
It's Just A Dance Move

"It's just a dance move, why is it such a big deal to you?" He asked confused. "It's not 'just a dance move', it's the dance. One wrong move and the whole dance is wrong and ruined." I protested ignoring his presence and blindmindedly kept practicing . "Why do you even care.......

Emi_McG · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Really... which one?" He asked, actually sounding concerned and worried for me.

"The one in the middle, mint colored hair, arrogant attitude and so on." I answered his question in great detail. Which he just chuckled at. " I see you have already experienced living with him. Don't worry too much about him. Just staying your room if he's there in your dorm and make sure you lock the door. Stay with me during school. He won't evem think of you if you follow all of the rules." He suggested.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you but you don't need to waste your time protecting me." I kindly declined his offer. "Don't stress about it. Just know if he's at you in any way, make sure he sees you with me. Then he'll leave like a bad smell." He joked around, giving me a reasurring smile, showing his perfectly white teeth.

"Okay. I will." I giggled at him.

Jus then the door of the class opened, our teacher stood there with his hand raised in the air, indacating us to become silent. Once we became quiet, he started to speak. "I'm letting you all go for luch early. Remember to go over everything we went throught today. Class dismissed."The teacher dismised the class. entering with the previous teacher following in behind him.

Packing my books in my bag, I got up, pushed in my chair and hung the bag loosely over my right shoulder. Delor stopped me from walking any further by  lifting his are infront of my body. Confused, I looked up and saw that he was looking at the group of guys. Before carrying on they looked at us and then left without saying anything.

"Yeah .... you know what? Let's have lunch together." Delor offered but I didn't seem to have a say in this decision as he rested his hand gentely at the top of my back, across my shoulder blades, and gently usered my to go with him. Once I did, he took his hand away a from my back and used it to pull his bag off of his shoulder. When we tuned the corner, we were met with grey school lockers on either side of us. He threw his bag at the lockers to his right and carried on.

Soon enough we reached the cafeteria. Delor sat at a table and gestuered me to sit with him. I did as I was told.

One thing I noticed was that his smile never left his face. He was a happy person, unlike me.

Delor was looking curiously around the cafiteria, when his spotted whar he was looking for he yelled. "Over here!" He did this while waving frantically at a group entering the cafeteria doors.

They heard Delors loud yell and instantly made their way over to us. They sat down on either side of the table and looked at me for an explanation. "Errmm... Delor invited me." I cleared, as they nodded their head in understandment after my explanation.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you the main stunts female in-" One of the guys were cut off by Delor. "Yeah, yeah. We know. Let's not talk about that now. Who wants food!" He cheered, while the laughed at him. I just sat there and smile to try and not look too out of place.

"It's on me." Delor announced. "The usual?" He asked the rest of group and they answered in unison. "Ivy, come up and see what you want." He gently ordered me, waiting for me to get up and join him on his journey to the long yet fast moving line of cafeteria.

I fet bad. Due to my diet, I'm not really meant to eat at this time. But I tired to go with it.

"What do you want?" He asked once we arrived at the food.

There was a great selection of food with their ingredients printed on a sticked which was stuck into the food. As I looked at them, I realised that most of the 'nice' foods contained garlic. Unfortunately, I was allergic to garlic so I had uncomfortably refuse his kind offer.

"I'm really not that hungry. Excuse me I have to go the bathroom." I excused myself to save myself from any more embarrassment.

I waited for a few minutes to make my excuse more realistic. When the time had passed, I entered the cafeteria and shuffled my feet back to the table where all of the guys were scoffing down their free food.

I quietly sat down back at my place at the edge of the table. One of the guys, handed my an empty plate and transferred a single sushi from his plate to my plate.


>to be continued