
The first day

It was on a lovely Thursday morning and Lauryn was starting her first day at high school. She is a 17 year old girl who just transferred from another city, she struggled with depression since she was 15 years old but seemed to be healing. Her mother dropped her off at the school it was her first day and the teachers led her to her new class it was a great start of the day... but if only she new that this year was going to be her year.

"Lauryn you may seat at the back there with Samantha" said the teacher. "Yes ma'am" she responded, as she was preparing her books and sorting them out... there he passed from the window beside her walked Sky the guy who will change her life forever. As he passed there Lauryn's heart beat extremely fast it was kind of love at first sight, she continued to watch him as he passed by there until Samantha woke her up by saying "hi I'm Samantha nice to meet you" she said this with a a very hearty smile and Lauryn could see that Samantha was a very nice person as and she was really beautiful "hi I'm Lauryn" she introduced herself.

Through the whole class all Lauryn could think about was the guy that passed by her window she wondered if she knew him or maybe not. Finally the recess came Lauryn had no one to sit with as at lunch so she sat alone on a bench as she ate the sandwich and drink her mother packed, then there he was again... Sky he was passing by with his friend Theo, him and Lauryn made eye contact for the entire time that he passed. Lauryn was thinking as he finally passed and she said "why do I feel like I know him"her heart was beating fast and she wondered why.

At home she was all alone as her mother was working and only came at night she makes dinner keep some for her mother, eat, studies and then goes to sleep it was her daily routine but this time Lauryn felt like something was different she felt like she was going to love school.

The next day at school Lauryn came late to class, but coincidentally Sky came late as well they met at the school gate and Lauryn greeted him first with a hi and he responded with a hello and Lauryn had that feeling again where her heart started to race "I wonder what i wrong with me I must be sick I should go for testing how could my heart just beat like this" said Lauryn.

Please forgive me I know it's very short but I'm new here so I just wanted to try something new. I hope you will enjoy

Saone_Lauryncreators' thoughts