
Itachi: The copy crow

My name is Itachi I'm an orphan I'm just a normal kid with above-average smarts and good-looking. Then everything changes when the fire nation attack I mean fallen angel. Smart character not that smart Cool-headed mc This is not the Itachi in naruto is just name him Itachi cause Itachi sounds cool.

jakebearchin · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 I got a familiar

[1641 Words]

I swipe my face. Sweat pouring in my face'So that what really happen huh? Getting up I noticed a tug in my arm opening the blanket I see akeno naked as usual but there were in her nipples maybe precaution?

Getting her hand of me I got my towel in my shower putting ordinary shampoo in my hair I can't help but think back to what happen ' why am I not angry? I feel calmer than usual.

Then suddenly I think so I turned off the shower doing some push-up and jumping jacks.

Getting out of the bathroom I got some eggs to make some scrambled eggs then I go to the living room I see akeno-senpai not naked.

Putting her hand on her mouth 'Ufufufuf ara-ara Itachi-Kun getting naked on you really want some action on this young maiden.

Looking at her ' I would have devoured you long ago I just don't have dopamine for that.

Blushing slightly akeno looks at me again 'Ara-ara you sure are bold today Itachi-Kun and composed.

Three days later

It's been three since the church incident I've been interested in the female body since my memory projection all I do is look at the female body and training I wonder if I see kokabiel again maby no I'm not strong enough.

Walking to school I noticed that girls were looking at me more did I do something as I arrive at class and slept.

I go to the orc club then buchou got a stack of fliers 'Eh buchou is gonna give fliers again. 'No, you're gonna get a familiar tonight.

'Uwa buchou whats a familiar. Issei said

'Well since you are all here I'm gonna explain whats the purpose of a familiar is that it will basically be your companion she/he will be your fighting partner in a time when we're not with you and also it can be stationed to give fliers understand issei.

Nodding his head enthuisacally ' yes buchou. Issei said while looking at rias jiggling oppai.

After issei calm down issei questioned whats she familiar with.

Looking at him she smiled she showed a bat that's most likely drunk then it transformed into a lady seeing at issei reaction he likely had some interaction with it.

He's shiro' turning around I saw a white cat as I headed to koneko and patting the cat while also patting koneko suddenly my face darken I remember how there dead 'huh.

Looking at me rias got worried 'Itachi are you okay? Looking at her straight in the and smiled "I've practiced this all morning it should be okay. 'Yeah it's okay buchou I just had some quiet good times with a cat then this cat reminded me of that cat.

Then akeno showed her familiar I don't what was in her mind to get that thing and I don't want to know.

Then Kiba Yuuto spoke up 'Umm my familiar is-. 'Shut it pretty boy I don't want to know your petty familiar.

Suddenly the door got barged in I quickly got up and got a knife in my pocket put it onto the closes to me an unfortunate guy with blonde hair was the guy. putting my knife on his throat looking him in the eye with my darkest look I could look which is pretty since you know what happen.' who are you? I know akeno-senpai put a barrier in here and seeing as you barged in here I assumed you were here to kill us all.

Suddenly my hand got grabbed I looked at the one who grabbed my hand it's souna shitori 'Let go of my hand or ill kill him, terrorist.

'Calm down Itachi there a devil-like us. Seeing as buchou looks at souna shitori familiarity I let go 'Sorry for my sudden attack.

Saji getting out from his shocked 'Uhh sorry too for barging in like that since the door was hard to open I had to use force.

Looking at him I said 'understandable I'll add some more oil then. And I got back to petting koneko.

And then I discover souna shitori is just an alias it's actually sona sitri not much different but okay.

And here we are two boys fighting for a girl 'Heh im worth four pawn points what are you?

Saji Issei hyodo is eight'

'What how can that be.

Thinking I got no idea what piece I am looking at buchou 'Buchou. Looking at rias with a confused look and a hmm? That's saying What is it, my cute servant.

Looking at her blanky I said 'Buchou what piece I am and what am I worth.

'Oh, Rias putting her hand on her mouth 'Sorry about that Itachi I completely forgot about you.

"That kinda hurts. Everyone thought.

Seeing the expression that was giving her 'Uh no it's not that I forgot about wait I did but I was busy clearing things up with the fallen angel faction.

Putting her hand on her hips 'what do you mean clearing thing up in the fallen angel rias? Don't worry rias I'll clear things up.

With a blush on her cheeks 'Uh no sona I've already fixed it plus lady leviathan did it for us.

At the mention of the leviathan, sona cringed.

Anyway, Itachi you're a rook, and you are surprisingly fast for a rook your as fast as Kiba.

Saying this everybody was yet again shocked 'what.

'So what worth am I? Itachi said with an omga boongga face.

Well considering you're piece is a mutation piece and your handling your power well you might be worth more than issei and you might have a sacred gear in you. Rias said with a smile on her.

'Thanks for the information buchou.

So sona what might you be here for?

Well were the ones whose going to the summoning area.

So you're saying is I challenged you into a duel for the seat of the summoning area.

Now where here playing tennis or whatever game is this activating my Sharingan I see reflection mirror ice that sona created surprisingly I created ice in my hand the Sharingan can copy magic why didn't I copy? Kokabiel when I'd fought him is it because I am not an angel? Or maybe I don't have much of an affinity for holy magic.

I've wanted to copy more but sona-senpai just only used an ice reflection mirror.

Hmm, my demonic energy is getting lower I thought magic was the one powering my sharing wait I'm dumb I'm now a devil I'm not human anymore I'm a devil now so that just confiscate for my Sharingan.

Now that's done I'm gonna use that technique that I used on that fight as I put more demonic energy on my eye the other devils noticed my eyes.

Putting on a barrier while the other students were leaving rias goes to Itachi and said Itachi are you okay said in a worried tone.

Buchou why are you speaking so slowly Itachi said "wait when I fought kokabiel he did got slower so is this slowed time si I'm gonna call it slowed hmm my eyesight is getting lower. So I deactivated my mangekyou and got back my three tomoe.

Rias couldn't understand what Itachi said so she said what.

Looking at rias 'oh it is nothing buchou. Seeing that she can understand Itachi again she questioned Itachi 'Itachi what was that red eye.

Seeing as rias would question him more if he didn't 'it's my bloodline buchou.

'A bloodline I didn't even think he knew there's a bloodline. As rias continue to think she remembered there was a clan of red eyes.

It couldn't be right! She has a servant that's the last of his kind on her.

'Cool Itachi-san can you see thrue clothes. Issei said with a giddy on his words.

'No. Hyoudo-san I can see slower like got slower its about bug type slow like a snail that's how slow you will be when normal walking in my Sharingan.

'Wow, that's op as hell also Itachi-san you can just call me issei it feels like we aren't close and we went close to death with right Kiba?

'Indeed I quite like issei not being too polite.

'Okay issei hyoudo-san mr Issei-san. As Itachi said that everyone laugh he couldn't understand why they were laughing.

Seven Pm in Kouh Academy

Right in the center of the arena, we are playing dodgeball as a few minutes went by Issei-san got hit in the balls so I activated my Sharingan it seem he's going to be okay nothing got damaged.

As we got back they tried to issei me but I caught in time I activated my Sharingan back and I saw my pepropator as I spunned around and catch another ball and threw the one back to its original spot and threw the other one to Saji guy.

And we won as we got to the familiar forest buchou was waiting for someone suddenly a person came out of the tree and I looked at him and couldn't be helped but asked 'Ash Ketchum?

Looking at me the old man smirked 'Guess youngy lad.

As we got around we got attacked by a slime monster I activated my Sharingan use demonic energy in my eye and got my knife and force demonic energy in it and it cracked.

As I sliced around the team them not moving around si not to get cut.

After that was done we Asia got a dragon I couldn't remember the name of the species of that dragon but Asia name it Rassei.

As we got around as we were slowly going home a hawked go in my shoulder and it seemed to like me and I like him too so I got him as my familiar I'll name him Sasuke.


A/N well since it will get longer I just to f it just upload it.