

I remembered my past life when I nearly died. I was a neet-in-shut otaku girl that is obsessed with reading boys' love. I prayed every day that in my next life, I would become a boy. There is a piece of good and bad news. The good news is that it became real, I became a boy. But the bad news is, I was reincarnated into the novel that I read in my previous life. It was R-18 boys love novel, and I'm an anonymous side character.

Xaaaneeey · Action
Not enough ratings
22 Chs



I banged the door of my apartment while breathing nervously.

"Shit! I'm doomed"

I removed my black shoes and unbutton my white shirt while squatting on my sofa. I looked at the top then sigh.

'Today, I nearly died...'

I shuddered my head.

'No no! What's worse is I remembered what happened to my past self... Am I really... there's no way'

I lived my whole goddamn life being like this and now this stupid fate is telling me that I was an obsessed bl fan before?! And what's more? I reincarnated into some of the bl stories that I've read before?! Haaah, I must be out of my mind.

"Anyways, the good part is that I'm a fucking side character with no lines in the original story. If I stay low and not cause any commotion then maybe I'll survive in the end"

Thinking about it now, this story focuses on the cliche obsessive attitude of the male lead. Now that you've mentioned it... I'm working under him.

"I'm tired"

I washed and directly jumped into my bed and sleep.

"So what are we going to do today?"

"Oh good morning, Kyenzi"

"Good morning"

I smiled at my acquaintance named Yonggoo.

"Good morning too, Yonggoo"

The two of us were both Korean so I feel comfortable with him.

"Okay guys, today the boss ordered us to deliver an important item"

Many of us are under him. Let's just say that the male lead named Reeves Val Hungevszky was the boss of a top dark organization. Several groups of people are serving under his name, and that includes me. I am affiliated with a group that often has a tough job.

'Now that I think about it, why did I join this organization anyway?'

"Ah! Kyenzi are you sure you're okay? You're not needed for today's work, so you can take a day off"

"Ah, it's okay. It was nothing dangerous anyway"

"Are you a crazy man?! You even nearly died yesterday!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect there to be bombs implanted on that abandoned building!"

"But I can't blame you, they must've tried to trick us but failed!

"Good thing you're there Kyenzi and you noticed it"

"Yeah, we could've died yesterday!"


And they began to laugh at each other. The leader of our group, Jake looked at me with a worried expression.

"I'll cover up for you man, and besides this is the way we're going to repay you so you may take a day off right now"

The rest of the group nodded and smiled at me.

"Yeah, Jake is right"

"Then... I'll take my leave now. Thanks"

I smiled and then left. I didn't walk home straight, instead, I decided to walk near the park. While walking, I think of my current situation.

'Because of what happened yesterday, I feel like I became a different person.'

Since I was young I wanted to be cool. I want to be the best, among all. But as long as I grew up, I became a mess. And right now, I want to survive. I wanted to change myself... I don't want to live as trash...

I stopped walking when I was in front of a middle-aged man.

"What are you doing here?"

My tone and expression were infuriated.

"But young master, your brother specially ordered me to take you back—"

"Fuck it! Didn't I tell him before?! I don't plan on going back!"

"But young master—"

I want to slap myself for my arrogance. I took a big breath and then decided to crouch on the bench. I facepalm and calmed down myself.

I'm real trash, all these years I've been running away. How long will I have to keep this up, I'm pathetic. But I can't blame myself for doing all of this... Since I'm only...

I stopped thinking and glanced at the middle-aged man.

Oh, right he's Kazuki, the head butler of my brother. If my brother ordered him, that means he needs me there. Now that I think about it, this is the best choice for me. If I go home now, then I don't have to worry about being tangled in their psycho-cliché love story.



"I'm going home"

Like an old man who was being broken free from all of his sin, Kazuki jumped out of enjoyment when he received my reply.

"Then we can now go home, young master"

"W-wait what?! As in right now?!"

"Yes, the private airplane is already ready, oh! I just called the pilot and said it was already ready! It's on its way"

"H-huh?! Wait! But this is a park where an airplane can land on—"

Before I could even get a chance to finish what I was saying, the loud sound came from the sky replaced and the airplane managed to land in the park.

'They're crazy. Are they desperate for me to come home?'

I shook my head as I walked and passed through Kazuki. The door opened with the stairs on it and I immediately came inside the private lane. I didn't think of anything anymore as I enjoyed my flight.

After seventeen hours and seven minutes, I arrived at where I was born, in Japan. I lazily looked at the head butler and gave him my coat and started to walk to the airport. The head butler led me on where the private Toyota supra car was waiting for me and more bodyguards were behind me. I'm

back to my original life...

"By the way, how about my work there in New York?"

"Young master, I have already taken care of your matters there so you don't have to worry about that"

"Yeah, but I'm afraid you will be having trouble with it"

I glanced at the head butler as I scoffed and he gave me a curious expression. I smiled and just looked back at the window as the car was driving smoothly.

It was already sunset when I arrived at the mansion. As I stepped down in the car, I saw my brother standing and waiting for me. I looked at him with a dull expression and then started to walk and stopped in front of him.

"Are you done with fooling around already?"

My brother, who was five years older than me was looking at me strictly while crossing his arms. If he's a woman, I would've mistaken him for my mother.

"It's been three years and this is how you welcome me?"

I didn't look him in the eyes. As I was going to walk past him he held my right arm. I glanced at him.

"Let's talk later"

Now, would you look at that? Would he not let me rest for a whole night and just talk for tomorrow? This is why I hated him.

"Yeah sure, don't worry. I won't disappear"

I pulled my right arm and continued to walk. As I arrived in my old room, I immediately landed on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Come to think of it, his behavior was also the reason why I left.

I shook my head, unbuttoned my shirt and pants. Without clothes, the hell I care. I walked through my bathroom and sat at my cute swimming pool as I started to bathe.

"So, I was hoping you could help me manage our business"

The steak that was served was good as I took my first bite, but then when my brother mentioned the word "business". I frowned in annoyance and lost my appetite.

"Eherm, do you hear me?"

I glanced at him as he was staring at me with a serious expression. I break a fake smile towards my brother.

"Of course brother, that's why I came back"

"Hmm, then that's good. Starting tomorrow, you'll help me with our business"


As I cursed him on my mind, I tried to continue eating as I took a sip at the wine. After eating, I came back to my room and enjoyed the bright moonlight as I was standing on my balcony.

Knock Knock!

I looked back and frowned.

Now, who's disturbing me at this late of the night?

I immediately opened the door as the tall blond man was in front of me. I almost didn't recognize him but then immediately smiled at him.

"Brother Laven"

I offered him to come in and he smiled and sat down on the couch.

"I thought you wouldn't come back, Kyenzi."


I stared at my second brother.

Gosh, he's really pretty for a man. If he's a woman, I date him even if we're brothers in blood. But then a second thought passed through my mind as I shook my head.

"I can see that you've changed a lot..."

"Y-yeah, sorry for leaving without saying a proper goodbye..."

"That's okay, that's not important anymore. What's important now is you're alive and you came back."

"Don't you blame me for it?"

I suddenly ignored him and looked at my hands.

"It was my fault that our father..."

"Hmm, hmmm"

He shook his head and then smiled.

"It's not your fault, and I know that father wouldn't blame you for that either."


"So what did you do for the past three years, Kyenzi?"

"A-ah! A lot of things ha-ha-ha"

My brother knows that it was a lie but then he just chuckled.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Come and visit the flower shop if you have free time tomorrow."

My eyes grew brighter.

"Wait brother— you already owned a flower shop?! Since when?!"

"Hehe, a lot of things have happened but I manage to reach my dreams and also"

He grabbed out something in his jacket. He gave me a picture of a woman with a bright smile.

"She's my wife, she's not here because of vacation. She wanted to visit her grandma in Osaka. Her name is Hyaki"

My cat-like eyes immediately turned round as I stared at him. It's just been three years and many things have happened since I left here in Japan.

"Fuck, but I thought you'll let me be your best man?"

He chuckled.

"I'm sorry, at that time. I tried to find ways to contact you but you wouldn't answer. I even go to New York at your apartment but you're not there"

Oops, that must be the time when I went to clubs to entertain myself.

"It's already late, let's talk at another time. Raspher nee-san could be rude and strict most of the time but we all know how he cherishes the two of us. So please understand him, okay?"

"I-i'll try my best..."

He was about to leave when he looked back and noticed my eyes.

"But why are you hiding your eyes color, Kyenzi?"

"A-ah, I just found it more attention-seeking to have unique eye color so I hid them"

He tilted his head with a curious expression.

"But they're pretty. Didn't father boast it from other high ranking families 'cause you've acquired our ancestor's eye colors?"

I sighed.

"But it still feels weird having red eyes. Even normal people would think I'm a monster"

"But you're not?"

"Brother, if you don't stop teasing me I'll close the door now"

He laughed and then shrugged himself as he waved his hand.

"Good night my little brother, next time let's talk again"

I nodded as I closed the door. I jumped through my bed and felt the wide and soft bed.

"I came back, I thought that I'll live my whole life in New York..."