
It's Sweet

I have always wondered how it feels like to be free. To have money and not worry a thing. My life from the previous world is so difficult. As an orphan I struggled with the abuse and brainwashing by the director and we were taught with practical things, do labor and to earn money for food and for his luxury. Now, as I've transmigrated and became Aillenne, I got what I've dreamed of, however, some mishaps happened. I didn't know how things became that way, as I'm focused with changing the plot to avoid my death. Little did I know that I'm being toyed with people I trusted and gave heart to. I thought it was okay, because every Saturday, something happens in the orphanage. We were taught countless of times on how to please others. But now... "I will have you whenever I want, Aillenne. I'll kiss you, touch and embrace you as much regardless of wherever we are." A man said while locking my body in his sturdy arms and inhaling my scent by the crook of my neck while licking my panting lips. "Hmm... we'll make you get used to it until you always crave the moment where flesh constantly stir you. You'll beg for it with your moist eyes and lewd mouth until we combine." "Hnngggh! Please!" "Yes, Aillenne!" The men in the dark room were filled with lust. They shared and continued to stir me with their gigantic penis and licked the streaming tears. Moans and groans could be heard as the room was filled with scent of debauchery. The story deviated too much from the original and I don't know what and where it had gone wrong. Would I still follow the original or leave the spilled milk?

KatieDaeElla_123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Chapter 68 & 68.5 Heroes (H) (Part 2)

The battle began on two parts of the Empire.

The Duke stood and fought against the rebels in the cold northeast and the Crown Prince against the monsters in the west.

The Black Duke of the Dominique Empire was clad in black, wielding his demonic sword while riding a black horse towards the rebels slicing off their heads. The mere look in his cold bloodied face brings chill to the rebels as well to the knights and soldiers who were with him.

The scene were engraved in their mind and at night, like a spectre, it haunts their dreams. It's almost a daily occurrence that a soldier will wake up at night shouting and breaking in cold sweat.

At first, those who were joined in the barracks would laugh at someone who woke up like that, but as days goes by, almost all of them were plague with the same nightmare.

Blood... blood bath...



The tears shed...

The stench...

The lifeless eyes staring at them...

...and the Duke that seems to embody death itself.

He looked like the reaper of the battlefield.

The cries of the people left a bad impression to the newly recruit soldiers who were forced to take part on the battle for their first experience.

The senior soldiers couldn't help but feel pity at the young ones who seem to have just thrown away their life by joining.

At this point, people began to regret their decisions in aiming high in the capital. If only they stay put in their province to work in peace by farming, life would be easy and they could sleep soundly at night.


Clang! Cling! Clang!

Fwooosh!!! Fwoosh!!! Fwiiish!

Sounds of swords clashed each other and arrows began to be released from the strings. The fight was intense as the rebels were prepared than the newly recruit soldiers who became fodders in the war.

"Don't let them break the numbers. Take position! Look straight and aim for their neck. If you let your guard down in this fight, surely your body will be the one lying as a corpse."

The Duke coldly said as he illustrated how to butcher a person.

Splat! Drip... drip...

Blood. The red slippery liquid spilled the ground and countless corpse piled up.

Just the mere look at the Duke fighting in frontline made them feel at ease and at the same time, nervous.

"I'm glad we're on the same side with the Duke. If we're not, I doubt I could last longer than I am now."

Everyone agreed at the thought.

If they were opposed to the Duke, what would have become of their seemingly insignificant body?

The days continued to pass by and the number of injured and deceased constantly rose. The battle itself is arduous and straining as the rebels (misinformation purposely directed by the Emperor himself) were not the only ones they were fighting with as the nearby kingdoms supported them with manpower, supplies and swordmasters.

"I think I'm going crazy if the battle goes on."

"That's right. I mean, I should've just volunteered to join in the monster subjugation than fight with people alongside the Duke."

The soldiers shuddered by the fact that the battle might take long. They knew they were outnumbered by the enemy but they cannot help but just rely by trusting the Duke and his knights.

The Black Knights who were fighting with the Duke went to his barracks for a strategic planning.

The battle was to the extreme but the focal point is to just come into agreement. It's a fool's game if someone were to criticize the battle.

Rebels from fallen countries tried to take down the empire by forming a coalition. Members from different tribes as well mutated people participated the battle thus it's prolonged. Swordmasters also took part making the battle off balance.

However, what the empire wanted is peace and agreement with this people despite the bloodshed this game had bled the ground.

This game is utterly despicable.

On one side, the Crown Prince Phillipsburg's condition were not far from that of the Duke's. Monsters proliferated to a huge extent and some seemed to have mutated making the fight longer than the previous times they went to subjugate.

By speculation, this is the product of scientific experimentations of the Marrady Kingdom that were now in ruins due to the fire that engulfed the whole kingdom.

It just happened two years ago and the monsters may have come out from the laboratories after sometime.

Though it's just a speculation because no evidence was found.

It has only been a week and a few days since the start however, the battle seem to look like it happened for years due to the number of people who died.

The entire mountain was filled with monsters and almost everyday they increased in number compared to the Crown Prince's party who always had an injured or a dead colleague.

Despair and hopelessness were seen in their eyes at the prolonged battle against the monsters.

The Crown Prince Phillipsburg who wears white and rode a white horse wielding two blades on each hand always returned drenched in red, green and blue, from head to toe from different monster's blood.

The handsome and kind appearance of the Prince would instantly vanish when he stepped in the war zone. Tension rise and the dragon's aura he emits can both make the soldiers with him tremble in delight and fright.

People see this as a chance to make the subjugation process faster because the Crown Prince was said to be strong. But the fearsome face he shows whenever an attack commence is almost the same as a monster.

Nonetheless, they can't help but admire the young Prince who can slice up the monsters like butter and can still provide support to others even if he was only given the newly recruit soldiers to fight with.

It's harder than he thought and didn't expect that the subjugation would be to this extent. He was unprepared and the emperor had the hand in giving information and he might have tampered with it.

Likewise, the Emperor seemed to hold the manpower the Prince needed and like a sly fox, he'll only give it when the situation become problematic.

Such a disgraceful father.

"The Prince is still young but he excludes the aura of a strong monarch..."

"Indeed. But he will only be a monarch if we are lucky to get out of here alive."

The battle went on. By the second week, the reinforcement arrived. The main figures were Frederick's and Winston's successor.

Some knight captain from different household supported the Prince together with the party the nobles hired to satisfy themselves and be able to brag that they took huge part in the battle.

Despite the addition of manpower, nothing changed much as the monsters have strong resilience, mutated fighting power, adaptation and can easily increase.

The Duke on the other hand was given minimum people to fend off the northeast with only the party coming from the little Duke of the Gerrain Duchy, Young Master Henry Gerrain and Count Mayer's mercenaries. After two days of delay, Count Hestorial's knights also came to join the battle.

However, by the time they were sent reinforcement some soldiers had already lost hope to live and win the fight.

The Crown Prince and the Duke cannot do much in this situation and rely on time and miracle to happen and give them a hand.


It had always been their duty for the empire to protect their motherland, but they already knew what those people saw them as.

They were not heroes, they were just humans who are forced by circumstances to fight and protect themselves and in the process, if they can't win, their heads should be laid down in surrender.

Since they were young, the two fought side by side against monsters and rebels, but this time, they were split up by the order of the emperor.

If anyone had a good insight, he can concur that this is not for reason of eradicating the enemy faster but to split their forces and kill them both.

They don't really expect the help of the empire and it's a matter of time until the two will give up serving for the land and let the royalties take care of their own affairs. Sadly though, they still have to hold on in order for them to attain their goals.


Crown Prince's Camp

The map of the mountain was laid out in a long table. The ministers and knights captain came to convene.

The situation became rough though bearable because of the added force of the Frederick young master who is good in battle analysis and strategy.

He's good in using his head and made the situation easy to analyze and they could defend effectively. The tides had changed when he came forward to take the pieces.

Likewise, with the young master of Winston's innate skill in sword and water magic, they are able to kill about ten percent of monsters a day. But such great skill can't cope up with the numbers of the monsters. Nevertheless, it gave them hope that they can win the battle.

Derrick had been constantly eyeing and glaring towards the Crown Prince whenever he had time. He remembered the traces of his kiss in Aillenne's skin making him want to strangle the Prince.

He missed his little sister as well as the sweet kisses they share before he departed. He finally tasted what he longed for, but it's to short. He had been fighting with all his strength in order to eradicate every monster and return home immediately, but circumstances won't permit.

Standing side by side the Prince while discussing the strategy, he can't help but feel pissed at the nonsensical thoughts of the ministers. If possible, he wanted to slice their necks off first so they can never spout absurd words ever again.

The Crown Prince on the other hand watch the audience's move and actions. Many were involved in the emperor's scheme but he can't help it as they might threaten to cut off their supplies.

Phillip returned to his own tent that is equipped with magic. He laid down his sword and armor in one side and took off his clothing.


He had been in stress for a while now and the only thing that keeps his reason is his beloved's face and handkerchief. He grabbed his stiff endowment and stroked it up and down while walking towards the prepared bath tub. He soaked himself letting the dust and blood combine with the water while unceasingly stroking himself.

He missed Aillenne and he wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye as the emperor prohibited doing so. His father even cut off his means of getting his gifts towards her residence but atleast his letters can go through and arrive at her place.

That much can make him happy and satisfied.

"She won't be able to forget me, right? Ahh... Aillenne, this fool is sorry for not telling you in advance that I'll be participating in the war."

He missed her presence, her scent, her smile... and her taste. If not for the reason that his father promised him the stability and foundation for his position as Crown Prince, he would surely rebel and strike the Emperor down, but that won't be easy.

He's still young and the connection he had is at bare minimum. He have to surpass his father and win the war to gain the people's love, sympathy and support.

"Ahhh... Aillenne..."

He spurted his semen and let it mix with the water. He again washed himself clean and sat naked on his bed while he kept on smelling Aillenne's handkerchief that is well preserve by magic.

"If I win this fight and return to the empire, I'll surely ask for her hand in marriage. Yes, marriage."

Never in his life did he have a good memory to remember other than her meetings with Aillenne. He made him feel different emotions everytime.

"By the time we get married, I'll never leave her side and we'll enjoy all the days we have."

He smiled as he continued to fondle his large penis while thinking of fucking her without stop.

"Ahh... my lord... ahhh! Stop! Hnngggh!"

Plop! Plop!

Sounds of flesh kept on slamming with each other... moans and groans will fill the room as their breath and tongue entangled.

He will insert himself in the tiny hole and continue to fuck from dusk till dawn. He will feed her stomach with cum and make her love being filled with his dick.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Phillip--- too strong... ahhh... too deep--"

Spurt! Spurt! Drip!

His dick shot out a heavy stream of semen and he laid down his tired body on the huge bed.

He was tired and overly stressed but whenever he will fuck her in his head, he felt invigorated.


It's been two weeks since Aillenne last saw her brother Derrick and the Duke of Alastair. However, both of them felt like being near her.

In her brother's case, he left a new pink teddy bear large enough to enclose her body.

Sitting on the lap of the bear, Aillenne opened a letter coming from the Duke who's away for the battle.

[My Aillenne,

I already missed you. I'm currently having a fight with the rebels and it's been continuing since the first day of the battle. Nothing changed much, but my longing for you became stronger. I hope you'll stay healthy and happy despite my absence...

(rest is omitted)

Love, Nick.


She carefully closed the letter and hid it among the letters Damien sent her ever since the day they met (again) in the palace.

Aillenne felt depressed for some reason ever since her Brother and Damien left. She can't exactly point why and how come she felt something like that, but the bitter feelings rammed in her chest.

She knew that it's for saving the empire but she seemed to become greedy and wanted to feel their presence.

Her brother finally acted like a family and her favorite character shows a pleasant feeling towards her.

Maybe, just maybe, she's becoming like the original Aillenne. She didn't know she's that thirsty for love and attention. She even vowed to never do the same thing as Aillenne.

Her Brother bought her a lot of stuff before joining the battle and left Aillenne with a sweet kiss and left involuntarily.

So far, she still haven't heard something from her brother. But the Duke always make a way to contact her.

"Aww... my favorite character must think of Aillenne so much just like the original. If I'm Aillenne... no, stop. I shouldn't covet her man. I should finish my task here and return."

"But what if...? What if I'll really live here--- Ahh... what am I thinkin? This is making me crazy."

'But why is the mere thought of being together with Nick excites me that much? Then, why do I miss his presence that much that it makes me want to follow him to the northeast?'

"What's wrong with me? And why does my heart aches? Should I have a physician check my condition?"

"My lady, where should we put this?"

Aillenne looked up towards the voice's direction and saw two maids carrying a large pink box.

"Bring it here. Yes, there. Thank you."

She directed where to put the box and after a while the maids left.

She excitedly opened the box delivered by Richard, the guide and Damien's aide from before, who had been constantly going in and out of the Marquisate everyday to personally bring the letters and the gifts.

Her heart thumped in glee.

"How can he be so sweet? He can even prepare these things even if he's in the battlefield? What a feat!"

Aillenne tried on the dresses the Duke sent her and hugged his gifts as if she's hugging him.

"When did this feeling started? Why do I feel giddy whenever I think of him? I also missed Butter now."

She said sadly.

Butter had vanished as the Duke's connection was cut off, instead he gave her tangible gifts as a replacement and a reminder that he's thinking of her.

"I wonder if Derrick, Phillip and Nick were alright. I hope this battle will end soon."

She said and began to read the Crown Prince's letter that is discreetly given to her by a maid.

A lot of changes happened during the past two weeks. The schedule for teatime with her father was postponed. The west house was now filled with everyday gifts. Collin had been constantly visiting me in pretext of learning new hobby. The Crown Prince has been giving gifts once every three days. However, the biggest change among these was---

"Sister! Sister! I'm happy to find you here!"

Of all the things that had changed for the past two weeks, this must be the most surprising.

A girl wearing a yellow dress filled with frills and a hat that looked so expensive caught her attention. Platinum blonde hair and green eyes came to view. The girl chuckled and happily swung to and fro her skinny arms as the girl enjoyed the moment.

Adele Mickaella Winston, Aillenne's youngest sister began to visit her place bringing gifts and treats.

For what reason, she still doesn't know.


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