

Silence echoed inside the car. The only conversation that could be heard was the sound of the vehicle and Chen's blinkers every time he turned a corner. Neither of the brothers uttered a word, nor did they seem to intend to. Xié Qiang looked out the window, letting the reflection of the streetlights caress his face; Xié Chen occasionally glanced at his brother through the corner of his eye.

The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable, as it always was when they were together, but being locked in a car emphasized that uneasiness even more.

Shit, Qiang wanted to get out of there; sharing space with his brother had fallen off his priority list more than fifteen years ago, and it was still something he avoided at all costs, something he clearly didn't get since they ran the same business.

Suddenly Chen's phone rang and a screen near the steering wheel lit up with a clear name, Qiu. Beta and right hand of the Xié family for as long as the youngest of the brothers could remember; a great professional, almost twenty years working for the family and not a single serious incident behind him. Undoubtedly, the man Chen trusted the most.

The older alpha picked up the call with a single click on the green phone icon; right after, the beta's voice broke the tension.

"Good evening, bosses."

The greeting was relaxed and with a hint of sarcasm. Qiu was usually a serious man, very few times Qiang had seen him joke, but the times he had done so he could see that in him lived a rather interesting strake of acid irony, a strake that he had decided it was the perfect occasion to show, since he was the only one of the Xié clan who knew very first hand the confrontations of both leaders.

"Did you find them?" replied Chen, straight to the point and without getting into their game.

"Doubt offends, boss... he hasn't had time to flee the country."

"Well, we're on our way, any news?"

"I’m afraid so. When we found him, he had his cell phone smashed against the floor, so we're guessing he was talking to someone."

“And the card?”

"Nothing. The bastard smashed it right under our noses and then swallowed the pieces just in case."

Chen's face contracted into a worried grimace, such an overreaction could only mean two things: either he was talking to his family or to someone important he obeyed, and this second possibility could bring them a lot of trouble.

"We'll be right there."

He said no more, just hung up.

"Are you carrying a gun?" he now turned to Qiang.

The youngest Xié took out of the inside pocket of his jacket a small revolver that he carried when he went out for strip clubs; it was the perfect weapon, its size did not raise suspicion and he could defend himself if something happened. However, he knew that for the occasion that would not be enough, just as he knew his brother would have one ready for him, he always did.

"Open the glove compartment, there's another one."

Qiang obeyed and took the gun along with the bullets. He loaded it in total silence and put it away in the other inside pocket. Now that the ice

was broken, he asked him.

"May I know what the fuck happened?" he finally asked, though from what he had just heard he could get a pretty good idea.

"We've had a mole for over ten months now."

The junior alpha had no appreciation for the family business, but he could see that the matter was indeed serious.


It could have been anyone, but he was the only one who had joined the clan just over ten months ago. The news shocked Qiang, that guy had only been around for a short time, but he seemed very loyal to the family, so much so that he would never have believed he was a hidden traitor.

"Yes, we caught him stealing tons of merchandise... his outside parties we have not been able to identify."

"Is he a member of another clan?"

He could be, Hong Kong was full of small clans without much of a future and hidden motivations that could implicate them, after all, they were the largest and longest running clan of all.

"We don't know; another clan, some gang or even the police themselves... let's not rule out any options."

Great, they didn't know what they could be up against, and the guy had gotten rid of the only evidence they could use. Yeah, they were certainly in trouble if they couldn't get any useful information out of him now.

"Let's go."

Chen said and got out of the car. They were on the outskirts of the city, specifically at the abandoned warehouse they had used on a few occasions for exchanges, meetings or things like the one they were about to do.

Qiang got out of the car and sighed reluctantly: the work was starting.


"Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Yang Zi, he's 24 and he has been doing this since he was 13..."

The loving couple rested side by side on the comfy couch in their tiny, comfortable apartment.

"That's not what I meant."

The blond grumbled under his breath; he knew for a fact that Xié Qiang wasn't in trouble, that he knew how to fend for himself perfectly well, but....

"I'm a little worried about how he's feeling."

The omega uttered in a low voice, as if those words did not belong to him, and that was because it was unusual for him to show any sort of appreciation for the annoying Qiang, despite possibly considering him one of his best friends after his partner.

Zhen Shi opened his eyes slightly in surprise. He really didn't expect such a confession from his boyfriend, he knew that he had a special appreciation for the Xié, but he rarely showed it. In spite of that, the words made him reflect; he didn't use to give too much importance to the alpha's feelings, since he turned 18 he didn't seem to have them; however, he was aware of the loneliness in which he lived, and despite all the money he managed, the amount of omegas and betas -both men and women- that had passed through his bed, he had no real reasons to be happy.

"He's probably not right, but there's nothing we can do."

Yang Zi furrowed his brows in anguish and Zhen Shi pulled him tighter into his arms as he noticed his partner's pheromones stirring. Much to his chagrin, he felt his own insides churn in an amalgamation of jealousy and possessiveness that he was not proud of, for it was only his more animalistic side that spoke, the only one that saw it as a threat for his omega to care for another alpha, especially when that other alpha was Qiang. However, he didn't let instincts consume him and merely left a tender kiss on Zi's blond hair to try and comfort him a little.

"Don't read too much into it, we can't go against his destiny."

His destiny? The destiny of leading a clan you detest alongside a person you hate? No, they definitely couldn't go against that, it was Qiang himself who had to cope with the situation if he wanted to get out of there, and he had already tried all through adolescence without any result. He had run out of strength.

"I know..."

Yang sighed deeply and rested his head on his partner's chest; peace came over him immediately, hearing the rhythm of his beating heart was always soothing. Shi closed his eyes to relax and lovingly stroked his boyfriend's hair, so soft to the touch that it slipped like water through his fingers.

Such moments of intimacy filled the hearts of lovers with happiness and made the blond bury his worry in some corner of his brain, in turn unearthing a new need.

"Hey, Shishi..."


The alluded one didn't open his eyes, he was too calm and comfortable to disturb that peace.

"How about we pick up where we left off halfway at Qiang's?"

The question sounded innocent, as if nothing. The alpha's hand paused, he couldn't believe his partner's ability to break any moment just to get sex.

"Yang Zi, you're an idiot."

"Hah!" he sat up to look at him, now annoyed by the insult.

It wasn't that the alpha didn't want to have sex with him, not at all, despite showing himself so aloof or embarrassed he was always willing to share intimacy with his partner, but this one's stupid way to break the pleasant atmosphere they were forming made him sigh heavily.

He didn't give it too much importance, he knew that idiot since they were three years old, and he knew how his brain worked. That was just the way he was and that was the way he wanted it.

"Come on, come here..."

He lovingly cupped his cheeks and left a kiss on his lips, a very chaste one, but one that made Zi blush up to his ears. At the sight of it, his boyfriend smiled tenderly, but the smile was short-lived, as the blond brought their lips together again and the two melted into a sweet, love-laden kiss.

The brunet tenderly caressed Zi's cheek, a very light caress that stirred his whole world. Yang Zi smiled against the other's lips, but without breaking the contact; his chest was bursting with happiness, it always was when he was together with Zhen Shi, and he knew well that he also shared the same feeling.

God, he loved him so much... None of the setbacks they had overcome in the past had been in vain, thanks to them they had managed to forge a strong relationship that would last forever.

The alpha broke away with a ragged gasp and slid the tip of his nose over the other's jaw, slowly outlining it until he reached the neck, and once there, he left gentle kisses that rocked the omega from top to bottom. Yang Zi had to hold his breath, that place was too sensitive for him, and every time his boyfriend got close there, he went crazy.

Satisfied with the reaction, Zhen Shi deepened that kiss and gave light touches with his tongue. The blond's skin was very soft and the sweet smell of his revved up pheromones were starting to turn him on more than it should.

Yang shuddered in his arms, the gentleness with which Zhen was treating him in those moments leading up to what was about to happen had him losing his mind in every possible way.

"Aaah..." he moaned as he felt the teeth digging gently over the exposed skin of his throat. Every hair on his body stood on end.

That pleasure-laden sound stimulated the alpha's senses and swelled with pride his animalistic side, the one that came out on very rare occasions. His pants began to tighten a bit and the blond wanted to take advantage of it; sitting still had never been one of his strong suits, much less in that kind of situation, so he sat up on himself, turned around and ended up sitting on Shi's lap.

God, feeling him growing hardness through the layers of fabric made his mouth water.

He wiggled his hips, just as he had done at Qiang's, and looked up at him with a flirtatious little smile he knew the other loved. He was in a hurry, so, without stopping moving, he took off his shirt and threw it away, exposing his torso. The omega's skin was white and looked very smooth to the eye, indeed it was, and the brunet bit his lower lip at the delicious sight in front of him. He had seen it like this a hundred times, but he was equally fascinated by it.

The blond licked his lips with desire. He adored that his partner was looking at him like that, it made him feel wanted; not that he was very expressive, but the twinkle in his eyes always gave him away... and well, so did the twitching crotch under his ass.

He couldn't wait any longer, it wasn't fair to be the only one half naked, so he grabbed the hem of Zhen's t-shirt and pulled it upwards until he took it off. He stifled a gasp when he had him naked and slid his hands over his marked chest and abs with utter brazenness, feeling Shishi shudder under his touch and gasp... Oh fuck, that reaction had been so hot, he could feel his own underwear getting soaked, it must have been a mess.

"Shit, Zi..."

The alpha moaned as he noticed the scent of aroused omega his partner was giving off. It was delicious, so sweet and addictive...the best pheromones he had ever breathed in his entire life. With a low growl, he sat up and grabbed the back of the blond's neck to once again devour his mouth with relish. With his large hands he caressed the other's body, moving from his neck to his chest; he slipped his hands under his shirt and cut the kiss short so he could look him in the eyes as he ran his fingers over the blond's nipples, a particularly sensitive place for him.

"Ngh" the omega moaned, his face flushed completely. The sensations were very intense, and he pressed his lips together to channel everything Shi was making him feel.

The alpha's crotch gave a slight tug: the image of Yang Zi was tender and erotic at the same time, so much so that it drove him fucking crazy. Without stopping stroking his nipples, he brought his lips to his boyfriend's neck and left a wet kiss on his skin, feeling him shudder up and down. Yang felt himself melting and circled Shi's body to hold on to something as he let him do as he pleased.

Moved by the omega's good reception, Zhen moved the kisses gradually down his naked torso until he reached his chest. Yang Zi stifled a gasp, expectant of what was about to happen, and when the alpha caught one of the nipples with his mouth to lick it gently, Shi arched his back and let out faint moans of pleasure that he could no longer hold.

"Shishi..." he whispered without much force and with his voice laden with lust.

The alluded one grunted in response as he continued to stimulate his partner's breast the way he knew he liked it; slow and wet, with gentle touches of tongue at just the right moments.

"Shishi..." he called again with slightly more force, rocking his hips to get his attention.

The alpha gasped as he felt his erection being pressed and this time, he raised his head as Yang wanted, and when he saw his agitated face, he knew why he was calling him.

"I-I can't take it anymore..."

He didn't need any more explanations. His boyfriend demanded the union between the two bodies, and he wasn't going to deny him; besides, he himself was beginning to desire it as well.

He smiled sideways, one of those smiles that was not at all usual to see on him, except when he was horny. A smile that made the blond explode with desire. Zhen Shi let his fingers slide down the omega's back, slowly, up and down, reveling in the bristling skin beneath his tracks. When he reached the pants, he slipped his hand under them unabashedly, slipping under his underwear as well. The warmth that place gave off was delicious, and the blond's reaction was even more so.


His fingers closed around the alpha's neck as he felt pressure on his crotch, but the place Zhen Shi wanted to go was beyond that, and he kept moving his hand down until he reached the blond's entrance. He stroked it very gently, noticing how his fingers were soaked in fluids. Yang Zi was very aroused, something that was no great merit, that idiot was always horny when he was with his boyfriend... though Zhen Shi was no slouch either.

Shi groped for long seconds at his entrance, pulsing his finger in a repetitive motion that was making Zi desperate to feel it. Finally, he inserted one of his fingers as slowly as possible, enjoying how those walls opened little by little, just as they had done on so many occasions. He didn't want to miss a single detail of his partner's expressions, his face contracted in pleasure and relief were quite a visual orgasm.

He didn't give him time to process that first contact and introduced a second finger, this time faster, managing to elicit a moan so lascivious that it made the alpha lose his breath for a second. Then he moved his fingers slowly.

"Shishi... don't be cruel."

The alpha smiled slightly sideways and sank his fingers deeper, adding a third right after. As expected, his partner's moans were not long in coming. Zhen Shi stimulated him calmly, returning to his nipples to kiss them tenderly.

Yang Zi shuddered; he really was very sensitive at that point.

"Z-Zhen, please..."

The alluded one shuddered, Zi calling him by his surname was not usual at all, and at that point he didn't see himself able to take it anymore... his patient and calm personality was truncated when he had his partner trembling in his arms.

He pulled his three fingers out from inside him and brought them to the opposite lips for him to lick. The omega took the hint and put the phalanges in his mouth with relish; he cleaned all the liquid from them, enjoying both his own taste and the intense gaze the blue-eyed one gave him.

The alpha withdrew his fingers from his mouth and began to kiss him. He moaned with pleasure as he savored that essence that drove him so

crazy from the lips of his beloved. The most exquisite delicacy he had ever tasted.

However, it wasn't enough, and he got rid of his partner's pants along with his underwear the best he could in the given situation, dropping everything next to the sofa. The blond stifled a gasp as he felt the coolness of the air hit his burning skin and sat up to sit on the alpha's crotch. He was naked, flushed and very aroused, and the sight of Zhen at that moment made him delirious.

"Shit, Yang Zi..."

The omega smiled with narrowed eyes submerged in lust: it was his turn to make him enjoy himself. In that position, he brought his hands to his boyfriend's jeans and undid the button without great difficulty. Zhen Shi gasped, and the blond rose from the opposite lap to undo his pants and boxers; right after that, he carefully sat back down on the firm crotch of the chestnut resting on his lower stomach, but without inserting it.

Now they were both on equal footing: naked and very agitated.

They looked deeply into each other's eyes, gazes full of passion, love and complicity... though the alpha's eyes closed with pleasure as Shi moved his hips along the length of his erection, gripping it and drenching it with his delicious fluids.

"Aaah..." Shi gasped and dug his fingers into his partner's waist.

Yang laughed in great satisfaction at that reaction and kept rocking his hips with the firm intention of wringing more gasps from him, but Zhen stopped him immediately: he grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him back to lay him down again.

"Turn around" he whispered altered, and Zi didn't hesitate a second to obey. He rolled over and, already on his back, he lay on the opposite body again, leaving his own pointing towards the ceiling.

Yang Zi laughed with a blush. So that's how it was going to be this time... Well, he liked that position and how urgent his boyfriend looked that night, because he was too. No foreplay, they were going to move on to the main course straight away, just what they both needed at that moment.

"Is that how you want it today? What a pervert you are, Shishi..." he said in a teasing tone.

A couple of years ago he wouldn't have dared to use that tone in the middle of sex. At those moments they were still understanding each other, understanding what they enjoyed and how, having started as a strange and bumpy relationship where they went from being best friends to boyfriends, but the trust they had been gaining overcame that embarrassment and lack of sexual confidence they had in the beginning.

Zhen Shi didn't respond to the teasing, he just gently bit his boyfriend's shoulder and guided his member to his boyfriend's entrance. The blond tensed slightly as he noticed the hard erection rubbing against his entrance, an involuntary reflex that he quickly controlled; he relaxed and spread his legs a little wider, giving the alpha permission to enter whenever he wanted.

He had no intention of making him wait long, the moment he saw him ready, the alpha raised his hips and slowly inserted his member. The blond's body shuddered up and down as he felt that piece of meat working its way inside him. It was big, and it was for that reason that Shi was usually very careful about inserting himself, he feared hurting him despite the many encounters they had already had. However, patience had never been Yang's virtue, so he pushed his hips down until he thrust in smoothly.

But now he did have to pause a bit.


He didn't need to ask what was wrong, he knew for a fact that the size of alphas was considerably larger than that of a beta or omega, and he would give him the time he needed to get used to it. He took advantage of that brief lapse of time, and his favored position, to lick his earlobe and leave fleeting kisses there, a gesture he knew his boyfriend loved and would help him finish relaxing.

It worked.

"You can now..."

He didn't have to insist much more, as soon as he gave him the go-ahead, Zhen moved his hips slowly, easing his erection in and out at a slow pace, though ideal for him to finish getting used to it.

"Oh, fuck yeah..."

The omega's voice was practically a sigh of pleasure: being filled like that by the one who is the love of your life is always cause for exhilaration. However, that slow pace soon became infuriating for Zi.

"A little faster."

Yang demanded and his partner did not hesitate to obey him: he wrapped an arm around his hips to immobilize him against his body and gradually increased the intensity of their penetrations. Gasps, moans and later short cries of pleasure were wrung from the omega's throat as the thrusts became more erratic and accurate, hitting just the right spot to make him explode with pleasure.

Perhaps Zhen Shi's modesty would never make him admit it out loud, but his more dominant alpha side was filled with pride as he listened to the dirty sounds his lover let out without any shame.

Yang Zi sat up slightly and held onto the couch as best he could, digging his nails in hard. That was just a plain fuck, one like any other, but it was Zhen Shi who was behind him and that alone made him melt with pleasure... although the wet sound of their skins colliding and the smell of their fluids and pheromones also contributed.

Both of their breaths became rapid and their bodies, bathed in sweat, slipped very easily. Zi stopped holding himself and dropped his head onto his boyfriend's shoulder, closing his eyes tightly to enjoy it as best he could.

The alpha moaned long and deep, and those moans mingled with the omega's in a symphony of lust. Zhen's orgasm began to build, and Yang could tell by the way his penis contracted inside him. Good, he was close to finishing too.

"H-harder!" he demanded of him.

Wanting to please him, he propped his feet up on the couch and increased the speed of his hips as the blond moved his downward. The penetrations were deeper and more pleasurable, so much so that the omega couldn't take it anymore.

"S-Shishi... Touch me."

The alluded brought his hand to his partner's member and masturbated it in the same rhythm as his thrusts. The stimulation was too much for the omega and he came dangerously close to orgasm.

"I can't hold it anym-aaah!"

He didn't have time to warn him, the orgasm overtook his words and hit him hard: he spilled onto his own stomach and his entrance became even more slippery. After the rush of sensations, his legs stopped working for him and fell slumped on either side of Zhen's body, but he wasn't finished and lifted them back up to brace them below his knees so he could finish. It didn't take much more, barely a minute later his lower stomach gave a strong tug and had to come out of that warm interior to spill over Yang's thighs. The latter was taking pills to prevent pregnancy, but they could fail, and he was afraid to risk more than necessary.

Now that he had finished, he carefully left his partner's trembling wet legs in the previous position and struggled to catch his breath again. It hadn't been a particularly long or intense sex session, but enough to leave him more than satisfied.

Tired of looking up, Yang Zi turned his body to face his alpha. The semen painting his stomach was trapped between them both, but neither seemed to mind.

"Shishi, you're amazing..." he said, and a sincere smile lit up his entire face.

The alpha's heart softened even more than it already was, Yang Zi's smiles had always had that effect on him, even when they were children. Affectionately, Zhen Shi took his boyfriend by the cheek and brought their lips together in a love-laden kiss that made the omega melt; Zhen Shi had never been good at transforming his feelings into words, but his gestures spoke for themselves.

When they parted, Zi settled on his partner's chest as he tenderly stroked his hair.

They were naked, sweaty and satisfied. A very good way to end the day.


It was about three o'clock in the morning when the two brothers were returning in the older brother's car to Qiang's apartment. Bloodstains adorned the younger alpha's black shirt, but they were barely visible. It had been a long night and Xié Qiang just wanted to get home. Luckily his brother had just parked in front of the building, so he made a pretense of getting out of the car just as Chen stopped him.

"We couldn't get anything out of him."

Qiang didn't answer, he had nothing to say to him, he had been there too and had seen how that son of a bitch had preferred to suffer to death rather than give up anything.

"This is too bad, if he were just any criminal, he wouldn't have hidden the truth so suspiciously" Chen continued.

"He probably belongs to another clan" he said at last.

Chen remained silent; both brothers had come to the same assumption, but only the younger one had verbalized it. If these words were true, they could be in grave danger, killing a member of another clan could mean war. All that was left for them now was to cross their fingers that, should he belong to another mob, he would be a member of not too much value.

Qiang clicked his tongue in annoyance and opened the door, he just wanted to get out of there.

"I'm tired, let's talk about this tomorrow," he said, and got out of the car quickly so Chen wouldn't try to hold him back again.

"Be careful of what you do..."

He ignored it, closed the door and drove off towards the main entrance of the building. He did not deign to look at it, not even when it started up and got lost among the rest of the cars on the streets.

He entered the building and walked feebly to the elevator. When he got home, he took off all his clothes except for his underwear and threw them in a corner. He was physically and mentally exhausted, so, with a heavy sigh, he turned off the lights and threw himself face down on the bed.

He didn't want to think about anything. He just wanted to sleep and turn off his brain for a few hours.