
chapter 19 Addison pov

Sports time came, Amelia was literally waiting for me outside my class, she clasped my hand together in mine as we both walked to the direction of the gym, as soon as we reached the gym my eyes landed in a particular set of green eyes soon I realized it was Kevin,then I shouted "hey" he suddenly looked my way and waved me back I suddenly ran to him unaware that I had let go of Amelia hands when I got to him I greeted him "hey," "umm hey he said hyd he asked" "good " I replied, "so first things first I said I want to apologize for how I answered your call I didn't know it was you" I said truthfully, I .... "it's okay I knew you weren't expecting my call so I understood" , it's fine I believe you okay he said giving me that cheerful smile "so what are you doing today" I asked "ohh ummm I doing tryouts to join the basket ball team he repiled" "ohh nice well then it's good I came so I will cheer for you" I said he look at me shocked but I could have sworn I saw a blush behind that shocked expression on his face, "ummm meet my friend" I said looking to my side it was then I realized I had left Amelia, I also realized that she had stopped dead In her tracks when I called out Kevin's name when I turned back I saw Amelia walking towards is with her gaze looking straight at Kevin, so I looked at Kevin and asked "do you two know each other"? "ummm no"Kevin answered I looked at her and this time she was looking at me , he's who again she asked, "Kevin" I repiled "Kevin meet Amelia, Amelia meet Kevin". I said as I waited for them to exchange pleasantries Kevin stretched out his hands but then Amelia just waved him and excused herself to go to the washroom, I found that quite odd, cause she is usually a talkative when meeting new people "Did do something wrong" he asked "no, no she's not really in a good mood today" I said unsure of the matter myself, "just let that be for now I said go in now your tryouts session are starting make sure you do your best I said he smiled and walked Away to join the rest of the team mates.