
Chapter 2

"I'm Everly, it's nice to meet you!". "Such a pretty name", I thought to myself. They started talking together and I didn't really pay any attention to what they were saying I just stuck my head to the desk and ignored it all. The class started and everyone went to their seats. I was a little relieved. I didn't really pay attention during the class and the teacher wasn't all that enthusiastic either.

It was break time now, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, and a few classmates came in. They were talking about the new girl. I guess I wasn't the only one to think she's cute. I knew no on would come pick me today either so I thought why not go take a walk in the park. There I saw her. It was Emma again. She seemed looking for something this time. I didn't really give her much attention and kept walking, but for some damn reason she saw me and ran towards me.

- "Hey! Isn't it you from class?". "I didn't catch your name".

- "I'm Ray, i-it's nice to meet you" I replied.

- "Oh, I'm Everly nice to meet you too" "I'm looking for my lost cat, she's been gone ever since we moved in, I'm very worried"

It must be her cat on the missing posters I thought. Guilt took the better of me and I offered to help. She was very glad when I offered. That only made me feel even guiltier. As I was searching, she kept trying to start conversations with me. I didn't really know how to respond so it seemed like I was being dry with her. She then eventually got the message -the wrong message- and gave up.

We kept on searching and she spotted a white cat in the distance. She exclaimed, "There!" She ran towards it and I ran after her. It was a little steep hill from there, surrounded by trees and a little creek at the end. The cat jumped into some bushes and Emma jumped in after her, I saw the cat leave the bushes with Emma still inside. She came out covered in thorns and I couldn't help but giggle. Her face was flushed red and she continued the chase.

A little while later she spotted the cat again and kept on the chase. I kept following her until we got a little close to the creek. It was a shallow point of the creek, not at all dangerous. She suddenly said "Thank you for accompanying me, I'm really new here so I don't have much friends". I was very embarrassed but also glad. She suddenly tripped as we were walking on the side of the creek and fell directly into the water. She looked a little shocked, and that look on her face soon turned to laughter, and mine followed. "So he can smile" She said with a cheeky look on her face.

She caught me off guard and splashed water all over me. I hadn't had fun like this in a while. She made me forget all that happened, all for a few minutes. Then it dawned on me all over again and that laughter of mine turned into a pale look of nothingness, as if I had seen a ghost. She asked if I was okay, I shrugged it off and said I'm fine.

- "We should get going now, it is getting kinda late"

- "Yea I guess so" she replied. "I had fun she added"

- "Me too" I replied, with a slight smile on my face.

I took her back to the park and we both went our separate ways. I had to return home after all, before he gets back.