
It's Just A Dance Move

"It's just a dance move, why is it such a big deal to you?" He asked confused. "It's not 'just a dance move', it's the dance. One wrong move and the whole dance is wrong and ruined." I protested ignoring his presence and blindmindedly kept practicing . "Why do you even care.......

Emi_McG · Teen
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13 Chs


"Wait, you were part of Down Town Silver?" A girl from the back of the class shouted across the room while sprinting towards me. I slightly backed away.

Luckily the teacher stopped her. "Ivy, can I have a word with you outside?" I nodded and walked away from the situation. When I reached the teacher out side the doors, he smiled. I was extremely confused because in the class he was really strict and now he seemed really nice.

"Yes, sir?" I asked. "Is it true that you were part of Down Town Silver?" He enquired. "Yeah?" I answered quietly still confused about where this conversation was going to go. "Okay well..... I'm sure you know many people here use you and the rest of Down Town Silver as..... Let's just say heros or as an inspiration. Because of this your going to have to change classes. So let me talk to the school but until then you can go back to your room." He explained to me. "Okay." I agreed while I picked up my drink and my phone.

I bowed and headed back to me room. This time round, I remembered where to go anf it took me 5 minutes to get inside the door of my dorm.

"Your early?" The same voice from before asked. I looked around and saw a tall figure at the couch. He was writing in an A4 copy with a math book infront of him. Not once did he look at me. His hair was a soft mint green and he was wearing ripped geans and a black tee shirt. I couldn't see any thing else because he was looking down.

"Oh... Emm I got let out early." I lied to him while walking passed him and into the kitchen. "Oh that new. No one really lets students out early. Unless your lying." He stated turning around to face me who was leaning on the counter. "Why would I be lying?" I asked looking innocently at him.

I spun around and started to rummage in my bag for a protein bar. When I got it, I unwrapped and served  towards the tv. I looked at the boy at the table and remembered that I didn't know his name.

"Hey, your name?" He inquired as I slumped into the couch infront of the tv. I snickered before answering. "That I don't know." I answered slyly with a big grin  on my face. I could feel his gaze burn a hole in the side of my head. I lay back and watchedy favourite movie.

Suddenly the mysterious boy edged towards me.