
Chapter 21.

Babies are God’s gift, pregnancies are often glorified, but most of the thing most people don’t talk about are the pains, the discomfort, and if it has been a harsh pregnancy. When a woman gets pregnant, her life changes in an instant, her body goes through something so natural, but not all women have it easy, not everyone that had a harsh pregnancy would have a hard delivery.

4 and a half months go by, Sasha is about 7 and a half months pregnant now, she shifted back to Miami a month after announcing she’s part-owner of Pablo’s, and she’s not seen Mateo since. Everyone knew Sasha is pregnant other than Mateo, but only Pablo and Mami knew the baby was Mateo’s, she hasn’t gotten the chance to tell Mateo and she wasn’t particularly rushing to talk to Mateo, since he’s been avoiding her.