
It's Sweet

I have always wondered how it feels like to be free. To have money and not worry a thing. My life from the previous world is so difficult. As an orphan I struggled with the abuse and brainwashing by the director and we were taught with practical things, do labor and to earn money for food and for his luxury. Now, as I've transmigrated and became Aillenne, I got what I've dreamed of, however, some mishaps happened. I didn't know how things became that way, as I'm focused with changing the plot to avoid my death. Little did I know that I'm being toyed with people I trusted and gave heart to. I thought it was okay, because every Saturday, something happens in the orphanage. We were taught countless of times on how to please others. But now... "I will have you whenever I want, Aillenne. I'll kiss you, touch and embrace you as much regardless of wherever we are." A man said while locking my body in his sturdy arms and inhaling my scent by the crook of my neck while licking my panting lips. "Hmm... we'll make you get used to it until you always crave the moment where flesh constantly stir you. You'll beg for it with your moist eyes and lewd mouth until we combine." "Hnngggh! Please!" "Yes, Aillenne!" The men in the dark room were filled with lust. They shared and continued to stir me with their gigantic penis and licked the streaming tears. Moans and groans could be heard as the room was filled with scent of debauchery. The story deviated too much from the original and I don't know what and where it had gone wrong. Would I still follow the original or leave the spilled milk?

KatieDaeElla_123 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 52 Outing with the Duke (Part 1)

The carriage passed by a lot of scenery until it had rounded the capital market. Buildings, stalls and people filled the area. Even if the weather is getting cold, the people were still busy doing business just like the usual.

The carriage stopped. Aillenne who wore a simple outfit fitted for the weather with a cute hat and mittens, went down the carriage with the help of her escort, Sir Oscar.

Sir Oscar who is five years older than Aillenne blushed at her appearance. Her outfit for today's outing where the nanny and the maids gave their best in dolling her up, made her look more cute and alluring. Sir Oscar clenched and unclenched his palms that had made contact with Aillenne's as if imprinting her warmth with his.

The scent of grilled corn, sweet desserts and tea filled the air. Aillenne who's extremely happy looked around with the help of the guide who were waiting for their arrival.

The young duke had put him on wait as he makes preparations for today's meeting. They looked around for a while until the guide had the signal to lead the party to the venue.

It was a cute cafe filled with delicious treats. It is said to be famous among young ladies in the capital. Aillenne went inside leaving her escorts behind and followed the guide. The cafe was empty as the duke of Alastair rented it for the whole day. The employees bowed down when the esteemed guest entered. They went to the second floor and upon opening the door, Aillenne was immediately wrapped in the familiar embrace.

The guide, Richard, who is also Damien's aide turned red at the sight while wondering about their relationship. When he saw his master kissed the girl's cheek, he couldn't stand it, then he excused himself.

'Damn! Is the world ending now? Did I see his lips arched and eyes twinkled at the sight of the young lady? My god! Am I going to die today? I better leave them be.'

Aillenne who is still in his arms, held Damien's chest then slightly pushed him away.


"Nick...I told you already that I can only be familiar with you when we are alone."

"Yes? Why? Were alone though."

Seeing his clueless face, as if asking it's obvious, Aillenne sighed.

"The guide is watching us. I don't like it. Nanny told me that kissing is done when people are in love and you are my friend, Nick."

Damien's smile cracked upon hearing her words. Right, I almost went out of control.

"Alright. I'm sorry, I just can't help it."

Aillenne nodded then returned to being cheerful. She knew that she will surely like Nick, but letting others see them like that, made her uncomfortable.

Even though Aillenne and the kids were taught by the orphanage that kisses were meant to be accepted by women, it somehow made her feel complicated for some reason.

Nick hugged her again and let her sit on his lap as he kissed her cheek again and again. He nibbled her ears and felt hard when he tasted her skin.

'Ahh! It's been a while since the last visit.'


Damien felt his penis erect when he heard Aillenne's moan.

"Does Aillenne liked being kissed by her friend?"

"No...but I just can't escape Nick's touch."

She answered shyly. Her rationality is slipping away when her opponent's beauty is so unrealistic. Aillenne also liked Nick and let him be.

"Really? Then does Aillenne liked being kissed by the crown prince? How about your brother?"

"I don't know about the prince, but as of my brother...I think it's his way of showing affection. I really liked my brother now. I wish he will always be kind to me."

Damien's eyes shone at her innocent answer. She really have no idea that she is being molested. It is not affection but lust. Damien couldn't help but kiss Aillenne's lips.

"Stop!!! Why did you kissed me?"

"Because I liked Aillenne? I really missed you. I haven't seen you since you were eight. I missed painting you in my blank canvas."


"Of course--"

Knock! Knock!

This impertinent--!

There is a small and careful knock on the door of the VIP room. Damien sighed at the sudden interference. He put Aillenne on the chair then proceed to open the door.

He glared at the owner who came to ask for what they needed. The kind and gentle face was replaced by that of a demon.

The owner flinched and felt small by the sudden overbearing atmosphere.

"I greet the Duke of Alastair---"

He didn't let the owner finished his words as he gritted his teeth then ordered everything the cafe could offer.

"And if I may add, after giving us all of the dishes, don't disturb us anymore." He said then went back to Aillenne's side.

"You're so pretty as always. I wonder if there's anything in this world that won't fit you."

"Thank you. You too look handsome as always, Nick. Ooh... anyway, you told me that Butter would loose vitality if you can't feed him with mana, but why did it loose it's vitality already?"

"Ah...I forgot. Just like any animals, you should take care of them as your children. You have to talk and play with them. It certainly liked being touched in this area."

Damien told a lie and pointed the abdomen of the butterfly where the jewel is embedded. When he saw the amazed look, he felt proud and more horny. He can't wait to return to his estate and cum as Aillenne began touching the jewel.

"Alright I understood. I'll surely do so."

"Yes. I hope you'll never forget Butter even if you're busy."

Aillenne nodded as an answer.

After a while, the food filled the room. Different scent of food wafted the air and it made her mouth water.

'Gosh! I'm going to eat a lot in this case. Hmmm... it certainly smell nice. I hope the taste is good too.'

'Anyway... why? Oh my god! Why are the servants keep pouring out with the dishes? My goodness! Stop it! It's too many!'


Damien smile and interpret her gaze in another way. No! That's not what I mean!

'What the? Is Nick this hungry? I never knew he could eat a lot of food.'

Aillenne gulped and imagined him eating all the food in front of her. Like--- goodness! It can feed a lot of people!

"Nick, are you sure this is ours?"

"Of course. Eat a lot."

"No, I mean...just the two of us?" He nodded.

"But we can't possibly finish these. It's too many. Let's call the guide from before to eat with us. Or should I call my escorts?"

Damien frowned at the thought. He really hated having others disturb the happy time he had with Aillenne. As much as he wished to listen to her wishes, this is one thing he couldn't give.

"Why, you don't like the food?"

"Not that. Listen, there's plenty and we should not waste food."

"No can do. Just eat for now and worry later."

Damien said indifferently and filled her plate with food that he knew she likes. Then they started eating.


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