
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

New Technique

Chapter 5: New Technique

'So, where were we again?'

['Start with what you know about the Juubi ressurection, and then continue from where you left.']

'Okay, as you know ..., I 'received' a memory from my future self. In that future I got captured by Six-Path Pain. I took down one of his living puppets, but I guess our combined power still incapable of fighting against someone who had the Rinnegan.'

['... the same eyes as my father?'] Saiken muttered but didn't meant to interrupt Utakata.

'I don't remember much after the Akatsuki extracted you from my body. I died, but sometimes later I was resurrected by Tobi, an Uchiha and he was also a Rinnegan possessor. Along with five other reanimated jinchuurikis we fought against Uzumaki Naruto and Killer Bee the jinchuuriki of the nine and eight-tailed beast. Afterward, Uzumaki Naruto received Kurama-sama acknowledgment to use his chakra that they stopped all seventh tailed beast. After that, you and your siblings entrusted some of your chakra to Naruto, and he became pseudo-jinchuuriki to all nine bijuus.'

['... Kurama did that? Really? That arrogant fox? Wait, you know our name?']

To that question, Utakata nodded and said every bijuu name starting from the one-tailed beast.

'Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyukki, and Kurama.'

['Unbelievable, but I never stated my true name to you either ..., what in the world happened in that future?']

'Sadly, I don't get to know how it ends. I was sealed and never witness the resolution of 4th shinobi war. From the bits and pieces of memories that I receive from that time, I know that the five great shinobi village are on alliance to stop the Akatsuki with their Tsuki-no-Me project.'

['Tsuki-no-Me project?'] 

'The Tsuki-no-Me project, as far as I know is a vile project that will subject everyone in the earth on a world-scale genjutsu powered by the World Tree, the vessel of Juubi. Because the genjutsu casted on the moon to form a rinne-sharingan, it was called as Tsuki-no-Me.'

['Little huma- ..., Utakata.']

Utakata widened his eyes a bit as that was the first time his bijuu occupants called him by the name. He lifted up a fleeting smile and waited for the bijuu to continue.

['For now, I will take what you said is true. After all, it is impossible for you to know all of these things unless you truly regressed from the future. So how much time you have before you fought Pain?']

'It won't be long. Actually, I got short 12 days before our meeting. That was how it should happen. But now, because of this traveler system. I have full one year trip in this world while the time stopped in our home world. I plan to train myself hard in this place. Hopefully, I can handle them when I return.'

['Hmmm ...'] Saiken went silent after a long humm.

'Alright. Good night then, Saiken-sama.' Utakata said after a moment of silence, 'Maybe I should try learn the strange energy of this world.'

Utakata is a sensor-nin, and he could feel that this place have some variation of spiritual energy but with different properties than the usual chakra that he know. He want to find the best way to mold them into chakra.

After all, since he came into this world he couldn't regenerate his chakra. He feels like, something clogging his chakra coil. And his temporary measure for that is this, if he couldn't regenerate it within himself, what if he absorb the surrounding 'energy' and make it into his chakra?

With that in mind, he seated in a lotus position and started meditating. He cleared his mind and tried to focus on the surrounding energy. He tried to 'guide' them to enter his chakra pathway system and incorporate it with his chakra. 

There's something about the energy that is fundamentally different. He could feel the raw power, it was primal and esoteric flowing through his chakra network. It was stark contrast from physical and spiritual energy, but he tried to mold it all the same into his chakra pathway. However, the addition of different kind of energy inside his pathway messed up the equilibrium of the two primal energies that build up chakra. 

Utakata could feel the subtle change, and his body got terribly affected by it. He felt like there are thousand nails in his stomach. The pain slowly become increasingly hurtful as he poured more of these surrounding energy into his pathway. But he gritted his teeth and refused to let this process stop because he couldn't bear the pain.

He tried to stabilize these three type of energy in his chakra pathway until the ratio is 1:1:1. The ratio of physical and mental energy in a chakra is 1:1 anyway, he thought that maybe if he balanced the three energies into the same ratio he might succeed in his little experiment. If someone else saw Utakata right now, then they will notice that there's a bluish mark appeared around his eyes. 

['You fool, are you trying to end your miserable life! Expel those energies right now!'] Saiken shouted in panic after realizing what he's doing.

What Utakata failed to notice while Saiken could was, this little jinchuuriki is drawing the nature energy and mold it together with his chakra. Utakata was trying to train a senjutsu! All alone, without any proper guide. That's just spell dangerous! Even with proper guide, one could just turn into a stone if not careful, yet this suicidal boy tried to do it on his own?! 

Saiken was baffled with this, who want to die in another plane of existence? 

['At least, don't drag me with you if you want to die! Utakata, stop this, damn, can't you hear me?!] The six-tailed slug roared as the jinchuuriki didn't show any sign to stop.

Saiken decided to put thing on own matter, he burst out a huge amount of tailed beast chakra to enlarge the seal leakage. The seal has been weakened by Utakata's deceased Master who attempted to extract him from Utakata few years ago. Saiken only making enlarge the damage done to the seal.

After that, he released his tailed-beast chakra and injected into Utakata's chakra pathway. Trying to expel those foreign energy outside. However, it's only effective in the first few hour only. As immediately afterwards, the absorption didn't stop but rather become faster. As if Utakata become a living vacuum of nature chakra. His body started to have a noticable change, starting from his feet upward, his skin slowly turning into a blue crystalline structure.

['Damn! Damn! Damn!']

Without any other choice, Saiken blended his chakra with Utakata's and tried to balance the massive amount of nature chakra that his vessel absorbed from the atmosphere. If people saw Utakata right now, they would see that there was a layer of dark reddish chakra enveloping his body. Slowly, the energy began to neutralized and his crystallized lower body started to revert back to it's original. The mark that was formed around his eyes shrunk and leave only a small thin-like mark on his eyelids.

Utakata opened his eyes, revealing a crystalline blue eyes with glittering gem-like irises and pure white pupil. 

[You have realized the essence of senjutsu by balancing the physical, spiritual, and nature energy in your body. You have learned a new skill, (Magicite Sage Mode).]

**A/N: I call bullshit :o

[Magicite Sage Mode]

[Passive/Toggle] | [Reached Physical, Spiritual, and Nature chakra into equilibrium]

[By blending nature energy with User's chakra, creating a senjutsu chakra which is thousand times more powerful. Enter empowered state that tap into the natural force of the world.]

[Effect] :

[All stats +100(ignore max cap)]

[Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu become more powerful]

[Can coat user body with layers of indestructible Magick Armor]

'This is ..., power! Unlimited Power!!!' Utakata clenched his fist and feel the strong grip.

['You fool madman! What the hell is wrong with you?!'] Utakata heard the six-tailed bijuu yelled with mirth in his voice at him.


['Did you know that a senjutsu isn't something that you could learn willy-nally like that? The chance that you could die while training is no joke, only 1 out of million people met the requirement to learn this art. Those who incapable of learning it turned into a living statue! Damn human, you want to die that much huh? It's not like I care about your mortality, but at least don't bring me down with you, not until you return to the elemental nation!?']

'But ..., in the end, I succeed right?'

['That's only because I help you stabilize those nature energy! You should be grateful that this great me personally helped you.'] Saiken countered before ending it with a long sigh, ['Look around you, those crystal shards ..., your body will turn into that if you don't succeed balancing the chakras.]

Utakata looked around and he could see it too, the price of failing to learnt the senjutsu.

'Saiken-sama, what else do you know about Senjutsu?'

['Not much, only the basic ..., back in the elemental nation there's an region on earth far away from you human settlements that inhabits animal village. Inaccessible through human means, some stumbled upon this region through luck or by using reverse-kuchiyose. These animal villages is vastly weaker than us ..., but they discovered the way to harness the power of nature chakra, senjutsu. Even my father went into their tutelage for sometime.']

'Your father?' Utakata heard about it for several time, but he never learned who was it that fathered the bijuus.

['Ootsutsuki Hagoromo, or maybe you know him as Sage of Six-Path.']

'Rikudou Sennin? He is your father? But that's nonsense, could the legend be true?' Utakata gasped with the revelation. 

In the time of his resurrection, it was still on the early to mid-stage of the Fourth Shinobi War. It wasn't surprising that he doesn't know about the existence of Rikudou Sennin. He only knows about the figure because it was a telltale legend that every parent on the elemental nations told to their children.

['My very existence is the proof. I wouldn't exist if not because of him.'] Utakata could feel a hint of melancholy beneath the six-tailed slug voice. ['In any case, you should stop harming your body like that. I'm confined inside your body, if you died, my chakra will be dispersed back into the nature. It would take a long time before I could reform as one entity again.']

'I will be more careful. Thank you for your help, Saiken-sama.'

Magicite Sage Mode is a toogle passive ability. And activating it cost nothing to him, as long as there's a magick in the air his body could passively absorb it and maintain the equilibrium by itself. Perhaps it's all thanks to his system. 

After fusing his chakra with the magick of this world, his body become capable of regenerating chakra on his own. He don't know how and why it happens, perhaps when the first time he travelled over, his body hadn't yet fully adapted with this world.

The next morning, Utakata comply with his thirst for power and entered the Soldier's Hall. He wanted to increase his combat arsenal in this short years before facing Rinnegan no Pain. And he also has interest in the power that the people of this world wield.

"What brings you here, lad?" a gruffy bald old man greeted him behind wooden counter. 

"Greetings, my name is Bob and I seek fame and fortune."

"Hah, just another guy who'd find death more amusing." the bald old man listed his identity and then led him inside. 

Inside of the building, there was an open courtyard used for training. There was a dozen of young men and women who swung their sword methodically. The straw doll become a poor target for their practice.

"Caellan, I bring you another one ..."

"Aight, c'mere lad!"

Utakata joined the Soldier's Hall and he also got a free lodging and a meal. There was no fee for joining the hall, but if he was hired as a mercenary then 80% of the money would then given to Soldier's Hall and he only got the remaining 20%.

He thought that this non-committal training system is kinda mindblowing. After all, hidden village in elemental nation trained their younger generation for years and instilled certain set of doctrine and ideology since early childhood to make them loyal and obey. But ... it was different in this place, their training only consist of learning fighting skills and fundamental battle tactics. There was no loyalty or ideology lesson, as the drive for victory is material wealth only. 

Soldier's Hall is a place to learn and hone martial skill until a client bought them. Basically, it was something like that.