
Getting Some Attention!?

Before this story starts I was think of leaving a little message for you guys. This is literally my FIRST love story that I have written. So although there isn't a lot of love in the first chapters we will see some relationships and feelings develop overtime. You see, I don't believe in love at first sight. I think a person will be able to fall in love with another person only if they have known each other for a little while. But what can I say, I still haven't gotten my first kiss yet.


Love. It was something unimportant to me in the past but now... it is something that I have to get around. Something that I have to avoid because... they are all in love with me.

But let us get to the start of the story. You see, this was how it happened...

I wake up and look around and yawn as I get out of the bed. After that I walk to the bathroom and begin to shower while humming a good song.

As I leave the bath I see my sister and wave my hand towards her but she looks shocked for some reason, but since I don't really care I just walk into my room and put my clothes on. And as I walk downstairs I see my sister peeking at me from the corner while I could see there was now something different in her gaze from yesterday.

When I arrive at the dining table I sit down and begin to eat the delicious breakfast made by my always sleeping mother. Although I never usually see her awake she always cleans the house and cooks food for us when me and sis are not looking.

After I was done eating I walked out of the front door and towards the school. You see, I was a second year in my high school and I already know that right after high school I have to enter university. That is at least what my mother wants me to do.

But as I walk through the streets I notice that many of the girls are... more natural around me now? I don't know how to explain it but... it is not that they like me but more like they are more comfortable around me?

Soon after a little while I arrive at the school. It has one main building and then right beside it is the gymnasium where people do their sportsy things. And at the other side of the school there is a track field. And then there is a kind of stony path leading towards the main entrance of the school while on the sides of the path there are trees filled with leaves that are swaying in the wind.

I am in class 2A so I guess I am kind of smart. The classes go from F to A and only the best get to be in the A classes. Basically, those who are amazing at sports or are good at academics. There are also those who are good at both but I am not one of them.

But when I enter the class I see that the girls are more relaxed around me again for some reason. I don't understand why they are all glancing at me now and then. It really worries me.

And then the bell rings which signifies that the class is beginning. And then Immediately I enter study mode where I basically am just ignoring everything around me other than the things that are related to the subject that we are currently being taught by the teacher.

When the bell rings for the second time I get up and walk out of the class while a handsome boy with white hair and blue eyes and a beautiful girl with purple hair and green eyes does the exact same thing.

I quickly walk over to them and then the three of us walk besides each other as we go to the back of the school grounds where there is a gigantic and beautiful garden.

The three of us always go there to eat lunch together. I don't even know how we became friends in the first place since those two are the most amazing students in our class. I guess it must be because of her.

When we found a spot under a tree which protected us from the sun we began to talk about a lot of things. What we did in the vacation, etc. Things like that. But I noticed that Myra now and then would look at me with a confused expression as if she was not sure of what was happening.

Her frequent stares and glances finally made me snap a little. "Myra, what is it? You aren't the only one who has sneaked a few glances at me today. So, how am I different today? Tell me." I asked her and she looked surprised while I also saw that James' eyes widened.

She began to blush out of embarrassment. "Uhh, I, I don't know Luke. It, it is like you, uhm, how should I explain it? I wouldn't call it attraction but... more like an aura that lets you like the person more? I don't know..." She looked down onto the ground and began to shake a little while she put her hand on her chest as if she was feeling her heartbeat with a red face.

"What do you mean Luke? Have you been different?" James asked me while his eyes were completely clueless and confused as to what was even happening.

"It doesn't matter James. It doesn't mean anything at all. So... don't worry about it." I say as I stand up. Then I continue, "But it is time to go back to class. So I guess we will continue this conversation later?"

I then walked towards our next class as James and Myra ran after me with confusion on their faces.