
It's Sweet

I have always wondered how it feels like to be free. To have money and not worry a thing. My life from the previous world is so difficult. As an orphan I struggled with the abuse and brainwashing by the director and we were taught with practical things, do labor and to earn money for food and for his luxury. Now, as I've transmigrated and became Aillenne, I got what I've dreamed of, however, some mishaps happened. I didn't know how things became that way, as I'm focused with changing the plot to avoid my death. Little did I know that I'm being toyed with people I trusted and gave heart to. I thought it was okay, because every Saturday, something happens in the orphanage. We were taught countless of times on how to please others. But now... "I will have you whenever I want, Aillenne. I'll kiss you, touch and embrace you as much regardless of wherever we are." A man said while locking my body in his sturdy arms and inhaling my scent by the crook of my neck while licking my panting lips. "Hmm... we'll make you get used to it until you always crave the moment where flesh constantly stir you. You'll beg for it with your moist eyes and lewd mouth until we combine." "Hnngggh! Please!" "Yes, Aillenne!" The men in the dark room were filled with lust. They shared and continued to stir me with their gigantic penis and licked the streaming tears. Moans and groans could be heard as the room was filled with scent of debauchery. The story deviated too much from the original and I don't know what and where it had gone wrong. Would I still follow the original or leave the spilled milk?

KatieDaeElla_123 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 60 Outing with Collin (Part 1)

After some time now, Aillenne had been receiving reports coming from Collin. The business is progressing smoothly, however some problems occured.

'Ha! I really need to fix this right away. I can't afford to miss a single beat.'

Small cute heels sounded the hallway. The baby pink dress fluttered following the girl's movement as she walked briskly and unlike a noble lady.

At the sight, workers with aristocratic background and those who have gone to have formal education clicked their tongue and shook their head looking disappointed. However, the maids and servants squealed at the sight.

"Oh my! Oh my!"

"My eyes had been blessed!"

"Is that my lady Aillenne? I thought it was an angel who descended the ground."

Hushed voices filled some corner. Eyes followed her every movement and people contained it in their memory bank.

Her pink cheeks and slightly opened mouth that were panting slightly at the quick movements, the hair that fluttered and sway by the wind...

The lady is so beautiful that everyone would agree.

"Well... she's still a child. She may have forgotten about etiquette but that's the privilege of being a child," said Louis, one of Klaude's aide.

"Hmmm...I think so. However, I see the master is doing a great job in acting like a good parent to his child."

Alan, Klaude's assistant in the palace brought up the topic everyone had been wondering about.

They have the same thoughts.

'Why did the master suddenly cared for the child? Then changed the system? What's her position now in this household?'

Sadly though, they were not brave enough to satisfy their curiosity, let alone ask the Marqius.


Aillenne stopped in front of the heavily closed wooden door. She may have entered the room a number of times now, however it feels like there are a bunch of lions lying in wait in their den, ready to pounce and gobble anyone who enters.

"My lady, would you like to enter now?"

The servant carefully ask the hesitant girl.

Aillenne inhaled and exhaled deeply while calming her nerves then put on a bright smile.

"Yes, please!"

The servant smiled at her cuteness then opened the door revealing Klaude who were dressed handsomely and a young man with strikingly shiny brown hair who is familiar to Aillenne.

The atmosphere on the other hand felt chilly.

'What? Why? What happened? Am I seeing sparks?'

Her face is full of question. Klaude drank the tea then forcefully placed the teacup on its saucer, while looking at Collin like a predator, but Collin didn't seem to mind.

Aillenne gaped at the sight.

'Ahhh...how to be like you Collin? He didn't even flinched or whatsoever when he's in front of the angry Marqius. But what exactly had happened here?'

A few moments back.

Klaude glared at the child who sent a short notice to meet his daughter, Aillenne. It was such a disrespectful attitude, however the contents of the letter made sense. He just can't put the situation in place.

'How did she meet this barbarian?'

He is watchful of Collin's every move, but Collin pretended not to know. Klaude clenched his jaw trying to contain his irritation.

'This bastard! He dares--!'

The child in front of him looked so unruly with his messy hair and with an outfit very unlikely worn by nobility. He hasn't even buttoned the top one. And obviously shows that he doesn't even mind that the person in front of him is the head of the Winston Marquisate.

'Such shameful act! He then dares to meet my daughter? Even if he is the son of Edward, I cannot accept such scoundrel lingering near my child.'

Klaude thought shamelessly.

"Stay away from my daughter."

"Why would I, Your Grace? Lady Aillenne and I had prior appointment and I'm just here to fetch her up. In addition, it's not for you to decide."

Klaude stiffened at his words.

'Exactly. This is not a matter I have to step into, but why do I feel irritated?'

Collin had been answering Klaude sarcastically while glancing around the grand view of the office. He went a few times to Aillenne's room and her room is so simple unlike the grandeur this room exhibit. Much more the place she once lived in.

'For thirteen years? Can you imagine putting your child in that cold warehouse?'

'He now acts like a father to a child he's been neglecting for thirteen years? What a shameless man. Look at yourself and compare it to your child and ask yourself if your fitted to act like that.'

Collin thought as he sip the tea in front of him.

He remembered the cheap dress Aillenne wore on the day when she went to the guild and the daily wear she had everytime he visit her for the business reports.


'It is so laughable. Did he really think that his acts could simply wash away the suffering his child experienced throughout those years? Even if I'm not supposed to meddle with these things--- I can't help it. '

'If only I can bring Aillenne with me, I'll surely give her anything. Not just the high quality clothes she really needed, but everything she will ask for.'

Like he said on their meeting in the guild, he could provide anything, as long as it's in his reach.

The man in front of him never seem to be a human. He may be one of the most influential and powerful person in the empire, but his morality and every being is tainted black. He gritted his teeth and hid his bloody thoughts when he recalled the information he read a few months back.

[The Marquis of Winston is a cold hearted man.

He didn't shed a single tear when his second child died.

All throughout the years, he's been neglecting her, leaving only a few maids and a commoner nanny.

Aillenne was only given teachers when she was transferred to the west part of the main building. In those 13 years, she was neglected and only brought up to other people for show like a walking accessory.]

'And now he's acting like a protective father to his precious child? What a sick bastard.'

Both of them swore profanities while cutting each other's throats in their mind. They drank their tea elegantly, which has somehow cooled down while waiting for Aillenne, the main reason of the war of nerves.

When Aillenne finally arrived and entered the office, Klaude unconsciously placed the teacup down the saucer harshly, making Aillenne flinch.

Collin who saw the changes in her face, took the chance disregarding the risk.

"My lady Aillenne, you're here! How are you? And... You seemed sick?"

After finishing the ritual like greetings, he inquired as if really concerned. Collin who emphasized the last word made Klaude focus his eyes to his daughter.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes father."

"You don't have to go with this basta- the young master Frederick. You have your escorts--"

"Father, you told me last time to find a friend, hence, I have Sir Collin here as my friend. He will also be my teacher in one of my hobbies."


"Sir Collin, it's quite late than the scheduled time we're supposed to meet, I'm sorry for the delay."

"It's alright. If it's lady Aillenne, I can bear the wait."

Klaude looked at the two intensely. She felt his gaze and her knees felt jelly.

"Father, I think we should go now."

Klaude nodded and beckoned Aillenne towards him. He hugged his daughter affectionately then kissed the top of her head. Aillenne froze, so do Collin.

"F, Father?"

"Now go, and get back safely. You! Return my daughter as soon as possible."

The two finally went out of the office. Still dazed by her father's actions, Collin led her towards the carriage.

Collin gritted his teeth remembering the scene.

'What does that bastard intend to do? I thought he changed the system of the household? I thought he wants to dispose this girl?'

He glanced at Aillenne as she enjoyed the changing scenery by the window, and just like that, Collin momentarily forgot his irritation.



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