
Itachi: The copy crow

My name is Itachi I'm an orphan I'm just a normal kid with above-average smarts and good-looking. Then everything changes when the fire nation attack I mean fallen angel. Smart character not that smart Cool-headed mc This is not the Itachi in naruto is just name him Itachi cause Itachi sounds cool.

jakebearchin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 Itachi's Past

Here I was floating my surroundings seemed to be yellow then it's warping all around me then suddenly I was in the middle of a house. standing looking around and I concluded that I didn't know where I was but this seems to be the old Japanese setting for a house then I saw that was almost identical to me a 6-7 years old.

Watching him seems to be getting ready for something putting a knife on the bag I guess that's a knife? it's weirdly made and a ninja star cosplay? as he goes to the kitchen he saw a letter suddenly I was being forced on the kid then I merged with him.

Standing there for almost thirteen minutes ' Did I just take over a kid's body? shaking my head I grabbed the letter and I opened it there's another letter reading the letter.


My little Itachi there's food in the kitchen that I prepared for unfortunately I cannot go home for three days love.


After reading that I suddenly realize that maby my brain is trying to remember something so it's rebooting right that's why this is happening. Grabbing the other letter it is from the clan head?

'I'm in a clan? following that, I opened the letter.

Dad Clan head

"So my father's the clan head.

In the messaged

Itachi I've got a mission for you to unlock your Sharingan you will be put on the battlefield I'll give you the coordinates where the battlefield is it's in 135.353.532 and then I suddenly move I couldn't control my body that time I struggled for a few minutes.

As I was about to leave I heard something ' Nee-chan nee-chan you forgot your food. as I turned around I saw a kid with black hair and black eye and had a dark blue t-shirt with a red and white fan crest.

I instinctively said ' Little brother thanks for that. As I grabbed my lunch bag as I was unconsciously ruffled his haired he smiled at me. ' Ne nee-chan can I come with you. Smiling ' No Sasuke im on an important mission maybe next time. Said while poking his forehead and ruffling his hair then leaving with a high speed running.

" I must have loved my family if I've done something like that. arriving at the location I see fallen angels and devils everywhere and I see a devil that is bloodied and said ' W-water I need water.

I gave him some water and suddenly he killed me 'What!. As I returned to the old-style Japanese house as I go to the same counter again then read the same letter and forgot my lunch again and got to the same location then I saw the same devil I tried not to come to him but I couldn't control my body again then when I gave him my water my instincts were telling me to back off but before I could I was dead again.

Then that repeated about thirty times around 'How did I survive this when I was a kid. As I was moving around I was really tense even though this is a rebooting of my past it is still painful as I arrived at my dreaded area as I looked around I saw him my killer and then I couldn't move again I was getting ready to jump off to my back.

'I see I see his movements. backing off got my kunai in my pouch as the guy dashed toward me and I cut his armed off my eyes widened " Huh I cut him. as my kunai turned red and absorb the armed my eyes widen again. " WTF.

' Arrg Durarara. flailing around the devil fly out as the devil retreated a guy came out I looked at him and unconsciously said 'Tou-san.

My dad smiled at me 'Congratulation Itachi. then everything went out dark everything is dark.

Phased One Of Itachi Past
