
Chapter 5

As Alia walked down the hallways, she found Lewis on the roof while staring at the sky. When he noticed Alia, he get down from the roof and approached her.

"Are your class done?" She asked.

"No. I ran away when the instructor turned around." He smirked.

"What? You should get back to class. You're gonna get into trouble!"

"Don't worry. It's what I always do."

Alia sighed heavily. She knows that the prince is a mischievous one.

"So, the work that you gave, I've competed all of it. Your food I've prepared in your room. Is there anything else that you want?" She asked.

Lewis didn't replied. He turned his head to look back at the sky once more.

"Don't you tired of those work, Alia? You always do everything that everyone tell you to. Don't you want to do something for yourself?"

"No, I'm quite happy with my current life." Said Alia. "It's just... I'm worried about my parents. The have a lot more work than I do."

"Aren't you happy to be here?" Lewis turned his head once more to face Alia.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm probably the most happy person alive right now." She smiled happily. "It's just, when you thought about the person who take care of you since you were child, no matter what they did to you, you still love them."

Lewis looked confused. Alia currently smiling, but he doesn't know whether she's happy or sad.

"Do you want to go back to that place?" He asked.

"Maybe no. I'm just gonna be a nuisance to them. I'm not their daughter anymore." She held her head down, trying to hide her sad face.

"I see..."


The next morning, Alia woke up early to prepare breakfast for Lewis. As she preparing the food, Someone tapped her back. She turned around and saw Lewis in the commoners outfit.

"Let's go!" Lewis said with a smile on his face.

"Go? Where?" She confused when suddenly Lewis dragged her arms and ran out from the mansion through the front door.

"Just tell me, where are we going?" Alia was mad because of Lewis's sudden behavior.

"To your house!"

"What are you talking about!?" She shouted. She's scared to face her parents once more.

"You're gonna face them, tell them you love them, and be freed from them."

"No way that's gonna happen. Remember what happened last time. No way it's gonna change after a few days."

"Don't you worry about that."

She's confused and scared. She thought that the prince had gone nuts.

"There's no parents that doesn't love their daughter!"

He still believes that? Even after what happened? She thought.

Even though it's unreasonable, but Alia felt quite happy with what he did.