
It wasn’t romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour [BL]

“So, how did you two love birds meet?” “It wasn’t that romantic, we met at a tattoo parlour.” First year university student, Siwoo is a very talented and cute young boy with a promising future ahead of him. However when his parents found out he was homosexual, they kicked him out. Since then he has been living with his first boyfriend of 6 month and things were going perfectly (at least that’s how Siwoo would describe it) up till now...

tegz · Urban
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6 Chs

They All Left One By One

Dohyung clears his throat. "Do you two know each other or something?"

"Oh, this is-" Siwoo starts.

"No need for you to introduce me." Jae stands up from his stool, stretching his hand out for Dohyung to shake but Dohyung ignores it causing Jae to smile lightly. "The name is Jae."

"We met at university, his uncle is the head of the art department."

The room suddenly became cold, Siwoo could feel shivers going up his spine. He felt uneasy, a dark and unpleasant aura was lurking around Dohyung.

It was something he had felt before.

Whenever Siwoo will take his boyfriend to befriend any male friend he had met off campus (since they never showed their relationship publicly at university) he would immediately become over-protective of Siwoo, almost as if he was a lost puppy.

At first it was cute, having your boyfriend fawn over you and not want anyone else to be around you but after awhile Siwoo began to realise that all his friends started to become distant. They didn't call or text, they stopped conversations on the group chat they are together. Later on, Siwoo just discovered that he's friend had just created a new one without him.

They were scared. Scared of who? Well, you already know the answer of that question.

Siwoo just didn't understand why they would do such a thing. Was it him? Was he the problem? Did they not like him anymore? Was he annoying,boring, not compassionate enough, was he too wrapped up in his own relationship and too blind to see that that his own friends disappearing right in front of him?

The worst part of it all, Dohyung made it seem as if they were the bad guys. He was constantly reminding Siwoo that his friends were pathetic just like him whenever Siwoo would want to hang out with them. Dohyung said that he shouldn't associate himself with people who only go out and get drunk, people who sleep around, with people who always try to get involved with their relationship.

Dohyung had manipulated Siwoo's mind so much that he was convinced that his old mates were just toxic and that he didn't need them, he never needed them.

All he needed in his life was Dohyung.

Siwoo will never forget that wintry day, it was Christmas Eve and he was looking for a present for his boyfriend. He didn't really know what to get so like in every k-drama he decided to go into a bakery and buy a strawberry shortcake.

"Uh, can I have one strawberry shortcake." Siwoo pressed his finger against the glass cabinet which had the cakes inside.

"A piece or the whole thing?" The cashier asked. "Also would you like me to write anything on it?"

"A whole cake and...can you write Merry Christmas Dohyung!" Siwoo took off his hood, beaming brightly, imaging how happy Christmas day would be with his significant other. Snuggling up close to each other in bed, drinking warm hot chocolate and opening presents.

"Oh, Gosh." The operator of the pastry shop dropped her steel tongs. "Siwoo? Is that you? You're still with that bastard?" She said.

Siwoo's smile faded. "Do I know you?"

"It's me, Eunjin."


Everything came flooding back into his head, all his friends who all left one by one.All the fun he had but all the pain he went through trying to understand why they ditched him.

"W-why...uh..." Just thinking about it made Siwoo's eyes watery. "Is there a reason, why you all stopped talking to me."

"A reason?" She scoffed. " Are you that oblivious?!"

"Oblivious? What are you talking about, Eunjin?"

"Your manipulative, controlling psycho deranged boyfriend! He was the problem, Siwoo."

"I-I...I don't understand."

"Of course you don't."

"Please, tell me why."

"It's all because of Dohyung, Siwoo. Your boyfriend, he's crazy! He sent us death threats, telling us to leave you alone or else he'd murder us."

"You're lying..." Siwoo murmured.

"Don't you realise, you're in a toxic relationship! He's been abusing you, physically and mentally...he has just been using you."

"No, no..

"He pushed us all away so that he could keep abusing you and torturing you in that place you call home."

"Stop it...just shut up.."

"He doesn't love you, Siwoo."

"I said, shut up!"

Tears trickled down Siwoo's pale face which was struck with horror. There was no way his boyfriend did all this, she's just lying. She's lying so it makes it seem as if she was a good friend when she was just a shitty one.

"You're lying, Dohyung told me the truth...he said..he said you tried to sleep with him." He breaths became heavy, he felt as is someone was pressing against his throat making it harder and harder for him to breathe.

"And you believed him?" Eunjin said shocked.

"Yes, because you were a slut! A filthy whore who slept around with so many guys! And then you tried to sleep with my boyfriend thinking he would actually fall for it!" He spat. " You're just trying to blame him, he is a good person...h-he helped me when I was hurting!"


Siwoo scurries out of the bakery, feeling the coldness brush against his face. It was comforting, his face was red and heated from the argument he just had.

From that day, he decided to not even worry about them. If they were going to lie like that how could he ever trust them.

"Nice." Dohyung nods. "I'll leave you to get your tattoo done, I'm gonna go have a smoke."

Siwoo sighs, removing himself from Dohyung's grip.

Dohyung glares at Jae before leaving the room.

"Now that, that distraction is out of the way. How about we start your tattoo?"