
It Just The Beginning

"I will stopped this false rumors about me.. but it'll taken times to gain the other's trust." Danny Brian, a quiet little boy who scored A in every subjects. His parents died in a car accident. He lives alone with his older sister, Hilda. Milly, his enemy, the one who spreading those rumors but some of the students didn't believe and some believe it. Danny thought he'll had to deal with this alone by himself but little did he knows. 4 people will be coming into his life.

ZizzyAlphaPie · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch 3: "Selfish Freak"

Danny and Zappy were having a fun conversation, "Zappy, hey!" a girl called Zappy. oh.. It's Milly, how dare she interrupted our conversation. "I have been looking everywhere for you, Zappy!" worriedly said Milly, "oh, and I didn't know Danny was here too.." added Milly. "don't mind me.." upsetly said Danny, "Right anyways, can I have a talk with Danny? it's actually about homework" asked Milly with a fake smile on her face. "oh, okay then" said Zappy, "Well, I'll see you later" added Zappy and then she left. Now it just you and "her", Milly sighs "oh Danny, no matter how many friends you make.. they'll always be busy with their other friends so, they won't be able to be by your side" said Milly while smirks. "there isn't much I want to say so good luck, Selfish freak" After that, Milly left. "It doesn't matter anyway, if they don't like being my friend, I understand" said Danny, then he walks off. While walking down through the hallway, Danny noticed there's a crowd of students surrounding something. Then Danny saw a short red haired girl and a long violet haired girl having a big fight, they both were bleeding and Danny decided he has to break off the fight. "GO TO YOUR CLASSROOM BEFORE I'M CALLING THE PRINCIPAL!" angrily shouted Danny. After that all the students headed to the class, then a short red haired girl walked off, meanwhile a long violet haired girl was speechless. "And you" Danny called a long violet haired girl, "let me help you to the nurse office" said Danny. At the nurse office, "uh, thanks.." said a violet haired girl. "no prob, I'll be going" Danny excused himself, "wait, I have so many questions to ask you" she stopped him from leaving, "sure, go ahead " said Danny. "I have heard false rumors about you" said a violet haired girl, "I'm Bailee by the way, wanna be buddies?" added Bailee. "oh uhm.. yeah, sure.." Danny awkwardly accepted. After leaving the nurse office, the two ran into Zappy and Milly. "Danny, there you are!" said Zappy while hugging Danny, "and who is this?" asked Zappy. "oh, her? she's Bailee.. I was helping her to the nurse office" answered Danny, "can you let go of me? I'm feeling uncomfortable right now.." awkwardly said Danny. "nope, I wanna stay like this forever" softly said Zappy, while they're having a moment, Bailee noticed Milly looking upset then Bailee gives a death stare to Milly. Milly felt uncomfortable that she made an excuse to take a leave, after then Milly left. Danny suddenly snaps "you know what, you're leaving me no choice" upsetly said Danny, *YEETS* Zappy suddenly went flying off, leaving Bailee stand next to Danny. She quietly walked backwards leaving Danny standing there while looking down "what a normal day" happily said Danny. A few hours later, (at the playground) Zappy was waiting patiently for Gigi and Bailee. Gigi ran as fast as he could, then he finally made it "phew, I'm sorry, I'm la—" then Bailee interrupted Gigi "Hey y'all" greeted Bailee, Zappy looks shocked as she noticed Bailee's hair was short "what happened to your hair??" surprisedly asked Zappy. "I cut it" answered Bailee while feeling proud, after that, Zappy asked Danny to have a conversation just the two of them. "are you still mad at me?" sadly asked Zappy, "kinda" answered Danny. Then they went silence for a few seconds, "but Danny, I lov—" mumbled Zappy then she stopped and tried to switch the subject "I-I mean, don't be mad, please?" said Zappy. Danny sighs and tried to calm down, "better now?" asked Zappy, "yeah.." answered Danny. After hanging out, Danny change into his pajamas then went to bed.

Ends of chapter 3

A bit cringe to me, damn I want to cry but tbh, I'm kinda proud of chapter 1 cause I wrote a lot of words-

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