
it all started with coffee

Kiara Summers was just adjusting to her new life and job as the new co-communication liaison at the FBI. Kiara is finally beginning to make friends and live her life but this all changes when she meets Doctor Sebastian Reid, a tall intellectual with a mysteriously dark past, their friendship blossoms and feelings are intense. Will they ever get over their looming pasts? Or will they find it hard to grow in the shadow of their mistakes?

kaceyleigh14 · Teen
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chapter 1- nova status

As I stepped out of my pale yellow beetle of a car and walked across the car park towards the large building I recognized as my new place of work I felt the crunching of fall leaves under my heeled boots. Fall had just begun, my favorite time of the year. I couldn't contain my excitement as I fidgeted with my blazer jacket and my white shirt that had already started to crease. My hair was lightly straightened and flowed in the new fall breeze that made me shiver. I got closer to the entrance, I hesitated in front of the glass revolving doors outside the beige building and scanned over my outfit one more time in the reflection. Even though my excitement hid it, I was nervous to make a good impression on my new co-workers and I didn't want to worry about my clothes on top of the growing list I already created in my head to be worried about.

I had applied for the job as the new co-communication liaison at the FBI after I had completed my extensive training program at the academy, I worked hard to get here and finished top of my class in everything. Though I had my IQ of 179 to thank for my academic achievements and my sports scholarship in college for the pass in the physical. I had always wanted this job. I actually applied for this particular job as my old college friend JJ, who was on the same soccer scholarship as me, recommended it to me. She is the lead communication liaison at the behavioral analysis unit. It was too good to pass up. A once in a lifetime opportunity.

I climbed in the elevator after passing through the doors and giving my name to the security guard, receiving my identification badge and being pointed in the right direction. After a couple minutes the elevator pinged as I reached to floor I needed. Seconds before the doors slid open I flattened my hair, adjusted my blazer and sucked in a deep breath. The doors opened onto a corridor and I walked through another set of doors with frosted glass and into a large brightly lit room with various desks and what looked like a lot of people working hard, typing away on computers or writing on sheets of paper. Except not everyone was working. In the middle of this room were four people were congregated around a desk laughing seemingly not working at all. One was a dark-skinned, muscular man, dressed in a tight shirt which accentuated his muscles even more. The other was a tall, slim, dark-haired woman who's smile beamed across the room as she laughed along with the others. Next to her stood a shorter woman with bright copper hair, glasses and a crazy outfit that was so colorful and vibrant with lots of accessories just as crazy. But the person that really caught my eye was the young skinny man with brown hair and hazel eyes who was sat down at the desk with the others surrounding him laughing and smiling at him as he was cleaning up coffee he had clearly spilt down his sweater vest and on his desk. All their eyes were fixed on him as he mopped up the accident with napkins, looking rather red and flustered, seemingly not laughing and looking more frustrated. The muscular man chuckled "what's that like the fifth vest you ruined now pretty boy? Good job you have more of those or you wouldn't have any left to wear with that ridiculous shirt". He looked around my age and even sat down I could tell he would tower me in height, but at first glance I could tell he was a little shy.

I was pulled out of my daze by the sound of heels clacking on the floor picking up speed into a slight jog "Kiara!" a woman yelled from the other side of the room. I was submerged in a tight hug from the thin, blonde woman with bright blue eyes, this was JJ, always so happy and welcoming. "Its so good to see you, finally you're here" she said as she released me from her grasp. "I know I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to get here as early as possible, I hope I'm not too early" I breathed, "no of course not you're fine, I'm just so happy to see you". She was beaming with joy, it had been 3 years since I had seen her in a year. "Lets go see Hotch now so we have more time to catch up once you're settled in" she said with a bright smile plastered on her face. I smiled back "okay, lead the way". I assumed Hotch was short for Adam Hotchner, who I knew was the unit chief and my boss.

She lead me over to a set of stairs near the side of the room where she had just come from and up onto the second floor where there seemed to be more offices which were bigger than the desks downstairs, obviously for more important and senior agents. Halfway up the metal stairs I had a strange feeling, like the feeling you get when you're being watched. I turned my head over my shoulder slowly and was met with four pairs of eyes, the same eyes I had seen seconds ago, as they realized I had seen them they quickly diverted their eyes. That was the first time my nerves kicked in and I felt the true anxiety of having a first day at a new job.

Adam Hotchner is a tall, stern looking man with dark hair an piercing eyes that soon softened when he chose to stop being so serious. He had a nice smile. I was greeted with this warm smile as JJ lead me into his office and we introduced ourselves. "Agent Kiara Summers, so good to finally meet you, your report from the academy was impeccable, one of the best I've seen yet" he said whilst reaching out to shake my hand, "wow thank you sir, its good to meet you too I've heard so much about you" this came out rather rushed at the time and I reddened after realizing how long I had been shaking his hand for. However, he was clearly not fazed by it, "all good things I hope" he chuckled, this even earned a slight giggle from JJ who obviously found it amusing too, "and please call me Hotch, now youre a part of this team theres no need for formalities". He said this whilst looking through some sheets of paper, picking them up and handing them to me. "These are just some papers you need to fill in by the end of today, just place them on my desk whenever youre finished, and JJ will show you to your own desk, I will be calling a briefing at the round table in the briefing room in 5 minutes thats when you will get to meet the rest of the team but please make yourself at home" he said this in a calm, slow manor and pointed to JJ when he mentioned her name and motioned through the glass to a room with glass windows on the other side of the second floor which was the briefing room. "Thank you so much Sir- um i mean Hotch sorry, I cant wait to meet everyone" i smiled as he sat down at his desk, I smiled again and nodded then left the room behind JJ following her to my very own desk.

I was really nervous to meet my new team mates. What if they don't like me.

Walking back down the metal stairs the worries seemed to melt away as a result of my warm welcome from Hotch and of course JJ. My desk was a light, oak wood with a simple desk chair and a lot of space that quite clearly needed some accessories to make it more livable. Coincidentally, my desk happened to be opposite to the desk where the four people I locked eyes with just minutes before had conformed around. However, when I got there 3 of those strangers had left and the only one to occupy the desk was the hazel eyed, skinny boy who was nose deep in paperwork. JJ gave him a tap on the shoulder as she stood behind him, distracting him from his work but he didn't even look up at our arrival. Eventually after some time he decided peer up at me through his long eyelashes as I hovered cautiously behind my chair placing my bag and pack of papers on the table. "Sebastian, Hotch is calling a meeting in five minutes to introduce our newest member of the team to everyone but seen as you're my favorite I wanted you to meet her first" JJ smiled brightly gesturing to me as she said my name. "Hotch never said anything about a new member" was the only thing he said looking back down at his paperwork obviously not amused by my addition to the BAU. Shocked silence filled the room from both me and JJ. I looked down at my hands after a couple seconds of realization, embarrassed and disappointed at his reaction, it wasn't the welcome I thought id get from one of my my team mates. Even if it was the first an only one i had met yet.

"Ouch!". I looked up and saw the boy in front of me rubbing the back of his head and looking at JJ angrily. Turned out JJ wasn't happy with that introduction either and had hit him over the head with the case file she held in her hand. "Now apologize and give her a nicer welcome Seb" growled my blonde haired friend, "JJ its fine I understand if-" unexpectedly I was cut off. "No no I'm sorry that was an awful first impression" he rose from his seat and stood in front of me holding out his hand, "I'm Doctor Sebastian Reid, just call me Seb or Reid everyone else does". Astonished by his change in emotions I took his hand and shook it "Agent Kiara Summers, nice to meet you, you can call me Ki" "nice to meet you too, welcome to the team". His lips curled into a slight smile, I held eye contact with his sparkly hazel eyes for what felt minutes before he pulled away and sat back down in his chair, but his smile disappeared as he picked up his pen and began to write again. JJ just stood still behind Sebastian's chair looking both amused and shocked, she rubbed his back as a clear message to say thank you and then came to stand beside me. I sat down on the chair and rummaged through my black, leather handbag for a pen to start the papers Hotch gave me. "Well, that wasn't how I thought that would go" she breathed, deciding to perch on the end of my desk and fiddle with a strand of her long hair, "honestly its fine JJ, not everyone is going to want a stranger to come and intrude their team, I mean you guys have been a team forever" I tried to reassure her. "No it's not that, I mean I think he likes you more than he knows" she had a tone of questioning and disbelief in her voice "what?" I asked "its just that Seb is a germaphobe, he never shakes peoples hands when he meets them, hes never done that before". I didn't really understand what she was saying. "Trust me Seb never warms up to people fast, in fact when i first joined it took him 6 months to even speak to me let alone shake my hand, everyone knows he doesn't like new people that much"

Before I even got a minute to question this information the dark, muscular man who remembered from before strode over to us, "Hotch said we need to meet at the round table, didn't specify for what but apparently we need to be up there ASAP" he said eyes focused on JJ, that was until he noticed me sat beside her. "And who is this? I saw you going into Hotch's office I guess this is about you right?" he looked me up and down, "what's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" wow he is a flirt. "Morgan behave, this is Kiara she is new to the team, she starts today" "Why hello pretty lady, I'm Thomas Morgan, welcome to the BAU, Ill show you up to the briefing room this place can get pretty confusing if you don't have a handsome guide like me showing you around". I giggled at his introduction but decided to be nice "sure why not, show me the way" I said enthusiastically, JJ snickered behind me as we started to walk across the room to the metal stairs again, she whispered to me "don't worry he's always like this it just tones down a bit after a couple years". When we passed my desk I looked towards Seb's desk to see if he would walk with us, he wasn't there. He must have slid away whilst JJ was talking to me or when Thomas came over. Why did I feel a slight disappointment when I realized he wasn't there? Even after he was rude to me.

The briefing room was a big room with a large, dark, oak round table, multiple chairs and what seemed like a TV on the wall, on one side of the room were some white boards too. In the room sat the dark haired woman, the copper haired woman, an old Italian man, Morgan sat next to him and JJ sat next to Morgan. My eyes scanned to room one more time and were met with Seb's for the third time that morning, Hotch stood up in front of everyone and began to speak as I just stood limp next to him not knowing what to do or how to act. "Everyone, after long and careful deliberation I made the executive decision, along with JJ of course, that we needed a fresh face to add to this team to bring a new perspective and we would like to introduce Agent Kiara Summers" he looked round searching for approval "please make her feel welcome" this seemed more of an order than a favor. Smiling I gave a little wave to the people in front of me and waited for one of them to say something. "Yes! A new woman just what we needed, it was becoming a meat fest in here" the copper haired woman stood up and glided over to me with her arms out stretched and a beaming smile spread across her rounded face which was accustomed with bright eye shadow, lipstick to match and pink glasses on the bridge of her nose "I'm Penelope , tech analyst and I'm a big hugger". I was engulfed in her hug, it was warm and loving, I knew we would be good friends from this moment. She let go and held my shoulders looking at me "if you need anything just come to my office and you are now an honorary member of girls night" I looked at her with the biggest smile "if there's wine I'm there" I joked. "JJ where did you find this amazing woman?I love her already, my type of gal" she laughed and let go to give the others their introduction. The tall dark haired woman was stood waiting behind Penelope and instantly took my hand in a very enthusiastic hand shake and spoke "I'm Emily Reynolds, welcome to the BAU" "hi, nice to meet you Emily" I smiled back, she pulled me close and said "by the way, word of advice, ignore Morgan he's all talk" she winked at me, it was like she already knew what happened downstairs. This caused us to laugh, I even heard Penelope and JJ laughing too, I nodded in the middle of my laughing fit to assure her I knew what she meant.

"I heard that ladies, and don't you even think about laughing penny I heard you" Morgan said from behind Emily which made us laugh even more. As me and Morgan were already introduced he just gave me a slight hug, a wink and wished me good luck. Next was the older Italian man who walked over and spoke wisely "I'm David Russo nice to meet you my dear and welcome to our little family, and call me Dave please David is what my mother calls me" he hugged me whilst chuckling and then said "I wish you good luck, I've heard a lot about you from your report from the academy" "I didn't even know others could read my report" I questioned quite confused "I have my ways kid" he winked at me and then left the room retreating to his office next to Hotch's.

The only person that didn't introduce themselves was Sebastian, he just sat in his chair at the table reading a book, when everyone started to leave the room as Hotch dismissed us he got up and gave me a smile and a wave and went to his desk opposite mine downstairs. I walked down to my desk with Penelope as JJ had to leave me for a meeting with Hotch, Penelope informed me that tonight the whole team was going out to a bar as its Friday. "Of course I will come I cant wait, I have to go home and get changed first though" I reached my desk and sat down in my chair ready to start the papers I had to hand in later "okay good, I'll add you to the ladies group chat". My phone pinged and I was notified id been added to the iMessage group chat "how did you get my number already?" I asked very confused and concerned. "Oh honey, I'm a tech analyst at the FBI I had your number and personal info before you walked in this morning" and with that she bounced away out of the room. I laughed to myself a little, clearly taken aback by her big personality and level of sass which seemed to match her fashion sense perfectly. Now it was time to start my work.

Four hours of getting coffee and doing paperwork later I was walking slowly back from the coffee station in the staff kitchen, looking down at my overflowing coffee so I didn't spill any, my hands trembling. Then I felt myself collide with someones chest and the coffee burnt my hands as it spilled everywhere, I cursed under my breath. seriously, coffee again I heard a low voice say and I looked up to see Sebastian towering over me wiping down his clothes angrily. "oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going ill clean it" feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me I ran back to the kitchen and got the napkins and started to wipe his shirt and the floor. Seb just stood there watching me as i panicked and rambled about how sorry I was. I stood up to apologize again when he just took the napkins out of my hand and said to me "Kiara its fine chill out" he shrugged and with that he binned the napkins and walked back to his desk without another word. What is wrong with him? That's all he had to say? I threw away the empty cup and then headed back to my desk to pack up deciding I was done for the day, I got my bag and finished papers, I didn't even look at Reid who was sat opposite me to save a second round of embarrassment. Instead I walked past him and headed to Hotch's office, he was sat reading something so I knocked on the door three times and he motioned for me to enter with his index and middle finger. "Sir, I'm just dropping off the papers I finished, is there anything else I need to do before I leave?" he looked up and took the papers from my hands "no thank you Kiara that's all, you may go home now" I turned around towards the door to head home when I heard him say something from his desk. "I hope that coffee doesn't stain Reid's shirt, he really likes that shirt" he laughed a little, "how did you even know?" I asked him eerily awaiting his answer. "I saw the whole thing on my way to the restroom, but if it means anything I don't think was that angry" "really?" I was now officially confused "yes, I even think I saw him smiling on his way back to his desk after the collision" Hotch's face stayed completely serious when he said this so knew it wasn't a joke, but I got the feeling Hotch was always serious. "oh right" I was surprised that he didn't hate me but smiling that's weird. "now get yourself home, I expect to see you on the teams night out later at 8pm" "yes sir, I wouldn't miss it" then with a smile I left his office and headed to the elevator ready to go home.

Today was one of the longest days I've ever had to do but it was also the best day in my life. All I could think about is what JJ said. The words swirled around in my head as I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the ground floor. "I think he likes you more than he knows". What did that even mean?