
It's Just A Dance Move

"It's just a dance move, why is it such a big deal to you?" He asked confused. "It's not 'just a dance move', it's the dance. One wrong move and the whole dance is wrong and ruined." I protested ignoring his presence and blindmindedly kept practicing . "Why do you even care.......

Emi_McG · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Whats your problem?

"Well done!" My teacher praised me as I lay in the middle of the floor breathless. I smiled at her weakly at while getting up and grabbing my drink. After a cool down I steadied my breathing and left the room bidding my teacher a goodbye.

As I looked down the deserted hallway I decided to to check my phone to see if I had anymore classes and luckily, I didn't. With that in mind I headed back in the practice room.

"I can practice until 3am then I'll go to bed." I concluded as I dropped my belongings and walked over to the bluetooth speaker to connect my phine and play some music so I could practice.

Two hours passed and I decided to have a ten minute break. Looking on my phone I saw a text from an unexpected group.

The Down Town Silver group chat. Opening the message I read it carefully.

Hey Ivy, I know it's been like a year but I was wondering... Now don't get mad. But if you made a comeback with us once again!

Ivy, I know it's a big ask but if there's any chance then please tell us. We want our main stunter back!

No but on a serious note, we finnally have a house so you can come and live with us in America!


My eyes widened and my fingers quickly tapped on the screen to reply.

Yesss yes yes. I'm in. Just tell me where and when and I'm there.

We're coming back!

Not realising I was smiling stupidly to myself. Puttingy phone back I started dancing again. This time with everything I had.

Time passed by and I danced and dance. Soon I ended up having, this time, an unexpected nosebleed. Despite my nose bleeding I promised to finish the dance before attending to it.

All went well until someone pulled me back before I did a stunt. The blood was running down face and smudged all over my hands.

"Look what we have here." A familiar voice rumbled behind me. I tensed up hearing my annoying roommates voice. "What do you want?" I asked as I tried to pull away from his grip but it was no use.

With out saying anything he grabbed my belongings, still having a firm grip on my fore arm. After he dragged me out of the practice room, down the hall, up the stairs and back into our dorm. "Ehats wrong with you, let go!" I pleaded. My arm was beginning to throb because his grip was so tight. Not to mentiony body was tired from dancing for so long.

He dragged me all the way into my room. Throwing me in, he slamed the door and locked it. "What The F*ck. What is your god damm problem." I shouted loudly. All I got back was "Look at the time bitch. Don't shout your annoying me." He said calmly.

I could hear his door close and the light switch flick off. I decided to tend to my nose bleed as I had nothing else to do. As I walked into the bathroom I caught a glimpse of the time.
