
It begins with a nightmare

life is full of lies but sometimes the liar himself don't even know that he or she is lying. Zack is going to take revenge for his father but what if his father turn out to be alive!!!

nadeem_ahmed · Fantasy
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7 Chs

CH#5 Blue is better


"I don't know much about that city", he was thinking.

"Let me ask someone", he gave an idea to himself.

"Ah, excuse me", he said to a stranger passing by.

"Yes", that stranger replied in a polite voice.

"I am finding for a shop from where I can buy fancy mask can you guide me please", Zack requested to the stranger.

"Of course I can", the stranger replied.

"You have to go straight and then turn right. There is an old shop where you can find fancy mask", the stranger guided him.

"Ok thanks", Zack said to the stranger while moving forward.

"Hope he guided me well", he was thinking.

"That's the turn", he said while turning.

"Where is that old shop", he was still thinking.

"Yes here you are", he said to himself with joy while entering the shop.

"Hello! Someone is here", he said slowly while opening the door of the old shop.

That was a huge but old shop. Everything was well organized. Large shelves everywhere having old books in them. A giant cupboard made of wood but having doors made of glass have a lot of beautiful wands in it.

"WOAH", he said in a surprising voice.

"It seem like this shop is magical", he said with joy while staring at the wands in the glass cupboard.

"Where am I going to find fancy mask for my party", he questioned himself.

"Can I help you little fellow", a polite voice of an old man raised.

"AHHH", Zack shouted with fear and turned around to see the person behind that voice".

It was an old man wearing a brown torn apron around his waist. His hands was all black it seems like he was working.

"I think I scared you", old man asked in a soft voice while cleaning his hands with his old apron.

"Not that much", Zack replied.

"What do you want", old man asked politely.

"I am searching for fancy mask", Zack replied.

"Okay follow me", the old man said while moving towards the shelves.


"So why do you want a fancy mask", old man asked in a friendly way while walking across the shelves.

"There is a fancy mask party going to take place in my school tomorrow and that's why I am searching for a mask", he replied while following the old man.

"AHHH, here you go", the old man said after stopping in front of a huge shelve.

It was a huge shelve. It has all kind of masks in it. There was a huge collection it seems like the old man has collected them from a long time. Every color was pleasing the eyes.

"WOAH", Zack said surprisingly while staring at the shelve full of masks.

"So, which one you wanted to buy", the old man asked.

"These are too much, let me think which one is going to suit me the best", Zack said to the old man while thinking.

"Ok take your time", the old man replied and smiled at Zack.

"This one is good", Zack said while holding a red mask.

"No I am going to buy that green one", he said while leaving the red one and holds the green one.

The old man was standing and smiling at Zack.

"This one, NO", Zack said while leaving the green one and pointed towards the orange one.

It seems like Zack was confused.

"Let me suggest you the best one, can I", the old man asked politely.

"Of course", Zack replied while facing towards the old man.

"Ok", the old man replied while opening a drawer nearby.

"Here you go", he said while putting out a box from the drawer.

The old man opened the box and there was a beautiful blue mask inside it.

"Here you go", the old man said while handing over the box to Zack.

"This looks amazing", Zack replied while holding the box.

It was an elegant and beautiful blue mask which seems to be magical.

"BLUE IS BETTER", Zack said.

"I am going to buy this", Zack said while passing the box to the old man.

"Okay, let me pack it for you", the old man said while closing the box.

He packed the box and give it to Zack.

"THANK YOU", Zack said while holding the box from the old man's hand.

Zack left the shop happily.

"That's right my child BLUE IS BETTER", the old man said and smiled

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