
It's Sweet

I have always wondered how it feels like to be free. To have money and not worry a thing. My life from the previous world is so difficult. As an orphan I struggled with the abuse and brainwashing by the director and we were taught with practical things, do labor and to earn money for food and for his luxury. Now, as I've transmigrated and became Aillenne, I got what I've dreamed of, however, some mishaps happened. I didn't know how things became that way, as I'm focused with changing the plot to avoid my death. Little did I know that I'm being toyed with people I trusted and gave heart to. I thought it was okay, because every Saturday, something happens in the orphanage. We were taught countless of times on how to please others. But now... "I will have you whenever I want, Aillenne. I'll kiss you, touch and embrace you as much regardless of wherever we are." A man said while locking my body in his sturdy arms and inhaling my scent by the crook of my neck while licking my panting lips. "Hmm... we'll make you get used to it until you always crave the moment where flesh constantly stir you. You'll beg for it with your moist eyes and lewd mouth until we combine." "Hnngggh! Please!" "Yes, Aillenne!" The men in the dark room were filled with lust. They shared and continued to stir me with their gigantic penis and licked the streaming tears. Moans and groans could be heard as the room was filled with scent of debauchery. The story deviated too much from the original and I don't know what and where it had gone wrong. Would I still follow the original or leave the spilled milk?

KatieDaeElla_123 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 43 Order (Slightly H) (Part 2)

Aillenne shook her head, frightened.

"I'm sorry Your Highness, but no..."

She said as she hid her lips with her hands and struggled to get down, but the prince is one step quicker. He pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her like a koala and looked down at her.

"Open your mouth and accept me. That's an order."

Aillenne flinched at the sudden order. She was frightened and intimidated at the sudden surge of atmosphere. She felt Phillip's overbearing attitude and remembered the director of the orphanage in her past life.

She was scared and she wanted to run right away.

It doesn't matter if she would run away from the prince but her body won't move. The swirling memories of her past life knocked her senses.

Aillenne opened her mouth timidly as if to appease his anger and it incited Phillip's dominance to take over her.

He pushed deep inside her mouth and explored and licked her teeth. When he suddenly touched the ceiling, Aillenne let out an unconscious moan making Phillip's arousal twitch.

She was drowned by the mind numbing kiss that she didn't notice Phillip's constant rubbing of his lower body and hers.

"Hmm...I really like your taste, it makes me feel addicted."


Aillenne felt cold air gushing to her backside.


She forgot!

Her clothes doesn't have button for her to wear it comfortably but she had to put on the dress through the opening in the back and it was closed by a string, and Phillip had the ribbon knot, loose.

Aillenne who were startled, gasped as she felt the bare skin being held by his hot palms. He slowly tugged it to her shoulders revealing the top of her chest.

She saw the glint in the prince's eyes and he immediately sucked on her skin. The soft and supple skin was tugged by his teeth and lips marking it again and and again while smearing his saliva in every part he touched.

"Your Highness, please stop... hnnng... ehh... ahhh. Please, stop--- hmmm."

She punched his chest, but only her hands felt pained. Ahe tried pushing him, but it's like pushing off a wall.

Aillenne felt weak after her struggles. She felt pained and uncomfortable. She worried about what lies she will tell her nanny for her not to be serviced for a while to hide the marks.

She's scared of the outcome. Her tears fell and Phillip licked it with enthusiasm.

Her weak body incited his fervor. He pulled her more into his body.

The director said that being kissed and touched are things that a girl should give to men, but her grandma said otherwise. Kissing is only for lovers and family...but now, she didn't understand what's happening.

Phillip who made the marks obvious on the previous meeting, had been anticipating for a while now for news regarding his deeds, sadly it didn't come. But now that he had a chance, he will enjoy then help speed up the engagement and make her his wife. He badly wanted her to be his.

If he was already his, he won't let anybody see her and lock her up in a room only for him to see. There, he will do the things he always wanted to do.

"Ahhh... Aillenne... Aillenne..."

Thinking about it, he almost lost his control. Lately, he's also studying about how to please a woman in a more detailed manner. He wanted to make her feel how deep his love for her.

He sucked and licked her smooth and fragrant skin as he gently placed Aillenne's arms over his neck for easy access. He felt rewarded and grazed her chest leaving teeth marks.

Aillenne whimpered in pain, but also pleasure.

Why do I feel like this?

It's so hot and it makes me want to do things he also wanted. Hmmm... why do I feel like going crazy?

Ah... his tongue entered again...

The stimulation makes her mind muddled and the kiss made it hard for her to gain back her senses easily.

"Whenever I taste you, it makes me feel full and satisfied. I like your lips and skin. It is so smooth and soft like pudding but also fragrant. Ahhhh... open your mouth and let me in."

The prince let a low growl then sucked her tongue.

"Your Highness...please.... it's too much."

"Hmm...no, Aillenne. I still haven't got enough, but if you really say so..."

He stopped for a while. The thread of saliva hung in between their lips.

"I will allow."

He stopped, but kissed Aillenne's cheeks again. He saw that it was really time to let her go. The quick rising and falling of her chest and the red marks all over her body made him want to do it again, but he thought otherwise.

'Aillenne might really hate me.'