
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 18

I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. "Did he kiss me?"

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed in my pillow while acting in the most childish way ever. Does that mean he has feelings for me? Even though the answer wasn't clear to me I still felt ecstatic.

"Oh my God" I giggled like a child. This had turned out to be a good day, but then again I didn't really act nice to him. I was yet again convicted, what if he just wanted to be close to his child? I mean it's been 6 years already. What if Darren has someone he is in a relationship with?

I mean he comes from a prestigious family, I doubt they'd let him be single for so long.

"But doesn't that mean he is cheating on his supposed fiancee" I sat up straight staring at the moon outside my window. It was so bright even though it wasn't a full moon.

Was it really right for me to let him in? Was my actions truly mean for August or me? Deep down, really deep down I wanted to be with him. I wanted to have him back in my life.

"Mommy" I turned to the door where my little angel stood wearing his blue pajamas.

"Yes dear" everything about my child reminded me about his father. If only he looked a little bit like me, I wouldn't feel guilty that I hid him from his father. I could still remember Darren's sad eyes.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" August fiddled with his hands and stared at me with those doey eyes.

"Come in" I stretched out to my bed and he ran in gleefully "careful" I chuckled before lying down beside him.

August curled up like a ball and squeezed himself in my body. He had the cutest smile when ever he did that. I gently stroked his hair and tangled it in between my fingers. I enjoy playing with his hair, it reminds me so much about Darren's. My cheeks felt warm once more.

"Mommy" August looked up to me with a serious look "when is Popsicle man coming back"

"Darren?"August nodded.

I hugged him tight and rested his head on my chest "soon enough, he said he would visit you more often"

"Really?" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Really really" I replied. I felt like I made a mistake along the way. I should have called Darren and told him about August. But it's too late now is it, Darren had found out soon than I expected but still he didn't seem angry or hesitate to be with his son.

A few minutes had past and August was already asleep but I was no where close to falling asleep. I couldn't erase the kiss I and Darren had. It was as if It was plastered in my memory.

Just when I was about to get a shut eye my phone rang. I opened my eyes slightly and picked the call.


"Hey girl" that loud voice was enough to wake me up.

"Hi Anna" I groaned tiredly and sat up "what's up?"

"Well I just wanted to remind you about our plans for tomorrow" plans? I was completely lost right now. what plans?.

"I know you would forget easily" she scoffed through the phone "our plans to meet Friday night remember"

"Ohhhhh" deep down I was not ohhing I was ahhing. As in agitated about the fact she remembered. "I didn't forget"

"Really?" She hummed

"Yeah" I lied

"That's not a problem, we all be meeting at the famous restaurant, Oxygen"


"Yes, you heard me. Oxygen, it's downtown. Don't tell me you don't know it" Anna had a tone in her voice that some how irritated me. "Well I'm not surprised"

"Oxygen, I guess I can buy it depends on my schedule" I scratched my hair.

"Don't tell me you're going to be working on a Friday night" Anna goaned "it wouldn't hurt you to hang out with me. Unless you're feel some"

"What time?" I questioned immediately. Growing up with Anna although was just for a few years. I could already tell that she wasn't going to back down.

"Six, is that okay with you?" she giggled

"Yes, yes it is" I sighed, this wasn't what I was expecting. "Are you..."

"Yeyy!!! Thanks girl see you tomorrow byee" she hung up before I could say anything else.

I could only shrugged my shoulders and lay down to sleep.

THE NEXT DAY. 5:12pm

I had taken my bath, and dried up my hair. I stared at the three dresses on my bed. They were all lovely but I didn't know which to choose. I didn't want to be overly dressed or below their standards.

I picked a simple emerald green dress. It was beautiful but wasn't over the top.

"This should do" once I got dressed I had my makeup done. Putting on some accessories, I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"Mommy you're going out?" August ran in with a book in his hand. He looked a little bit disappointed.

"Yes baby, don't worry Uncle George is already downstairs" I kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek. "Be a good boy, okay?"

He nodded slowly and hugged me.

I walked downstairs holding my son in my arms. George was in the living room watching a football match.

"You're home early " I joked.

"If it isn't my sister" he stood up and walked towards us. I stretched out my hands and gave him August.

"I'll be back by 9" I rubbed my boy's hair gently "please take care of him"

"I will"

It was a 40 minutes drive to the restaurant. It wasn't had to find though. I stepped down from my car and stared at the restaurant entranced by it's beauty and structure. It was a huge building that looked like a bubble with two large storey building by each side. There was a huge glowing logo that read 'oxygen'.I wondered deep down why I hardly come to these places.

I stepped in confidently, the door men were dressed in white suit, they looked like navy officers wearing military caps.

I stood at the reception, a young man was sitted there, he didn't really pay attention to me. Whatever he was watching had him completely engrossed.

"Excuse me" i tapped the slab in front of me to get his attention.

"Oh oh..." He quickly pulled out the ear plugs he wore. "welcome ma"

"I have a reservation with Mrs Annabella..." I was interrupted before I could even finish.

"Oh Madam's guest" the receptionist bowed and stretched his hand to the glass door.

"Okay!!" I walked in like he directed me. Just then another waiter bowed to me and lead me to another room. I glanced at the beautiful fountain at the center of the building. It had some floating lights on the water and a beautiful lady holding a ball from which water poured out.

We got to the top floor, which happened to be more beautiful than the other floor. I couldn't help but gape, dazed by the contemporary designs and furnitures.

Glowing glass table and chairs, with a ball at the center of the table. The ceiling looked like the Milky Way. It was exceptional and unique in every way.

"Wow!!" I smiled, I wondered how much was invested in such a place. Quite a lot definitely.

"Beautiful" I whispered as I enjoyed the scenery.

"Gwen" I looked round the room when I heard my name. Then I found Anna waving at me from afar. She was wearing a blue gown and had dyed her hair wine.

I walked towards her table, that's when I realized there were other people sitted. One of those who I never wanted to meet in my life time. Beside Anna sat Jamie, the girl who made college a living hell for me.

I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. She looked even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She wore a red dress that matched her crimson hair.

"Hi Gwendolyn" she smirked mischievously. I had a bad feeling immediately.

Gwen walked into her room tiredly. She flung her bag on the bed and walked to her dressing mirror. She pulled off her accessories and wiped off her makeup.

Her day turned out terrible than she imagined.

Anna's words drilled into her head sharply. It made her legs weak by just thinking about it. It must have pleased Anna saying all those mean things to her.

Gwen had tears brimming her eyes but she sucked it in. She didn't want to cry, but what she needed right now was tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Mommy " Gwen turned to August who stared at her puzzled, he stood at her door. Looking at him for the first time in her life made her cry. "Mommy!!" August ran towards her in fear.

She tried to stop crying but instead found herself wailing like a child. Hugging her son tightly, "it hurts August" August who was dazed and obviously confused hugged his mother back.

"It hurts" Gwen wailed loudly falling to the ground. Never has she been this humiliated in her life. "It hurts"

"Mommy (sniffs) please stop crying" August had tears brimming his own eyes. Seeing his mother cry stirred up sadness in his heart. He didn't like his mother crying.

Gwen who had been wailing gradually consoled her son who was crying as well. "Oh August (sighs)". She sat on the floor and cradled him. "There there" she kissed his eyes and then forehead. "See I've stopped crying"

But that didn't stop him, he kept wailing nonstop. Gwen wiped her tears and hugged him close.

"There there, my love" she smiled warmly, seeing her son, having him by her, having to love and cater for him, It was all thanks to her. She might have lost a lot because of him, but she as well gained a lot because she decided to have him." I love you August"

I laid sleeping August on the bed gently. After getting changed into my pajamas I joined him as well. George had already left.

I stared at the ceiling thinking about all that happened to me today.

For some reason, the harsh words I received seem less harsh than it did before. I turned to my silly boy who cried with me. He was truly a bundle of joy.

Just when I was about to sleep my phone rang once more.

"Who is it this time?" I growled angrily.


"You seem angry, maybe I should call next time"

"Oh Mr Grey" I laughed awkwardly and changed my tone. "Good evening, sorry about that"


"Good evening" Grey had called Gwen with the intention of telling her how he felt but right now he didn't know what to say. He stood in front of a huge glass window with y portrait of him in it. Wearing a grey robe that exposed a portion of his chiseled chest.

"Hello..." Gwen hummed out sleepy, right after she yawned.

"You seem tired, why don't I call tomorrow" Grey panicked when he heard her yawn. He wouldn't have call if he had known if she was asleep

"Really?" He bit his lip and dug his hair with his hand.

"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you have started the work on the design that's all" Grey lied "you go rest okay, we'll discuss it at the office tomorrow"

"Alright " Gwen replied and cut the call.

Grey stared at the name on his phone. "You really do like her Sir" he turned to his butler who held a tray of tea.

"I do" he smiled warmly and walked to his butler. "My favorite" he sighed with pleasure. "thank you"

"I'm sure you would be with her some day Sir" the butler bowed slightly and gave a reassuring smile.

"I pray so"


Probably wondering what happened at the restaurant, that's gonna be chapter 19. Sorry if I didn't deliver as you guys would want 🥲💚