
It's All Me

My name is Dylan Maxwell. I'm a freshman at West Valley High. My life practically revolves around the library, school and home, so it's pretty boring. Who knew that one fire accident which almost burnt down the school building and the murder of two students could turn me into the female version of Sherlock Holmes though I haven't read his books yet.

Starfall12234 · Teen
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7 Chs

Welcome to My World, Trust Me It Is Trash

A loud noise filled the classroom, where the heck is Mr Beauchamp, I thought to myself, as I watched my classmates goof off inside the classroom , the second I heard the bell ring I stood up from my desk and headed out of the classroom when bumped into a blonde girl, Mirabelle Smith wearing a red sphaghetti armed top and khaki jeans which made her look perfect as usual.," Wow, you look and smell better today, let me guess you bathed with a toilet cleaner," as I was about to run out, Mirabelle added,"I see you didn't take my advice on where to shop, I guess looking like a lumberjack is your inner style," the entire class laughed at me. I wanted to talk back at Mirabelle but no words came out of my mouth. I ran out of the class feeling like a wimp. I sat on the floor in the janitor's closet. I sometimes wonder why people change like that and we haven't even reached sophomore year yet but she's all ready acting like a total queen bee. I still remember the times when we both used to play with Barbies together, wear matching clothes and doing everything together as best friends do. But it all changed back in sixth grade when Mirabelle became obsessed with being cool and popular, we still stayed friends but then she started being toxic around me and making some kinda mean comments about dark skin and how I was the only African-American in the school or trying to point out any of my flaws. Then one day in seventh grade, I heard her gossiping about me with some of the older girls, which really hurt me, I mean she called me a flag pole and basically stated that I was one of the ugliest girls in the school and that destroyed our friendship obviously. Afterschool, I sat outside the school building waiting for Melody, my cousin. She was in her freshman year at a nearby community college so she often came to babysit me whenever my parents are out of town. While waiting for Melody to come,I brought out my diary to write down my thoughts and started day dreaming, picturing myself siting down with popstars like Ariana Grande, Demi Lavato, Dua lipa and Emmy award winners instead of being a total nobody. Bom! Bom! Bom! , the horn of Melody's car interrupted my daydream. I quickly got into Melody's blue SUV ," How was school today?", asked Melody, starting the car," You know how it is so don't bother asking," said I grumpily as I buckled her seat belt. "Try to move freely with your classmates and make friends, that way you'll always be eager to go to school," said Melody ,"You sound just like mom,"said I smiling a little,"Ouch but I'll take that as a complement," said Melody pretending to be hurt. We talked more about clothes, choclate, music and basicly anything they could think of. After the twenty minute ride home, I ran upstairs to my room. I brought out my Ipad from the drawer that was beside my bed. A few hours later, Melody called me to come and greet her parents who had just arrived from a business trip. We all settled at the dining table to eat our dinner.