
chapter 12 Addison POV

I reached school hoping to see Amelia at the school gate, but she wasn't there I sighed and checked my phone but she hadn't seen or repiled to my message I decided to wait for her to come but after a few minutes I just gave up and went into the school I reached my locker to put away some of my books I brought from home and take out the books I was gonna be using for my first class dropped my phone in my locker and left. after the class was over I went straight to my locker to take out my book for my history class not after checking my phone I sighed seeing my unread message on closing my locker I walked down the hallway towards my history class until I saw Amelia In there I was shocked but somewhat relieved that she was able to come I scurried over to her hey b what's up why didn't you you pick my calls or even answer my messages ohh

sorry about that she replied my phone is dead I didn't bother to charge it because I was lazy I just shook my head looking at her, what she repiled "why are you looking at me like that" she asked, well tell me why were you late then, "I waited for you at the bus stop but you didn't show up" ohh I had to go and wait for my boy... she caught off the sentence looking at me "boy what" I asked "nothing my guy friend I wanted to come with home that's all hmmm ok I send unsure she was telling me the truth but I believed her anyway, ummm do You have the assignment she asked me ohh yh I do buts it's in my locker tho I can get for you I offered because I thought You weren't you know coming today. whatever just tell me your password and I'll get it ok it's 2654 I said k see ya brb k then.


urgggh that girl gets on my nerves well thank goodness I've gotten out of this one or else she would have found out about Damian and she would start lecturing me and giving me 1 million reasons why I shouldn't hangout with guys like him i better go get my assignment before that history teacher would have my head.