
Itachi: The copy crow

My name is Itachi I'm an orphan I'm just a normal kid with above-average smarts and good-looking. Then everything changes when the fire nation attack I mean fallen angel. Smart character not that smart Cool-headed mc This is not the Itachi in naruto is just name him Itachi cause Itachi sounds cool.

jakebearchin · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Am I dead now

It feels like I'm dead but why is it warm 'Ahh!.

Snuggling my face 'Uhh! It's soft.

I can't seem to open my eyes 'What is this it's poking me I tried to get away from but it seem to get in my mouth.

I open my eyes and I see white and it's round what is this in my mouth I out of it pink! it's pink and round wait a minute?

Looking up I saw Akeno-senpai.

'Akeno-senpai why are you in my room?

Looking away from and grabbing her breast, covering her breast got of some drool in it looking away shyly 'Ara-ara. muttering 'Well Itachi-kun you were pretty injured last night.

'So why am I naked?

Getting her School Uniform on and leaving the bed 'So I can heal you.

'Oh ok, thanks for that, and thanks for letting me suck it that was an experience. after saying that akeno blushed and welcome me. I got up off the bed got my school clothes then go to the bathroom do a quick shower and went to the middle room it seems keno's already out getting a few eggs and crack and made a Sunday egg.

After I got to school nothing strange happen then lunch came I came to the [ORC] and saw Kiba and koneko sitting there.

As I sat down akeno came in and looked at me with a blush I just got tea and rias came in.

'Did anyone see Issei today? while saying she got on her personal desk.

'No buchou.

After I got back to class than in the middle of the class Kiba Yuuto came and got me and we got back to the ORC and we see Issei getting scolded.

'Buchou, Im going to the church sinced im just a useless PAWN! im not that worth that much even if you lost me.

After suddenly Rias got the red magic crcle on and then akeno and Rias teleported and that Issei left and me yuuto toujo came with for what?

To Attack the Church.