
Chapter 2- The teleport

It was Friday afternoon, I was just sitting in park on the bench waiting for Matt. It was 4PM and we were supposed to be here at 3PM. I was kinda worried and mad at the same time.

I was done. It was 5:30PM and I was tired waiting. These days he was always late. But he always came. At first, I was so worried that I called him multiple time but he always answered. (sometimes)

Sometimes he forgot and sometimes he was late because of school. But I get it, everybody goes to school and everybody can forgot something. But this time... He didn't came. I taught: 'What if he is gone?‚ or ' What if he's got a girlfriend, and don't have time for me?‚. And I was right. He's got a girlfriend. I was shocked. I couldn't take it. I started to have feelings for him and I thought he had them too for me. But I guess I was wrong.

I rushed to his house.

I knocked on door so agresive.


me- „Matt! Open that damn door!"

Matt- „Shit."

?- „Whats wrong, honey?"

Matt- „Nothing, babe. I will get it."

That ch*c. I kicked out the door before he could even touch the door handle.

Matt- „ Yo! Ashley!"

I ignored him. I was going to that ch*c.

me- „Where the f*ck is she!?

Matt- „Hey! Stop!"

me-„You," points at him „don't touch me. We will discuss about it when that ch*c will be out"

Matt- „Wha-"

I was going to kill that b**ch. None one could now stop me.

me- „Hey you! Yes you b**ch."

girl- „What the f*ck! Babe! Get this psycho out of your house!

me- „Dont f*cling call me a psycho you plastic b**ch!"

I punched her. I didn't care anymore. But little did I know. She kind of witch, or something like that. When I was gonna punch her again when she like teleported me. It was really weird. I collapsed when I was somewhere traveling.

Matt- „What the fuck did you do?!"

girl- „Well I just teleported her. She was too loud"

Matt- „What the hell?! Are you dum-"

And then she teleported him too....