
It Just The Beginning

"I will stopped this false rumors about me.. but it'll taken times to gain the other's trust." Danny Brian, a quiet little boy who scored A in every subjects. His parents died in a car accident. He lives alone with his older sister, Hilda. Milly, his enemy, the one who spreading those rumors but some of the students didn't believe and some believe it. Danny thought he'll had to deal with this alone by himself but little did he knows. 4 people will be coming into his life.

ZizzyAlphaPie · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch 1: First Friend

Danny's POV: It's another day of his school, he quickly prepared his bag for school then rushed out from his room. "Oh you're already done, Danny?" said Hilda, "Yes how about you, sis?" said himself. Hilda nods and then the two walk out of the house, and heading to school. After arriving at school, as usual everyone were glaring and gossiping. "Well, as usual" said his mind. Danny and Hilda were studied in different classes cause Danny is in pre-inter and Hilda is actually study above him so, they're waving at each other farewell and then goes to their classes. During the Danny's class, the teacher announced to everyone. "Okay class, two new students will be joining us today!" said Ms. Dani, "hm, two new students? not surprising.." said Danny. Then a white haired girl ran into the classroom and a ginger haired guy came in next. "HELLO!! I'M ZAPPY! AND THIS IS MY BROTHER, KELVIN!!! AND I HOPE WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS!!" shouted excitedly Zappy. Wow, what a loud girl. Seems like everyone is interested in her, especially the pink haired girl, Milly. "Yes, my enemy.." said Danny. The truth is Milly and Zappy are best friends for years so, it's obvious Milly is happy to see her best friend again. After the introduction, Kelvin sat at the front desk on the left side of the class then Zappy sat at the front desk on the right side of the class, which is right in front of Danny's desk. Danny still doesn't surprise either cause it's obvious for him that it would still the same since Milly and Zappy known each other very well so, Danny doesn't bother be friends with the new students, as so he thought. After class, he got bullied by two random guys from another class. "Haha, a selfish freak like don't belong here" said the first bully, "yeah, what are you going to do now, freak!" said the second bully. You know, Danny doesn't deserve this cause he haven't done anything wrong to any of them. Well you see, Milly was the one from behind those false rumors about Danny. While the bullies were still beating him up, then a girl shouted "STOP WHAT'S YOUR DOING BEFORE I PUT YOU BOTH IN DETENTION!", "Yikes, we should go now" said the first bully. Then they ran off, after that Danny sighs. "You know, you should have defend yourself instead of staying quiet" then Danny looks up at the girl's face, it turns out it's the class president and also the school councilor, Ivanka. She grabbed Danny's hand to help him standing up. "I'm sorry for getting you involved.." said Danny, "What the.. WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO ME?? YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME FOR SAVING YOU INSTEAD!!!" yelled Ivanka. Then Danny feels a bit tired, he doesn't know if he should thank her instead of apologize to her. "I'm sor— uh I mean, thank you..." quietly said Danny, Ivanka sighs "you're welcome but tell me next time!" said Ivanka. "Yes, got it" said Danny. Then Ivanka asks Danny, "So, what's your answer?" asked Ivanka. answer? Oh. Danny started to remember that Ivanka asked him if it's okay to be friends with him. Danny forgot about that because of the gossiping. "Oh, sorry.. I haven't decided yet.." sadly said Danny, "Nah, it's fine! I like waiting" said Ivanka. "If you accept me, I'm going to be very happy! but if you reject me, I'm going to be sad :(" said Ivanka. "but again, let's put that aside and let me help you to the nurse office!" said Ivanka again, Danny just realized he's still hurt. "It's fine, I can go there myself" said Danny, "Wha, are you sure?" asked Ivanka. "I will be fine" said Danny while smiling, "okay then, but be careful!" said Ivanka worriedly. "I will" said Danny. I lied, I didn't go to the nurse office, I instead went to the rooftop then sat on the floor looking at the math book. I don't want to waste my time cause I'm going to have a math test so, I have to study. "Hello there! you must be Danny—" a girl cuts her sentence because she's gasping. Then Danny looks at the girl to see who is it oh my, it's Zappy! "wha, what is she doing here?" asked in his mind, "uh, can I help you?" asked Danny. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR RIGHT EYE???" shouted Zappy, crap! I forgot about my wound.. then Danny laughs awkwardly "W-what are you talking about? I'm fine.." said himself. Well, what a stupid excuse. "ARE YOU INSANE??" asked Zappy while shouting, "I'm taking you to the nurse office and no but!" said Zappy. Danny sighs "I knew this would happen" thought Danny. After Danny was recovered, Zappy asked the nurse "Is he going to be okay?" "He's okay, it's just a minor injury so, don't worry" said the nurse. Then Zappy approached Danny "No thanks at all?" asked Zappy, "oh right.. thanks" answered Danny. "you're welcome..." quietly replied Zappy, then she sat on the bed next to Danny. "so~ wanna be friends?" happily said Zappy, "what.." said Danny while confusing. "pretty please??" said Zappy while making a cute face, Danny was surprised! he thought Zappy is the same like Milly cause they're both were best friends. It seems Zappy is still making that face, Danny had no choice but to accept her. "fine, sure.." said Danny upsetly, "YAYYY" excitedly said Zappy then hugged Danny tightly. Danny feels embarrassed and flattered at the same time cause he never being hugged by someone besides his older sister. Then the bell rings, they're both froze for a bit Danny yells at Zappy " STOP HUGGING ME, WE'RE BOTH GONNA BE LATE!". After that, they ran as quickly as possible. Luckily, they made it in time! After finishing the last lesson, it was time to go home. While Danny made it to the entrance, a girl called Danny from behind them Danny turned round to see Ivanka calling him. "going home already?" asked Ivanka, "Yeah, you?" also asked Danny. "Sadly, I have to stay behind cause of school paper stuff the teachers gave me, you know being the class president and also the school councilor is really tough" answered Ivanka upsetly, "ouch, that's must be really stressful.." replied Danny. "But it's okay, I'll be fine" said Ivanka, for a while Danny realize something then tells Ivanka. "Ivanka..?" called Danny, "yes, what is it?" asked Ivanka. Danny takes a deep breath "uh, I will accept you as friends" said Danny while smiling, then Ivanka's eyes were wide open and speechless "huh, isn't she going to be happy if I accepted her..?" thought Danny. Suddenly Ivanka jumped then hugged Danny, he didn't expected that! "OMG, FINALLY!! YOU GAVE ME YOUR ANSWER!!!!" excitedly shout Ivanka, "Hehe, see ya!" said Ivanka then ran off. Danny was speechless that he couldn't think straight but after calming down for a while, Danny walks out of the school building and waiting at the front gate for his sister. Suddenly someone ran then hugged Danny from behind, Danny saw it was Zappy! "Oh hey, Zappy and.." Danny noticed she is with her brother, Kelvin "and Kelvin.." said Danny upsetly. Kelvin was quietly glares at Danny and Danny himself does the same, and Zappy didn't notice that "So, wanna hangout?" asked Zappy, "I'm sorry, I'm going to be busy today" answered Danny. Then Kelvin looks even more angrier "Oh, okay then" sadly replied Zappy, after that Zappy release Danny then he went back home. after finishing what he was doing, he realized "she asked me if I wanted to hang out but I made an excuse.. what should I do?.." thought Danny, then he heard a notification from his phone while he takes out his phone to check who was it. Wait, this.. this is from Zappy's! Danny feels relief and happy. "heh, tomorrow it is" said Danny. Ends of chapter 1

I actually wrote these on Dreamily

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