
In The Beginning There Was Light

Huh, what?

I blink away the little sleep left in my eye to access my surroundings.

The first thing I notice is that ceiling send to have become the colour of the sky, or I lost my ceiling, can't really tell considering my brain still feels muddled.

The second thing is that I can feel a draft coming from above, but considering I'm facing down wouldn't that be below?

These two things add up to make up the fact that I'm probably falling down.

That wakes me up!

There first thing that comes to mind is that u must be dreaming, that idea quickly get squashed out. The fear of falling to your death will do that to must people. Then I remember all those sky diving videos I've watched that instruct people to fall flat and spread there surface area to reduce the speed of there fall. I do that and look down, what I see is the ocean. A little further ahead and I see a ship yard. Though I don't think I'll make it to land by the time I fall. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad. Then again considering the velocities I'm reaching, it probably won't matter where I land. I'll still go splat!

I immediately start panicking, an action that takes all but a few seconds until I find something else to occupy my mind from impending doom. The city, looks like it isn't doing much better itself. I mean I see a few buildings on fire, then again this might be the norm here. What do I know, I just arrived.

Immediately I notice a red and blue blur zipping through the burning buildings. The blur stops long enough to start putting out the fire by reverse vacuuming it? Suddenly an explosion goes off and a car becomes airborne. The blur flies and catches the car and I'm just close enough to make out it's some guy wearing a kind of costume, why I begin to comprehend that if I'm close enough to make out it's a person, then I close enough to dieing.

While I renew I'm panicking and at a little flailing to the mix, something wierd starts happening. I begin to notice that there's some kind of aura around the guy (yes, I'm close enough to make out it's a guy). It's looking like a blend between yellow and a hint of gold. Just as begin to ask myself what the hell I'm seeing and realise I know what power this guy has.

Kryptonian Physiology


-Enhanced/X-ray vision

-Heat Vision

-Supernatural Physiology

-Accelerated thinking

-Solar Energy recharge

-Tactile Telekinesis

And if that wasn't enough of a clue that I wasn't in Lagos anymore, the fact that I instinctly knew that I just gained a few of the same powers I just sensed from the guy.

Wait a minute, some dude, wearing a blue spandex, red cape, effortlessly carrying a 2 ton car like it weighs nothing. Oh my God are my last thoughts before I finally crash into the ocean and darkness takes over.

umm, thoughts anyone?

PJCGcreators' thoughts