
Chapter 8

Helen's whole body was shaking as she listened, eneraged by how her friend had been suffering at the hands of the people she considered family. She was especially disappointed in Nell. In high school, Jade had mentioned not having dated anyone before due to her difficulty in trusting people, so seeing how Jade had decided to date Nell, that meant she genuinely trusted and loved him. Helen knew that after today, Jade's trust issues would only get stronger and that her relationship with Nell was already unrepairable.

However, the biggest problem right now was the fact that Jade now had nowhere to live, and no one near her that she could rely on through this hard time. Helen felt that it was regretful she lived so far away and couldn't be very helpful. While considering many impossible options, her brain struck on one that seemed plausible.

"Why don't you just apply to transfer to the university I go to? Knowing how much smarter you are than me academically, it shouldn't be difficult to do so. You can stay with my parents for now and I could handle your living expenses until you transfer. When you come here we could live together in my apartment. How does that sound?"

Hearing a supportive voice- a voice that wasn't blaming her but rather, trying to help her- Jade felt her insides softening in an undescribable sense of relief and happiness.

"I'll definitely pay you back for everything some day, Helen," she said, even though she knew that her friend didn't care whether or not she got something in return for her help. All Helen cared about was supporting her best friend through possibly the most difficult time of her life. Even if she spent her whole life just helping Jade, she would never regret it.

This update came much later than I was hoping yikessss.... After writing chapter 7 I forgot this app existed for about a day, then the next day I went to my friend's house for a sleepover and could barely use my phone... and yesterday I was feeling like crap so I basically slept all day arghhhh... Ill start writing chapter 9 today too hehehehe

Nightlyjongcreators' thoughts