
Sudden change

Angel and some other girls were outside the cafeteria discussing about the upcoming party at chicco bar but didn't wanted to include Hilda because if Hilda goes she might get caught and everyone will go on suspension.

But Hilda overheard them and insisted to join them but they didn't agree then she went to the playground alone to ease her self from that immediately Henry sat close to her and said " talk to me I can understand you" but Hilda replied calmly " Henry just leave you are disturbing my peace" but Henry became quiet but after some time decided to talk to Hilda and have a discussion with her.

" So why did angel refused to take you to the party.... don't be surprised I overheard what you were saying to her"

" She thinks I will spoil their plans and even make them have suspension"

" Instead of killing yourself for Angel that doesn't want you, just be a good version of yourself. Stop lying to your aunt, tell her the truth and she will understand better do it now before it gets too late"

" Easier said than done" angel sadly replied

" But you can read with you cousins instead of partying that's better"

" Don't tell me what to do" nonchalantly said as usual

" So are we friends now "

" Well I don't know yet, if you can stay out of my business then we can be friends"

" If I stay out of your business I will not be doing my duty as a friend"

" Whatever, let's just go I think it's now time for math class"

"I'll sit with you let's go" They left for their class and began lecture.

---School compound ---

Hilda sat at a corner waiting for her aunty beside her was Catherine and Caroline discussing with their friend while Hilda sat all alone using a book to cover her face, she usually stays with Angel and her crew during the closing hour waiting for her aunt but today she got angry and just wanted to stay alone then Henry strolled passed where she was sitted without knowing she was the one there, but he sensed her and went back then removed the book from her face and said " Hilda I've been looking for you, you were not even with your friends then I kept wondering were you where.... But now I see you hang out with your cousins, that's great" but Hilda just gave a deep sigh suddenly Henry requested for Hildas contact but after so many complains from Hilda she gave him the number then aunt Hanni moved her car inside the school compound then Hilda gently entered the car and greeted her aunt.

---- Hanni mansion ----

Inside Hilda's room Hilda was chatting with Henry and some other boys who she got contact from angel.

Henry🦋: hey love how are you

Hilda ❤️: am good Henry and why did you decide to chat me up by this time

Henry🦋: WHAT?¿ am I disturbing you

Hilda ❤️: you are not disturbing me, but isn't the time ungodly

Henry 🦋: I only messaged you because you were online

Hilda ❤️: ok now what's the problem

Henry 🦋: how was your day

Hilda ❤️: TERRIBLE!!!!😭 You know my day was terrible yet you are asking me

Henry 🦋: oops so sorry for asking, so how are you feeling now

Hilda ❤️: HENRY 🤬 you are a jerk, now stop disturbing me

Henry 🦋: well friends are meant to disturb each other

Hilda ❤️: see you tomorrow I'm going to bed and anytime you see me online don't ever chat me up DON'T 😡

Henry 🦋: it's alright my lady, sweet dreams 💕💕

Hilda went offline and started thinking about what Henry told her when they were in the playground, she knew she could live happily without Angel and they are also people to talk to her if Angel don't but she prefers living a wayward life just like angel and she doesn't know angel has plan for her

" I'll talk to angel I can't stay without her"

Rejoicechiccocreators' thoughts