
1. The contract  

I sighed heavily and looked once more at my 4:30 clock, that was the time I was marking, got up from my chair and walked to the large window. From all over the building the boardroom was my favorite place, as from here I could appreciate the wonderful view of Sheffield.

-Relax Dimitri, she's coming. -William said and I just smiled, of course she was coming, if she knew what was good for her, she would have to come. But that wasn't what kept me going. What was really bothering me was how simple it was, I was almost sure that her late arrival was just to annoy me.

That was Tarah Gates, since I had met her she was doing nothing but bothering my life and now she was almost nothing to become my wife, but it was not like such a decision of mine, it was my parents', they said that Tarah Gates, was the best candidate for a wife that I could find, She came from a good family, she wasn't involved in any scandals, the people in our circle adored her, for everyone Gates was perfect, but for me she wasn't, because she was unpunctual, immature, temperamental, everything I hated in a girl Gates had.

Even so, I had to marry her, not that I had any other choice. In fact, I never had a choice in my life. As long as I can remember, my parents raised me so that I would never leave my circle. Or at least that's what my mother said, I never gave them any problems, I always tried to be a good, patient child who never made anyone angry. I was always upright and disciplined in meeting the goals of everyone but me.

I studied business at Sheffield University, because my family said it was the right thing to do, that it would help the family business and that no one would ever see their naive face.

Although what I really wanted to study was journalism, I loved the idea of writing, but not gossip notes or showbiz stuff, but serious things that would change the world.

And if I couldn't choose that, how the hell could I get it into my head that they would let me choose a wife? No, to them we were just another business that had to be closed.

-Just 10 more minutes. -I said and William nodded his head.

Narrated Tarah

I looked at my watch and saw that I was more than half an hour late, I cursed aloud and continued pedaling hard, I should have listened to Ava, the car was better, but who would have thought that the bike would get a flat tire? Well no one, I'm not a fortune teller, no one is, after almost half an hour pedaling I finally arrived at the Hughes building, I got off the bike, I stood there and watched for a few moments the facade, and although it was not the first time I went to that place this time it felt different, it even looked different.

I opened the door and the first person I met was Cristin, even though I had only seen her twice. Ava told me a lot about her and her reputation as an ass-warmer.

-Miss Gates. -She said when she saw me, but without any encouragement.

-Let me announce her. -She said, but I was already walking to the elevator,

-It's not necessary, my fiancé is waiting for me. -I emphasized the word PROMISE, even though I didn't believe it, just to make her angry. Once inside the elevator, I pressed the chair button and it closed its doors.

I sighed and adjusted my pants and blouse, I was about to give my head, today I was going to sign the stupid prenuptial contract that my parents and the Hughes had agreed upon. They saw us as one of their most successful businesses, as they had dreamed all their lives of this moment coming, well not exactly the moment when we would sign a contract by mutual agreement, but the day we would get married. And that was what disgusted me most about them, that they had finally got away with it.

I got off the sensor and walked down the hall a few inches from the door, sighed and closed my eyes, which I later hated having done.

Narrated by Dimitri

-Excuse me. -Are you all right? -We heard someone say from the hallway so Will opened the door and walked out of the room. Instead, I walked back to my place to take my seat the torture had begun.

-I'm sorry. -said Tharah again as she walked in with Will.

-Did you hurt yourself? -asked William, and judging by the look of Gates, he was sure she had come running. His hair was all over him, his eyes were swollen and his blouse was slightly raised. When I turned around I found her watching me and swallowed her saliva.

-Can we start? -I said and they both sat down.

Narra Tharah

It was a real disaster, I had spent the whole morning in the animal shelter forgetting my appointment or rather the meeting I had scheduled with Dimitri. If it hadn't been for Ava I wouldn't have arrived and now I'd be being dragged here with lawyers

-Take a seat, Miss Gates. - said the lawyer who also went to the large table in the middle of the room.

Dimitri, my future husband, was a manipulative, womanizing idiot. We went to kindergarten together, elementary school, high school and college, our families were more than friends, we were precisely that family and that always influenced me to see him all the time, there was a moment when we loved each other, we were the best of friends, but that was broken and he became a real idiot. And I was a different girl.

-Do you both know the reason for this meeting? -said William again and we both nodded.

-Okay, here's the contract. -I take a piece of paper and pass it to Dimitri and he gives me one just like it.


I Dimitri Hughes in full possession of my mental faculties in marrying Miss Tharah Gates do hereby commit myself:

1. To be faithful in the eyes of all

2. Pretend a great love for her when we are in public

3. Do not ask for or demand anything.

4. Not to be jealous or make scenes in front of people.

5. Take her as a companion to every business party as possible.

6. We will live in a house together.

However, she should accept that:

1. She will never ask about my sex life

2. It shall not impose any affective act between the two.

3. When we are alone it will be as if we did not know each other,

4.Everyone will do what they like.

5. We will live together, although we will never sleep together, unless we have visitors.

These clauses guarantee a stable and peaceful coexistence for both parts, in a lapse of three years this contract will be resumed or a divorce will be registered.

When I finished reading, I sighed deeply and nodded my head.

-I left out that I should tell you what time I go to the bathroom and what time I should eat. -Far from feeling joy, I felt like an object, an object that fulfilled everyone's expectations.

-If you'll excuse me. -said William and left the room, leaving us alone.

-Your comment was inappropriate. -said Dimitri looking into my eyes. Something I always did to intimidate.

-Look, I don't like this as much as you do, I know my role in this shit and don't worry that my manners will show up when we're in front of your friends.

I want to put my own clauses on it.

-Do I listen? -he said and crossed both arms.

Every chance I get, I'll make a donation.

2. I must keep Logran

3. You can't send me around like I'm some stupid kid.

4. You are going to convince my parents so that I can exhibit my paintings.


That girl was completely crazy. I sighed heavily and ran both hands through my hair.

- I'll do the dog thing, I like Logan, but I can't do your parents.

-Well," she said and got up.

-There is no deal. He walked out the door leaving me sitting at the table with the word in my mouth, something no one had ever done in their lives.

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