
The day of the week

I was still riding on the clouds when I reached school and Bella noticed it ,of course! when she asked me the reason for me smiling so much, I felt bad. I didn't want to lie to her but what else could I do? Tell her that I was obsessed with a boy who I just met? I decided against that

I just told her that I scored well in yesterday's history test( which was true) and she seemed satisfied with the answer. I looked around the parking lot, hoping to see his motorcycle. I wasn't disappointed. I saw his bike in the far left corner of the lot. I told Bella I would meet her in the English class as I had to meet the French teacher.( Actually I wanted to meet Ed)

When Bella was gone, I started looking around. I couldn't find him anywhere so I went in the school corridor. There he was, he looked like he was deep in thought as if waiting for something. Then, I saw who was standing next to him. Jessica was there, flirting as much as she could. Before I saw something I didn't like, I just turned around and left. I went straight to class, determined to not think about him. I avoided him for a long time. Just as the last bell rang, I submitted my homework and left the classroom with Bella. We were walking and talking. I told her that tomorrow was the day that our dance classes began. She was excited and so was I. Suddenly, I felt a hand clasp my wrist and turned around to see whose hand it was. It was Ed, of course! I just removed my hand from his and started walking towards the college gate. He called my name but I didn't stop and just kept walking. He came running and stood in front of me, blocking the way to the gate. I had no choice other than to look in his blue sea-like eyes. I just asked rudely," What?" he answered," you tell me, what happened to you? Why are you ignoring me? I was looking everywhere for you!" I blurted out the truth," I saw you and Jessica. I don't like her and if you are friends with her, I can't be friends with you"

" But, Millie, I was waiting for you there! She was just standing there. I don't even know what she was talking about."

" let me give you a hint - she was flirting with you!" He told me that he didn't care. I couldn't tell him that I did care.

He asked me if I was free this evening. I sadly wasn't.. I had plans with my sister to go to the mall and I couldn't cancel that. So, I just joked that he will have to work harder than that to get a date. He laughed and the sound was magical. I forgot all the anger that I was feeling towards him.