had turned cold. He had put Arthur on the corner of the tree and then left.

For a few minutes, Itachi followed the merchants to analyze its possibilities.

There were four of them, Itachi always had Sess Kunais and his wooden Shurikens on him. Although there are only 3 of each, that is more than enough to take them by surprise.

He took two Shurikens and two Kunais in each hand and then waited for the right moment to ambush them. He will cast his Kunais without using any mana wires. With no wires to control them, his weapons were faster in the air as he didn't need to control them, his natural talent for Shurikens and Kunais were sufficient.

After a while, the bandits had stopped to eat and feed the beasts that were driving the cart. It was dark, so Itachi was not visible at all.

There were 3 bandits outside. 2 of them were around a campfire eating and chatting while the last one fed the animals with meat, but he was at a distance slightly away from them. One of the two campfire bandits had gone to sleep.

'By killing these three together, I would only be dealing with their leader. Kunais should be enough for the duo and one Shuriken will be enough for the other.' He glanced at the bandit who was giving food.

He boosted his mana Shuriken and then hurled it at the bandit with great speed. The thug did not have time to react and got a hole in his head with the gun. The bloodied Shuriken had gone through his head to land on the ground.

'My strength allows me to puncture a human skull...So this is the solid red stage...It will be easier to do away with the others.'

The dogs had started to devour the bandit's corpse as the man's companions began to wonder where he had been.

"What the hell is he doing ? Are you pissing or what-" the fat drunk thug had a hole in his heart.

"What..." before he could react, he was severely punched in the head.

"And 2." Before he could go and kill the others, he heard the little girl screaming for help in the cart.

"If she can get them here, that will make it easier for me." He went to hide in the surrounding bushes to wait for the last two men.

"Why are you so loud ?! Where are you guys ?! Pinky, Deuce !" the chief is looking for them but has not found them.

"They're gone or these cons-" He felt a pain in his throat then saw her blood flowing profusely while pissing blood from her throat. He fell to the ground due to his excessive blood loss.

"Oi, boss! Where did you go?" He quickly noticed the lifeless body of his leader on the ground and then quickly stiffened. He immediately warned himself by having his senses active.

* Phewww * A shrill sound crossed the air, the bandit noticed it too late but managed to narrowly avoid it. But he had had a sore on his chest.

'Damn, that was too fast! He got me that bitch! He's a mage!' He looked around and then saw a child coming out of the bushes.

"A kid mage ?! And with that strength, he's worth a fortune!" He smirked evil but Itachi didn't wait and jumped straight towards him with a kunai in his hand.

He rotated his abdomen, but the bandit avoided him. He jumped in the air back then soon threw the 2nd Shuriken at him.

* SPLACH * He hit it in the middle of his chest as the bandit started to breathe hard.

Itachi stood in front of him looking at him coldly then said:

"You can't beat me. My Shurikens are faster than my Kunais. It's a shame for you, but you're going to die here."

He threw his last Shuriken over his head to bring him down. The man fell to the ground. After his last kill, he picked up all of his weapons from the corpses.

'They were weaker than I thought, I overestimated them but it's better that way. Maybe it was the fact that I became a solid red level mage that I had an easier time?' He walked to the back of the cart to free the girl.

He opened the rear curtain of the cart. He had seen several things that belonged to them but he had mostly seen a little girl with silver hair with pointy ears who was crying with her hands and feet tied as well as her mouth.

"You are free, come on." he said, always keeping a calm face.

"Really ?" she said innocently.

"Yes. I'll untie you then, I'll ask you a few questions." he moved closer to her then untied the ropes that bound her.

She looks at him with curiosity and joy because it was the first real time she had ever spoken to a boy.

"Sorry, but I'll hide your eyes for a little while." he took her by the hand to help her get up and then took the blindfold she had over her mouth to tie it over her eyes.

"Oh...Ok, you won't hurt me, will you ?" she asked with a little fear.

"No, don't worry. I'm not a monster who came to eat you. Hold me by the sleeve and follow me, I'll get you out of here." he said as she nodded and followed him.

'This kid doesn't need to see all that blood at this age. After I get him out of here, I have to take Arthur too.' They continued to walk as the little girl asked some innocent questions.

"What is this headband for?"

"You are a small child, so I will keep you from being traumatized by the sight." he said.

"But you're a little kid..." she said with a pout.

"Let's go. I also have to get my little brother back." he said as he picked up the pace.

"Do you have a little brother?" she asked.

"Yes. He's sleeping." they walked a little distance again and Itachi stopped.

"I'll take it away from you now." He gently opened the blindfold to reveal the girl's emerald colored eyes.

"T-Thanks…" She looked at him gratefully and slightly nervous when she saw his neutral gaze.

"Okay, then bye." He was about to leave but she pulled her sleeve to say something.

Itachi looked into his eyes to see that she didn't want to leave him and be alone.

* Sighs * "I have to go home. There are no more bad guys so you can go home quietly. You should be safe in this forest." he said calmly as she shook her head.

"Beasts are only afraid of adults... My parents told me that children will be eaten by dogs or golems..." she looked at him with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Itachi stared at her for a few minutes. She was embarrassed by his intense gaze but waited for his response.

'If I take her home, I might be able to get some help from the Elven Realm as a thank you. They probably have a way for us to get back to Xyrus. ' thought Itachi.

"Okay. I'll take you home. How long will it take us to get to your place ?" he asked.

"I-I don't know..." she whispered.

"Ok. Wait for me here. I'll go get my brother and get some food." he said before he disappeared.

"OK !" she said with a smile.

'He's nice to me but he's also distant. Hmm...this is the first boy my age I meet, I hope it will be a good trip.' thought the young girl.

After ten minutes or so, Itachi came back with Arthur on his shoulder while holding a bag. He also took clothes for the girl.

"Guess they're yours. Take these clothes and we'll begin the journey." He handed the clothes to the girl, who thanked him happily.

He gave her a smile while touching her forehead with his two fingers.

"We didn't even introduce ourselves. Uchiha Itachi."

"Oh...That's right! Me, it's Tessia Eralith! Nice to meet you, Itachi !" she smiled at him as he nodded.

"And he is Arthur Leywin. My little brother." he pointed to Arthur with his head.

"He doesn't have the same name as you..." she said surprised.

"Yes. I'm his adopted older brother. Come on, we have to go." he said before he started walking.

"Wait for me !" she said hastily as she left next to him.

Then they started their journey...

Tessia was asking Itachi questions as he answered quietly.

"How did you end up in Elshire Forest, Itachi?"

"It's a long story...let's say we were separated from the family." he said without going into details.

"Oh. So you're from the human realm, aren't you?"

"Sort of."

"Is it true that all men are perverts and have more than one wife?" she asked innocently.

"It depends on what kind of man he is. But no, not everyone is like that...and as far as I know, nobles can have several wives. Who told you that?" he asked with a cold sweat, because a girl this age shouldn't know all this.

"He's my grandpa." she said with a weeping expression remembering him.

"I see. You shouldn't say words you don't know. And perverts are among the elves too, at least probably..."

"How is your life in Elenoir?" He tried to start a conversation because he was not very good at speaking.

"It's fun! I spend a lot of time with my babysitters and my grandpa because my mom and dad are busy."

'Guardians ? She must not be an anonymous figure.' thought Itachi.

After chatting for a while, they stopped to eat.

"Hmm...Itachi? What happened to the bad guys who attacked me ?" she asked while eating his meat.

"They ran away and will never come back." He lied.

"Ok! Thanks for everything, Itachi...Hey, when's your brother going to wake up?"

"I don't know...Can we say he sleeps a lot?" He didn't know when he was going to wake up. 'Maybe I hit him too hard.' he thought.

After that, he prepared a tent which he had found from the wagon. They were going to spend the night, because it was dangerous to continue when there were animals. Itachi had placed Arthur in the tent and then came out again.

"You should go to sleep too."

"Huh ? How about you ?" she asked sleepily.

"I will stay outside to stand guard and meditate." he said as she went inside.

* Sigh * 'It all happened very quickly. And Sylvia didn't explain the beast will to us...But I should soon be training to increase my mana reserves and to be able to master the Sharingan...' thought Itachi, looking at the stars.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep too? Grandpa told me never to share a bed with a boy, but I won't tell you." she asked shyly.

"I'm not that tired. You can go."

"Oh ok." she was disappointed but tried to find something else. "Y-You see, I just remembered. The beasts will have a better chance of spawning here if they notice you here because they will see that you are a child! So for our safety you should stand guard there inside the tent..." she said nervously.

'How can this child be so naive ?' * Sighs *

"Okay. I'll come and sleep with you."

He went back into the tent and then placed himself in the duvet, next to Tessia. She held his sleeve in fear, the event had always marked her. Itachi had seen that she was still in this state, so he patted her head to reassure her. She finally fell asleep under Itachi's pleasant caresses.

'I will sleep tonight and then I will meditate the other days. Arthur should wake up tomorrow...

I knocked him out without paying attention to my

strength, I'm one level higher than him after all.'

he thought before sleeping.