
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Tough Decision

14. Tough Decision

We entered my bedroom. Pulling out the chair, I sat on it with the two sisters are sitting on my bed. Sunna and Eula staring at me waiting for me to speak. After sometimes of long silence, the elder sister said.

"You can start now."


"... first of all, I have signed a sealing order. So I can't speak or tell anyone about my power, what happens with the test last night, or any details about my supercell."

"Then how are you going to tell us—"

"I'm not done talking yet!" I stopped Eula who cut off my word. 

She shrank her body and stopped her hand which trying to put another snack on her mouth. I may raised my voice inadvertently. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, what's with me today, why I've become so temperamental?

"Although I can tell it directly to anyone else, maybe I can show what I did by demonstrating it." 

Yeah, that's the loophole in the seal order, it's just to seal my mouth not blabbering anything about the power. Despite how restrictive it is, it didn't prohibit me from doing it to other people. So I can just fuck some women and let them taste my power, still, if they divulge this and the military found out ... then she will have another trouble. 

"... you mean the power test?" Sunna asked.

"Yes, as you see my power is—, right, I can't speak about that. The main point is, the female soldiers are there to help me ... to help testing my power. In short, they've become my practice target. And if you want, I can do it with you two."

"But, what is your ability? Is it target cast-type, AoE, body modification? It's not clear for what can your ability do."

"Is it harmful?"

I rolled my eyes at sis Sunna question. "If it will cause harm, I will not have brought this up to you guys in the first place. Do you think I could bear the thought of harming you two? You two are my precious sister, I will never let anything happens to you."

The two sister avoided eyes after I said that, a trace of blush painted their fair cheek in pink color. Heh, too easy.

"Well then ... tell big sis, how would you show us your power?"

Okay, Arman ... this is it. This is the day. You've been holding back your crooked and nasty desire for the past three years. This is will be the momentous day when you'll finally fuck your sister!

"Ahumm ... how should I put this. Ermm ... the activation condition of my ability is ... unprecedented. That is maybe the reason why they took me to do the power test immediately. I ermm ... if I carefully think about it again, it is best if I don't show it to you. After all it's ... that, err, what am I saying ... really. How can I ask it to them directly, that'll be weird right?"

The budding momentum that I tried to gather crumbled even before I said anything. I spoke incoherently and unable to say something right. I bet my eyes were swarming left and right. As expected, how can I ask something inappropriate like that out of blue. And worse, how can I think of tricking them to get laid. 



Four black-eyes stared at me in puzzlement. Seeing how pure their eyes without any vigilance ... somehow I feel guilty. 

I took a deep breath and looked down. My mind spun, trying to find any feasible justification on whatever I will be doing with the two of them. But since the start, having such intention itself is very wrong. 

I leaned to the backrest of the chair, and I closed my eyes. My mind is racing trying to find a way out on this tough decision.




Somewhere, deep inside the brain central processing unit. There's a round table with a total of eleven seats only seven of them are occupied while the other four are vacant.

"Alright now ... we've gathered here for the 484th Inner Mind Conference. The topic for today's discussion is the current emergency situation. As you can see, at the moment, we have a dilemma to overcome. That is whether to fuck the two Koei sisters or not. So let's get things straight and help Main decide on this matter. Hopefully, we can reach a common agreement and execute the decision right away." stated a somewhat stern and serious Arman, wearing a grey suit and glass. While talking, he pointed his finger at the table with bossy attitude. 

"Logic, there's no time for this. Let's just take a vote and be done with it!" said another Arman who has a shifty look, deranged hair, and always walking in a circle around his chair.

"... slow down, brother Impatience. You're always in the rush, chill down. Take a seat and enjoy some of these pina coladas." said Arman #3 wearing a beach flower-patterned batik shirt and brown sunglasses, he leaned his body lazily on the chair and put his leg at the top of the table, smoking a cigarette his other hand held a glass of iced beverage.

"You there, Procrastination, was it? Since the day you joined us, you always dragging things out of schedule. What use are you in this council? Did you realize how disgusting you are?" 

Yes, it's another Arman ... but this time he's somehow giving a different vibe. He has long hair that was tied in a bun with a gold hairpin, he wore hanfu clothes like some Chinese historical figure portrayed in ancient drama, he also has peacock feather fan with him. His head always held high to the sky as if there's nothing in the world that could bend him down.

"... I won't bother arguing with you sissy boy. I know myself better than you do." Procrastination stated after blowing a circle with his smoke.

"Hmph, if you know who you really are, how about you try to make some change? Your life is a disgrace, so disgusting."

"Calm down you two, it's not the time to argue. And besides, all of us in this round table are one and the same. Disgust if you are disgusted with Procrastination, then that means you're disgusted at yourself." said Arman with a neat mandarin goatee wearing Wakanda-styled Koko shirt and black songkok added with chained monocle like some old man.

"You said that we're the one and the same? Wait, in the first place what are we? And why we're all in this place?" a somewhat wizardly-like Arman with a long full beard wearing Gandalf robe and Potter family's round glass asked with a hint of doubt.

"Brother Doubt, we are indeed the same. But at the same time, we are not. We are the personification of every prominent aspect of him, in a sense we are him. However, each of us represents different aspects of him. Therefore, I am different from you, you are not me."

"That's confusing, there's something wrong with the logic behind your word. Logic, how do you process that sentence?"

"Guys, can we get down to the business? While you're here debating irrelevant things, the clock is and always ticking!" Logic knocked the table.

"It's just some microseconds, why so fuzzy about it? Logic, you're kinda annoying with the way you remind us about this problem and that problem. A problem won't be a problem if you think there's no problem, in other words... just don't give a damn fuck about it, you'll live a better life." 

"Hmph ... ignorant." Disgust commented on Procrastination's long-ass useless sentence. He then turned his gaze to Gandalf von Doubt and stated. "Tong kosong."

"Whu-what's that, what's Tongkosong, is it Mandarin? I don't understand Chinese, why did I never learn it?"

"No, brother Doubt. It's not Mandarin ... it's Bahasa. It was a peribahasa, or idiom. The full idiom is 'tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.' Which literally means, 'an empty can rings loudly' ... it's used to refer to a man who talks much and long but without substance."

"What? So you said I'm having an empty brain, is that what you mean? I'm just asking questions, the basis of critical thinking is doubting and questioning everything! Because what Reason just said is rather confusing, I ask. What right do you have to sneer at me like that? It's not my fault for asking my doubt? Like the saying goes, 'ashamed to ask, get lost on the way' ... how am I supposed to know more if I don't ask? And you haven't answered my question, Logic, I'm starting to doubt your intellectual capability."

"Oh fuck you, Doubt! Will you just shut up and focus on the main discussion we have here!? I have other things to organize back in my chamber! And Procrastination too, you're not any better!" Impatience stood up and shouted at Doubt.

"... I'm just ... asking ..." Doubt's voice turned dimmer.

"Hehe, he started to lost his patience. Well, what would you expect from Impatience?"

"Guys, guys ... focus! We need to straight our minds and focus on the topic at hand. Impatience, would you please chill down and sit? This won't be taking longer if you're cooperating." Logic tried to pacify the heated situation.

"Anyone wants to play FPS? There's a limited login event when you could get 1 day SS-6 A2 Assault Riffle." asked a nerdy Arman in a black sweatshirt with an oversized headset and holding a smartphone. 

"Distraction, you're distracting ..."

"Heh, that's what I truly am ... Proc, wanna log in?"

"Hell yeah, why not ..." 

"Rather than focusing your mind with your fucking mobile game would you put your mind on this subject? Are you starting to disregard me?" Logic shouted at the two negatives.

"In the first place, why we must listen to you? I mean, aren't we all one and the same? Why it's you who take charges?" asked Doubt, after clearing his doubt on the existential problem.

"Doubt, you always questioning everything. However, have you ever doubting yourself?"

"I always doubting myself, I can't exist if I don't have any doubt on me. For example, why did I look like a Gandalf mashed up with Prof. Dumbledore with Harry Potter's eyeglasses? Why I always questioning something that irrelevant to everything but in the end interconnected with that thing? And why we're holding something like council or conference ..., isn't this too much of a waste of time and energy? We are an inseparable aspect of ourselves, if we did something like this ..., it will only contradict, so why we did it?"

"Oh, so it's like that. I say, why don't you change your name to Forgetful? Because you forgot that we're running this council run in the democratic system because of a reason; no, not you Reason! We need to have someone to lead us while also need every member to give input through discussion, that's how we begin to organize such a conference. The leader of this arrangement is the president. And I need to remind you, in case you're that forgetful, everyone here can be the next president but that depends on how much support you could get. As the one who received the second-highest support vote in the last election, I won two votes by the way ... I naturally become the vice-president! I, on behalf of our president who was absent on the scene, represented the largest voice. As a fellow member of the council, how dare you doubting my authority?" 

Logic explained in such a great length as the topic of discussion keeps getting unclear. Well, at least it's cleared Doubt's doubt.

"I see now, so you have the authority as a vice-president. But then ... who and where's our President?"

"Brother Morality couldn't recover from the blow he suffered yesterday. Seems like the matter about having an orgy sex party had done much harm to him. Well, it's against his moral value. Although, I can't say that he's a good guy with upright moral conduct ... he's decent. Right now, brother Shame and Dignity both accompanying him. And they have apprehended Desire along the way, forcing him to make an apology."

"Hey, can we get this done already? We've been wasting time with this stupid discussion. No one discusses anything. You're just talking north and south! No substance, no opinion, arguments. I still have to finish reorganizing the newly acquired data before it got sent and processed in the short-term memory vault. If we really not discussing something, then let me go." Impatience got irritated with how slow they are in deciding.

"Proc, you go check A bomb site. I'll handle this one."

"Oh, nice headshot, Dist ... there's another one around that corner."

"Ughh ... this is a mess." Logic gave up on them.

"Just give it up brother Logic, you waste your word on them. It is better to let us decide through a vote."

"But Reason, this is not such a simple decision such as whether to buy Eula a Coca-cola or Pepsi. It's will we or will not we fuck Sunna and Eula? We can't possibly decide through a vote, that's illogical! Not proportional with the value of importance." Logic rebuked. 

"However, brother Logic ... without brother Morality, you can't force them to listen to your logic. They won't listen to you because in their own perception, your logic is nonsense. And as you say... the clock is and always ticking. We need to make a quick decision."

Logic looked at Reason who was still smiling calmly over there. Then his gaze moved to Disgust who fanned his face slowly eyes closed, the duo who was playing mobile game Procrastination and Distraction, Doubt who knitted his brow, and lastly Impatience who sat down but couldn't stop the sole of his feet that was tapping the floor impatiently.

"Alright ... because we can't have a proper discussion, let's take a vote then." Logic sighed and got this decision done through a vote. "484th Inner Mind Conference, deciding whether to fuck, or not fuck Sunna and Eula. Raise your hand to those who support this."

Simultaneously ... all seven hands were raised. All supporting the notion to fuck both Koei sisters.

"Yes, finally!?" shouted Impatience who jumped out of his chair, he stormed out of the conference room right away.

"I know this would happen with the absence of Morality." Reason smiled and shook his head slowly.

"Why you also raised your hand? I thought you're the kind who will definitely not gonna let this happen." Doubt asked Logic who also raised his hand.

"Logically ... there's nothing wrong with having sex with them, in fact, we can get many benefits from it. First of all, we will get another two superpower abilities stored in the Powerbank. Second, we know they love us and were very crazy about it. And third, I bet even Morality will agree with this because it's not against, I mean, no longer against his moral value. He's broken the barrier. There's nothing that can stop us."

"Not bad, Logic ... your reasoning is quite valid." Reason nodded in glee hearing Logic's word.

"Hmph, hypocrites ... so disgusting." Disgust stated after hearing what they said.

"Oh well then, why you also raise your hand if you agree with the notion?" Doubt asked.

"At least, I don't disguise myself by being a hypocrite. I can't agree more with the notion, and I am not disgusted with the two sisters."