
It's Sweet

I have always wondered how it feels like to be free. To have money and not worry a thing. My life from the previous world is so difficult. As an orphan I struggled with the abuse and brainwashing by the director and we were taught with practical things, do labor and to earn money for food and for his luxury. Now, as I've transmigrated and became Aillenne, I got what I've dreamed of, however, some mishaps happened. I didn't know how things became that way, as I'm focused with changing the plot to avoid my death. Little did I know that I'm being toyed with people I trusted and gave heart to. I thought it was okay, because every Saturday, something happens in the orphanage. We were taught countless of times on how to please others. But now... "I will have you whenever I want, Aillenne. I'll kiss you, touch and embrace you as much regardless of wherever we are." A man said while locking my body in his sturdy arms and inhaling my scent by the crook of my neck while licking my panting lips. "Hmm... we'll make you get used to it until you always crave the moment where flesh constantly stir you. You'll beg for it with your moist eyes and lewd mouth until we combine." "Hnngggh! Please!" "Yes, Aillenne!" The men in the dark room were filled with lust. They shared and continued to stir me with their gigantic penis and licked the streaming tears. Moans and groans could be heard as the room was filled with scent of debauchery. The story deviated too much from the original and I don't know what and where it had gone wrong. Would I still follow the original or leave the spilled milk?

KatieDaeElla_123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Chapter 20 How he see her (Part 1)


One sunny afternoon, Aillenne went to the garden with a book used in her class.

It's a book specially delivered by Klaude's aide who chattered so much that the Marquis had paid so much attention to her and even gave her a thousand worth of book fresh from the auction house.

"So am I supposed to be happy because of that?"

Aillenne couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It contained imperial etiquette in a royal family's point of view. Somehow, the points and topics discussed were not that worth to the wealth the Marqius spent. But Aillenne has no means to be ungrateful for the scraps being thrown at her.

"Fuuu... this days had been so stressful for me. Who would want a life like this? I regret saying in my previous life that I wanted to be a princess. It's much tiring than working in the plantation."

Seated under the shade of a big apple tree while relaxing around feeling the gentle breeze caressing her cheek.


The petals from the flowers danced together with some leaves and the floral scent mixed with the air. It is such a decadent atmosphere.

It was such a peaceful time that made Aillenne let her guard off and fell asleep.

She immediately dozed off without care for her surroundings.

Derrick, who returned from his mission has been watching all of her actions from morning until now. It is so absurd that he's even aware of that.

The Young Master of Winston Marquisate is having strange feelings for the sole sore of the family. He felt so absurd and questioned his sanity.

He is the person who bullied Aillenne the most. He put rats, frogs and just anything to annoy his little sister. He would act haughtily and enjoy the moment when his sister had a hard time with his tricks.

He just can't stand that the family who boasts power and fame encountered something unacceptable. It shouldn't have happened if only she wasn't born.

When she died a year ago, he who should feel the same way as his parents, shouldn't cared about her. The parents who neglected Aillenne is the best model for growing children; but for some reason Derrick didn't follow them.

He moved inconspicuously and always visited Aillenne's place and watched her cold body being nursed by the nanny. He can't do anything as he can't let himself be known that he's been visiting... he can only stare blankly at her pale face.

He felt indescribable pain not because he won't have someone to bully, but he also held affection for his sister too making him want to turn back time and correct his wrong.

He didn't know why, but he really hope that time would return so he can give his sister the things she should have. He should have played with her like an older brother not as an enemy.

He kept on agonizing every time he remembered the past. He knew he's at fault but their parents were the one who should've been blamed.

Looking now, is it really important that Aillenne have a mana and talent? She's still his sister regardless.

Again, at that fateful day where Aillenne fell unconscious after being beaten several times by Madam Cynthia, Derrick who had just went back from his sword training, sneaked in her place thus witnessing the event firsthand.

He kicked the woman on instinct and rushed to his sister whose back is bleeding from the constant abuse.

As he held her small body to his slightly bigger arms, he felt an indescribable comfort. It is so weird to think that the body that is beaten beyond compare brought relief to his tired body.

As he touched her cheek, he felt a cool sensation sweeping his hand. He couldn't think straight. He even momentarily forgot that Aillenne needs immediate attention.

Her small face came to his view and the usual red lips were now blue. He remembered her lips when she died, it is also blue. Touching her lips with his thumb, he felt an illusion of being in a serene nature surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere.

"Young lady!!!"

Derrick eventually broke from his reverie when the nanny took the body with her and ran, face filled with tears.

'Right. Only the nanny has the right to be worried. I'm a useless brother to her, but why? Why am I feeling like this?'

The incident would have been buried by the Count's family by bribing the people like they used to or the Marchioness would stand by with them without much care for her child.

But it didn't happen.

Derrick, after reporting this incident to his father, didn't know that the issue will grow bigger as the emperor became involved.

Nevertheless, Madam Cynthia was given the proper punishment in the hands of the palace guards.

Looking back, he also went on his way to make Aillenne pay back his good deeds. He only wanted to piss her off like usual and just to come check her condition. But he forgot about his plans when he saw his sister in bright light.

She is so alluring and beautiful. Just like now. His sister felt shining and divine at the same time mysterious and sensual.

It is so absurd that he will feel something for his thirteen year old sister, but he couldn't help it.

'I know it's not right. This feeling's not supposed to bloom.'

The more he tried to suppress, the more his feelings run wild.

He tried countless times, but to no avail. He even tried to look for other women whom men say looked beautiful, but none of them could reach Aillenne's.

He felt possessed and carefully approached the sleeping Aillenne. She had a peaceful look as if no one could bother her.

With a thick book on her lap over a cute and simple light pink dress, the scenery of the garden became more lovely when her presence was added.

Derrick was now certain.

I like this sister of mine.