1 The Ant

One Day Prophet Suliman (Alai Salam) Asked from an Ant That during one year, how much do you eat?

The Ant Answered: I eat Three seeds per year.

Then Prophet Suliman (Alai Salam) Took him and put him in cage and as well he put three seeds in the cage!

After Passing of one year the Prophet Suliman (Alai Salam) Opened the Cage and saw that the Ant has eaten ½ one and half of the three seeds, He got Surprised, and asked the Ant that why you ate ½ one and half of seeds?

The Ant Answered: While I was Free (I had freedom) I had hope that Almighty God gives me my (Rizq) Meal and don't forgets me, but when you put me in the cage, I was worried that you will Forget me, So I started saving my meal, so that I can feed myself one more year!

Almighty God Says: There is no creature in the world (on the earth), but I have the Responsibility of giving them Rizq (Meal).

Summary of the story:

The fishes complained to Almighty God about the turbulence of the sea, the sea calmed down and they became the Hunt of fishermen!

The turmoil of life is the wisdom of Almighty God, we Better ask God for a calm heart, not a calm sea!
