
Chapter 3 The Dates (<— WRONG)

March 20, 2020 first date with a guy, why a guy? I have no idea because I'm a lesbian. But I think he was bisexual I don't know that date was horrible. All he ever talked about was his ex! Next! March 22, 2020 a date with a girl (She was very VERY spoiled) she asked me to get her the lobster at the restaurant and it was about $50! I couldn't handle one more $45 steak and I said "I'm sorry but this isn't going to work out." And she exploded. I had to get the manager out here people. Next! March 25, 2020 a girl (tomboy-ish girl like me! Also I didn't go back to guys.) she wasn't that bad she was my type, had the same interest, and like the same hobbies I thought this was the one but when the waitress came over and accidentally said "What's your number?" To me my date went from bubbly to you kicked hulk in the balls. So I cut her off. Next! Wait that was the last of it. I have one more date to go to right now, I'll send you an update when I get back!