
It's Danielle here!!!!!

Dive into the life of a Rich family loving girl Danielle Blakes. And overcome all the campus drama, love affairs, jealousy, drama queens, fake frnds and much more. Watch her growing from a Teenager to a Grown Up Women. Experience the first love with her from Dating to Marriage. From a school girl to a leader in the industry. Watch old secrets dug up new memories created. Heartbreakp, Jealousy, Angerr, Sadness make their way to them. But at the end all a happy ending!!! Imagine as if you are the ones living the life.

Minatozaki_Winter · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Danielle Pov

I can already see my Mom and Dad sitting at the dining table waiting for me.

My dad's a very busy person so is my mom but they still always made arrangements in their schedules just so that they can accompany us siblings for breakfast and what so over events that takes place in our lives whether it's school related or our Birthdays they are always there for us.

And that's why I can surely say that even though our family has a lot of things to take care off we siblings always had a secure childhood and lots of love from our parents.

Not wanting to delay them I quickly go downstairs .

I greet my mom and dad with a good morning and a quick peck on the cheek I officially join them for a good morning breakfast.

The breakfast was already served on the table and it was not more than 3 dishes a main dish, soup and a sweet dish.

My Grandma always say that we must make as much as we can eat so that the food is not wasted.

As some people are not even able to eat their fill.

So we should be thankful for what we are given and never be greedy.

The breakfast is always kept quite light but nutritious. According to my mom we must not start our day with heavy and hard to digest food but also have something to eat which is good for us.

I open the cutlery to see my favorite Corn porridge and some seaweed soup and for sweet we have Indian style Pancakes.

I love this.

We say our prayer before we start eating.

Now my family is quite cultured one so praying and respecting other's religion, belief is what we do on daily basis.

While eating breakfast no sound can be heard except for our cutlery sounds as it's not good to talk while eating.

After eating I say bye to my parents and go out to see my chauffeur Odren aready there with the door of the car open so that I can get in.

"Good Morning Odren"

"Good Morning Danny"

Odren has been my chauffeur every since I started school so we are quite close.

He's like a elder to me.

And we set off

After around 20 mins we reach my high school Four Clovers High Sect.

I say bye to Odren and start to walk inside the gate there I was greeted by.... .

Sorry for the late update got busy with my exams!


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