
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Author's Night at Bluepeak

Chapter 10: Author's Night at Bluepeak

I rented a courtyard in the Bluepeak Inn. It might be called an 'Inn' but this is nothing like inn at all, it's more like a small village. Identical mansion and courtyards were lined up like a housing complex. It's amazing, even in Whitegold Capital City, it's impossible to find this kind of inn.

I lied down in the bamboo chair as I was dead tired today. This is so ..., uncomfortable, I don't know, maybe I should lay down in the bed and take a short nap. But the bed in thi inn is just a four-legged wooden plank ...

"Aram, can I ask you something?"

"Hmm ..., what is it?"

"You see, the courtyard that you rent, it has plenty of room right? Can I invite other villager to stay the night here?"

"Ah, that reminds me, Mu Ying, where will the other villagers planning to rest at night?"

"They must be in the Lodging House."

"Lodging House ...," 

After asking it for a bit, I know what this Lodging House is. It's just one big unused warehouse. Because inside the building is spacious, there was a person who thought of it as a business opportunity and rented it to travelers for dirt cheap. Though there's no sense of privacy because you will be sleeping with other people, and there's a lot of thief loitering about.

"If you could, go and invite them to come here. They could use some of the room."

"Alright, thank you. I'll try to ask them." she left shortly after.

The sun almost set, I reorganized my plan in this rare relaxing time. In the meantime I will not assume the identity of Yang Xian. Or rather, I will completely live with different name and persona, as Aram Hadrian.

For now, my plan is to clear up the forest in the Blackforest Region and build my base there. The place is uninhabitable because of high rank Magical Beasts nesting depth within the forest. 

I say, the setting of that place is ominous ground,a no-man land. And thus, even if Redragia Kingdom built settlement around the forest, and declared it as Blackforest Region, their influence never reach the depth of the forest. Basically, no one live there. But to make sure, I'll ask the local. Right, I guess I'll ask village chief's son-in-law, he might be knowledgeable.

As for living, I'll do with trading. I originally planned to explore the vast continent and gather the cheat-like artifacts that I wrote. But then I brushed off that idea. Even those artifact won't make someone become too OP.

But now, I received trading cheat from Yama. I could just make a living from it. As long as I have the gold, I could survive ..., as long as there's a cemetery nearby. This remind me, why the goods always delivered in cemetery? Maybe I should ask the person himself.

[To: yama.kingudw@wahoo.com

Subject: Something to Ask

Content: Good evening, Underworld King. I want to ask about something. Can you do something about the delivering spot? It's always bother me to go to the cemetery every time I bought something using your system. And thus, please hear of my request. Thank you.]

At which, I received immediate reply.

[From: yama.kingudw@wahoo.com

Subject: Reply - Something to Ask

Content: Evening, buy 'Shrine to Yama' and place it somewhere. The goods will be delivered nearby the statue.]

I checked the said statue, it was a small statue with the height no taller than twenty centimeters. It depicted a person sat in his throne, no doubt it's Yama. But it was not the fat middle-aged man him that I saw few days ago, it was sickly teenager with indifferent face. Maybe it was him when he's young. 

 [Shrine to Yama] [x1] 100 G x 1 = 100 G 

 The price ..., it's expensive for something that's pretty small, but this is necessary expenditure. I bought it and went to nearby cemetery to fetch it. 

On my way return, I met Mu Ying with that female elf slave and the villager. I led them to our courtyard and ordered a sumptuous meal for the dinner.

We were holding a feast in the dining room, I ordered another portion for the slaves but they were eating in another room. Right now, in the dining room it was only the villagers. I sat in the main seat, beside me was Mu Ying and the convoy leader, Mr. Liu. 

"Ah right, Young Master Aram ..., it is one thing that you let us stay inside your courtyard. But to treat us on a meal, this is a bit improper."

"Mr. Liu, please don't hold back. I don't feel right letting you stay in the Lodging House while I'm in this inn. After all, I've been in your care in this journey. This is the least I can do for you."

"Ahaha, you're right. And congratulation on your marriage, I'm looking forward for the marriage wine."

"Of course, please look forward to it ..."

Seems that the fact that I'm going to wed Mu Ying has established just like that. Well, as a virgin man I think it's fine, she's also a beauty, and that small mouth of hers ... I got distracted.

"Mr. Liu, if I say ..., I want to build a house, do I need to buy the land deed or something?"

I never know about this, as both Yang Xian and me were ignorant of such thing I decided to ask.

"Oh you don't have to, our village is just pioneering village and relatively new, so the land belong to us. Though, after you build your house, you must register your new family to village chief and pay the tax. But the land is yours."

"Really, no matter how big I built it?"

"Yeah, that's so ..., but why you want to build a big house?"

"No, nothing ..., I'm just asking casually. Then, what if I built inside the Blackforest?"

"Excuse me, I thought you're saying inside Blackforest. Or maybe I misheard it ...,"

"I am indeed said I want to open the Blackforest."

"You mean 'inside' the forest? You're not joking right?"


I stared at him intently, putting on plainest face that I could make.

"Seeing you putting on serious face like that ..., sigh, where should I start I wonder."

Mr. Liu took a gulp on the wine and then started narrating. 

"Haven't you heard about the Guardian Deity of the Blackrock River?"

I think I know about that, but maybe it's different story. Alright, let's hear it then.

"I ..., am sorry, but this is the first time hearing it."

"Deep inside Blackforest, there was ancient and powerful beast ..."

And he began narrating some folklore local to the region. It was about big giant predatory snake which look like flood dragon of the ancient. 

As the author myself, I put on unnecessary detail about this (presumably) same beast. It was when the MC venturing the wood and clashed with Yang Xian. 

Blackscale Floodragon ..., the name I come up with. In fact, the name Blackforest, or rather why the wood in this forest turn black is because of this beast. The Blackscale Floodragon come into being from a conjoining of Darkdeath Dragon masquerading as a man with a Lamia, a snake-demoness. Because the influence of the dragon bloodline is too strong, it didn't hatched as lamia but as a Floodragon, a pseudo-dragon.

It survived the Dragon Insurgence and grow peacefully in the forest south of the Mt. Silverpeak at the beginning of the New Era. After every living dragon was annihilated and the age of men started, men begin to grow weaker while new threats appeared. This threat was the appearance of Magical Beast. No one know how they appeared, but some scholar said they are animal or plants that ate or influenced by the dragon's corpse and become feral. 

The Blackscale Floodragon, which has ancient dragonblood run in its vein was one of the powerful Magical Beast. It was so powerful that its surrounding began to take change and become it's territory. That's why all plant in that forest has black stem and wood. And that's how it become known as Blackforest. The creature influenced the surrounding with it's power.

That's the setting. In the power ranking of my spreadsheet, the Blackscale Floodragon is rank-6 Magical Beast. It was a literal walking calamity. A rank-6 Magical Beast is equal to a peak Blademaster. As I previously mentioned, a Blademaster is something like a Guardian or Protector of a Nation. Thankfully it never left the forest, but whenever adventurer entered the forest, they won't return alive.


After the dinner, Mu Ying entered my room with head hanging down.

Is this alright, I mean we're not married yet right? Don't suppose we done this kind of thing after our relationship are legalized? I mean, yes you did a great job blowjobing me ..., but I don't think we could breach the last barrier yet. At least, I don't feel that's the right thing to do.

"Aram, are you serious, when you said you want to open the forest?"

But no, it seems I was overthinking thing. She's here not for lewd stuff. She just asking about the thing that I discussed with Mr. Liu. 

"Aa ..., the forest is basically a flatland with strategic position. It'd be a waste to not build something on top of it."

"There's no one capable of doing such task in ..., I don't know, centuries, or maybe since the beginning of the era. The beast inside is not only Blackscale Floodragon, there's a thousand of rank-4 to 5 magical beast inside!"

"I ..., I'm confident in this. I can take down that overgrown snake."

"But how? You're just a ..., bronze-rank! Even ten years ago, when Duke of Greblunt lead ten thousand men to subjugate the guardian deity they were annihilated!? You don't know what are you up to? Hey, let's just settle in the village, get married and built our house there ..., is there a need to open up the forest?"

Mu Ying stared at me as she hold back her tear. 

"Don't worry, Mu Ying. I will depart after I marry you. And it's not about where we settling in. It's about my personal dream. I want my own land, my own dominion. I don't know but, it's like I need to do this if I want to stay alive."

"You're contradicting yourself, if you want to stay alive, then don't court death! Going into the forest would end up with your dead!"

"Mu Ying ...," 

I placed my hand on her arm, and then pulled her into my embrace. I kissed her lightly on her lips but she greedily sucked my tongue, I just let her do as she please. It's quite pleasant anyway. 

I don't know what to say to persuade her, so I distracted her mind by pleasing her body. Our tongue wrestling in the arena that was our overlapping mouth, they were sloppily exchanging pointer and tackling each other. She's quite the learner, and she no longer as clumsy as before. We parted our lips and she let out a feverish sigh.

"Aram ..., I can't hold it! I want to do it!"

Honestly, I still don't know about my own feeling with this woman. I just transmigrated, but I suddenly got myself a wife. And she ..., did that to me. I don't know about her personality, I only know her as taciturn woman in the apothecary who was bad at cooking but really good when it come to pleasing men with her mouth. As shallow as that.

But then, when all said is done. She's a beautiful woman with alluring body, I admit that. And for me who was single virgin all of my live, I just go with the flow and enjoy her company. I am man of my word and have dignity. I don't fuck a woman before our relationship properly established. And that means before we married.

"Let's save that after we got married, alright."

"But it's feel weird down there ..., I, it's itching." 

She latched her body with mine and rubbing her crotch on my bulging tent. Damn, this is too exciting. I don't have luck with woman in the past, both as Aram or Yang Xian. With her being like a cat in heat, I also had this urge to just push her to the ground and fuck her silly. 

"Sigh, I'll help you relieve that ..., alright, you may undress." with my remaining willpower, I sighed and locked the door.

When I turned around, Mu Ying in her birthday suit standing there covering her bountiful breast and private place. As expected of old virgin, her body is well developed.

"This ..., it's my first time so ..."

"No, as I said we won't do all the way before we married ..., but I can help you remove that itchiness."

I hugged the shy Mu Ying and kissed her lips once again. My two free hand played with her breast for sometime. It really is big, these two mound of flesh. It spilled out of my hand and between my finger. I really enjoy this springy bag of fun.

I slipped my right hand and gripped her perky butt. She yelped but then enjoyed my groping. I ended the kissing session and poured a kiss on her neck, her moan and sigh turned me on even more.

"Hmm ahh ..., you're just like a baby. Hihi ..."

I sucked and played with her breast and pink nipple. She nibbled her lower lips as she desperately hold back her moan.

"Come here ..., place your hand on the table."

I led her to a pose where she would jut out her sexy but, it's flooding down there. It's my first time seeing a real pussy, somehow my breath got rushed. I could see her pink and adorable butthole from this position, but wow ..., her pubic hair is also cyan.

I rained down a kiss on her butt cheek before I licked her hole.

"N-no, it's dirty down there!? Ahnn ..."

She tried to protest but I invaded her pussy with my tongue and twirl it around. She put on more voice in her moan and excreted more liquid from her pussy, I slurped it greedily and it tasted like the sweetest nectar. I shifted my hand that's still groping her butt to rub her clitoris, 

"Ahhn ..., ahnn ..., ahh..., it's! Ahhhh!!"

She let out an amazing amount of fluid as her hips trembling. Seems like she already climaxed. Well, she's finished but ..., I'm rock solid down there.

"Well, how is it? Not itching anymore?"

"Yhes ..., it's not ... itching. However, I ..., I think, I might get addicted with this." she tried to catch her breath, I glanced at her face and found her sweaty appearance more sexy.

"Heh, you think it's already over? Come here ..., sit down on my face."


Mu Ying let out a strange yelp but then she understood what I wanted. She put on a knowing smile and unhesitatingly sat down on my face. And she, without I said anything was already playing with my rod with her dainty hand.