
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter 5

5 years later.



I felt two tiny hands on my back pushing me to the edge of the bed." Please wake up mommy we need to go"

It was Saturday I didn't have any work to do so I decided to wake up a bit late "it's Saturday leave me alone"

"But you promised" he was whining again. " you promised to take me to the plaza"

" it's early baby and I'm... (yawns) tired" I turned to face my little man. His black hair was full and bushy covering his lovely face and plum cheeks, he wore a navy blue pajama and held a blue teddy bear in his hand. I smiled at the wonderful being I gave birth to." Oh baby come lie down with mommy hmm..." I reached out my hands and grabbed him, pulling him to my chest. August struggled to get away from me but instead I rained kisses on his face.

"Mommy..." He yelled, I finally pulled away from him and rolled over for him to escape my grip.

"I don't plan on going to work today" his shoulders slumped. "don't feel bad, look at the bright side you get to spend time with me"

He looked at me with the most adorable eyes I had ever seen, he was doing it again, the doey eyes. I quickly covered my eyes with my hands " no I won't fall for those eyes"

"Please!!!" I could convulse from his cuteness.

My Achilles heels were his eyes, those dark blue midnight eyes. Once you see them you're drawn in by it's beauty.

"Fine fine go dress up"


August jumped off my bed and ran out of my room" careful dear"

I sat up and stretched my stiff bones. Yesterday I got home really late from work. It's been 5 years still I'm not off the hook yet.

   I graduated 2 years after I had August and then opened up my own business enterprise. A fashion plaza in my name. I bought a house in my mom's estate and now living the life of a single parent. Life has been a little bit rough but I keep going not for myself but for my August.

  I came out of my bathroom with a robe on. My little man was already waiting for me on the bed "well that was quick"

I chuckled and walked in to my dresser.

"I picked my clothes yesterday before dinner" August swung his feets on the edge of the bed while waiting for me.

"Really?" I feigned being surprised.

"Yes mummy"

I came out of the dresser a few minutes later. I wore matching outfits with my son. White shirts blue trousers and a huge cream coat, my blonde hair was packed in a ponytail with a few strands on my edges, just like my baby.

" how do I look?" I posed in front of him like a magazine model.

"Pretty" his eyes glimmered brightly and his pink lips were gaped.I squealed like mouse and hugged my baby, every little thing he did just had to be adorable.

"Thank you, now let's have breakfast and be off" we both had pancakes for breakfast before setting out to my plaza.


I stepped out of my car and turned to the back seat to pick my boy. Just before I could raise him I jolted in fear

"Good morning miss Gwen"


"Are you alright miss, I'm sorry for startling you" I carried August in my arms and turned to my PA.

"Good morning Jesse" I smiled at the young girl, she's had coffee brown hair and chocolate eyes. She was a little bit chubby and voluptuous making her outfit look nice and fitted, beside her was a baby stroller with a cute baby inside.

Jesse was 19 when we met at the bus stop. Unlike me who had my mom's support, Jesse was completely abandoned by her family because of her pregnancy. I took Jesse in and covered for all her bills and also helped her get through high school. After she graduated she had her daughter, now she works for me.

"How are you?" I pat her hair gently. August was sleeping on my shoulders with his thumb in his mouth.

"I'm fine Miss Gwen" Jesse bowed she took my bag from my hand and walked in.

" it's another day Gwen"


   I was scrolling through the list of goods that had arrived last night. A staff of mine was counting the goods and giving them their purchase numbers while I typed it in my pad. I felt someone hugged me from behind. His face was buried in between my neck and shoulder. "Well, looks like your busy"

"You really need to get yourself a girlfriend George, we're siblings" I pulled away from him and turned to face him. George was taller now and I had to crane my neck just to look at his smug handsome face. His hair was packed in a half ponytail and he had an earring on his right ear, he was literally a 10 out of 10.

"Are you dazzled by my beauty sister?" He had that smirk on his face the type that made my hands itch to slap it off.

"When did you get back" I led him to my office.

"Today, I decided to visit my beautiful sister before heading home" he held my hand but I pulled it out. "You hurt and heal me with all your actions"

"I thought sending you abroad would sharpen your senses" I rolled my eyes

"Uncle George!!!" August came running towards us.

"Augie" I picked my kid before George could. "You're cruel sometimes do you know that" I acted oblivious to what he just said and walked to my office.

"Are you hungry?" George asked August, who was nodding his head in the most adorable way ever.

"Good, cause I'm taking you and your mom out for lunch" I frowned at George

"Isn't Dad expecting you today?"

"He should wait" George was always the daring twin. He was never timid around my father infact he challenged him alot. "You're the most important thing in my life" he has always been a sweetheart since we were young.

"Uncle George do you like my Mom" my mind went blank, what was going on in August's mind. George laughed so much he had tears falling from his eyes.

"Of course,I like your Mom..." I snapped at him"...afterall she's my sister"

"George is my brother baby okay nothing more" I smiled at August and pecked his plum cheeks." You boys wait here,let me get my bag" I put August down and entered my office. I picked up my bag, my phone and my keys. " let's go"

I drove while George sat in the passenger seat with August on his lap, they both talked about trivial things while I on the other hand just listen to the radio.

"Say Gwen when are you going to visit home" I turned to George I knew exactly what he was doing,"Dad misses you" I smiled casually, I haven't seen my father in 5 years. I couldn't, I mean I was disowned I doubt he'd want to see me." It'd going to be okay,Gwen"

"Mommy, can we visit Grandma after lunch?"August seemed to understand what was going on.

"Another time baby, I still have work to do" he turned to his uncle and activated doey eyes.

"Come on gwen, how can you say no to this adorable creature" they both faced me with their undeniably cute faces. This wasn't a fair match. I drove in to the restaurant's parking lot.

"Another time baby please mommy really have work to do"

"Okay" he replied sadly

"Let me make it up to you with ice cream" I parked my car and turned to him "fine, I'll make your favorite meal tonight okay"

August brightened up in an instant.  "So easy to bribe" George shook his head.

"Shut up" I got out of the car "let's go"

"Have you tasted alcohol Augie"

"George!!!" What was he teaching my son, what an irresponsible uncle.

  We stepped in together and took seats by the window. George decided to make our order while August tailed behind him. I on the other hand just scrolled through my phone, there was nothing interesting going on on social media.

  I decided to do what I always do when I'm bored. I browsed his name on Instagram and scrolled through his pictures. Even after so many years he's still as hot as ever.

"A fan of Mr Everest" I snapped at the man who was sitting beside me and eavesdropping on my personal life, when did he get here. "Sorry for acting rude I thought you were bored".

" so you decided to eavesdrop on me" I reported angrily

"I'm sorry" I stared at the stranger beside me. He had short brown hair and a neatly shaved beard. He wore a black coat and a checkered scarf. He smiled warmly.

"It's fine" I waved my hand

"Thank you, I'm Harris Grey" he stretched out his hand for a hand shake.

"Gwen" I replied but didn't shake his hand. Harris smiled awkwardly and withdrew his hand.

"You're the founder of Gwendolyn's Empire" I nodded slowly and scrutinized this mysterious man. "Good, I'm here for the business proposal" my eyes widened.

"You're the Grey " he nodded with a supposed charming smile. "You should have waited for me at the office instead"

"I'm kind of a busy man so I decided to merge lunch and work"

"I see, well I am not busy and I'm having lunch with my family so I can't merge lunch and work" I smiled when I saw George and August coming, I didn't like George's smugged face. I felt he was angry

"Excuse me but you are on our seats" George glared at Harris

"Sorry I was just having a word with this beautiful lady" a vein popped on George's head

"Didn't your mother teach you not to sit with people's wives" I was shocked by George's words, was he serious or was that a joke.

"She's your wife..."

"No, my sister and she's married so back off" George slammed his hand on the table and smiled "I wouldn't want to stain my suit with dirty blood"

"Fine fine I'll leave, afterall we did prospone our appointment" Harris stood up and bowed"Monday by 9am " he smiled and left.

"You overreacted" I glared at George, he didn't seem bothered by his behavior.

"I didn't " he helped August sit and took his seat as well.

" he's a client, he didn't mean any harm" i reasoned with him.

"Yeah right, I'm sure that's what you said about his father" I looked at George in shock, some how those words stung me deep. "I'm sorry" he immediately apologized.

"It's fine" I smiled and turned to my baby who was struggling with the huge cotton candy in his hand. "Do you like it August" he nodded with a full mouth. Looking at him brought a lot of memories.

"I'm sorry Gwen" George stretched out his hand across the table and held mine. "I don't want history to repeat itself, I don't want to see you hurt anymore"

"Thank you George, but I'm an adult now. I'm not a fool to make the same mistake twice" I smiled meekly "don't worry about me okay I'll be fine..." We stared at each other for a while, before the waiter arrived with our order.

"(Sighs) I guess I can't protect you no more" he pretended to be in pain"my beautiful sister"

"Just eat George, your food will get cold" I picked my cutlery and dug in.

"Next time don't go around saying stuff like that, it's embarrassing"

"Ahhh, so you aren't married" George chuckled and ate a huge chunk of meat.

"You little..." I was about to curse him hard, but he drew me back to my senses and pointed at August.

"You don't want him to hear that do you" I glared at him then smiled right after I stepped on his foot under the table." You're really good at making me feel pain and pleasure".



  At the international airport

Darren had his eyes glued to the window, he couldn't believe he was back after 5 years. He had a glass of wine in his hand and his phone in the other.

"We've arrived sir" a butler stood beside him with a tray in his hand.

"I can see that" Darren's voice was grimm and sober, it was almost as if he was crying but his face looked handsome as ever.

"It will be alright sir" his butler consoled him.

"Yes it will" he kept the glass of wine on the tray and stood up. His hair was waxed perfectly and the navy blue suit was fitted on his body.

"Welcome home Master Everest" he stepped out of the plane and walked down the red carpet. In front of him were a group of people he had never seen but he knew everything about them.

"Thank you" Darren smiled as he walked one of the men who approached him. Darren had no intention of granting this men his audience so he walked away.

He got into a white limo and drove out of the airport leaving the men dumbfounded.
