
The Chase

That's when I saw her. HER!

From where I stood, it wasn't possible to give a face to the figure, sitting on the bench in her blue dress. The girl's gaze was fixed on something placed beside her on the same bench, most probably a bouquet. Dropping my things on the ground, I took a step towards her and set up my canvas. Not taking my eyes off her even for a second. I wanted to remember each and every detail. No! I had to remember. Something told me, she wouldn't be in this grand park again. For the first time, it was not the moment I was chasing. It was her. The way she sat, carried herself, the visible sighs she took. I wanted to capture it all. Something about this stranger urged me to draw.

I started drawing the outlines with my pencil, taking my eyes off of her. It took me a minute or two before I had a clear picture of what and how I wanted to paint. When I looked up again, her head was shaking sideways. Her movements were screaming that she was there to think and finally the decision had been made. I could already imagine her going with her gut. Atleast I hoped she did. By the time, I had my outlines done, she was already out of her seat. Most of the flowers from the bouquet had been distributed among the kids playing around. As she handed the last flower to an expecting woman, I got another idea. While drawing the outline on my second canvas, I saw her leaving the grounds from the corner of my eye. Leaving my stuff where it was, I chased. That's exactly what I did even when I couldn't find her after the turn she made. I will never understand how women manage to walk, let alone run in those XL size toothpics.

She was gone and I had absolutely no idea who she was. For the next month, I drowned myself in painting her. Not knowing her face was a great disadvantage. So I drew as best as I could. I had this image of THE GIRL IN THE BLUE DRESS. She was this whole another person in my eyes. I just hoped that if I ever met her, she in reality turns out to be as wonderful of a person as I have drawn her in my colours. If and Only If.

18th September 2010.

It was a week before Scar's brithday. I didn't feel lonely this time. I particularly felt useless. I had no one to plan a surprise for. No one to think of when I buy baloons. I had lost my purpose. I had no one. In one stance, I was a no one. It felt like my identity was lost and that night of 18th september 2010 when I slept, I was angry. No! I was not angry. I was absolutely furious.

It wasn't on Scar at all or anyone at particular. I think I was furious with myself. The next two days I spent drowning myself in self-pity. On 20th evening, finally the doorbell rang.


20th September, 2010. 7:30 P.M.

As I sat in front of Allison, it was a moment when I wanted to dissappear and never be found again. I know she felt just the same.

"I know I am the last person you want to see at the moment, but I needed to see you Elijah. Even now sitting in front of you, I feel closer to her." saying this she looked up in my eyes. Her eyes couldn't hold the weight of tears anymore and she let them go with a sigh as she looked up and then smiled.

"Do you think she can see us? Does she know that I am sorry and that everyday I wish I had picked her call that day and went to grocery store with her. That everyday I can't help and feel it is somehow my fault. That I am sorry I couldn't save her." And with this she broke down in sobs. Honestly I didn't know what to say. After all what could I say to make her feel any better, when I myself went through the same feelings each hour of each day. So I brought her a glass of water and sat in front of her. Once she sobered up, she started speaking again.

"You must be thinking why I am here after months to talk about my guilt, especially when it is nothing in front of your pain and loss. But I had to come. I am really sorry Elijah. I am so sorry." then she looked up and almost whispered, "I really miss her."

I smiled at her and filled her glass with water again.

"Never ever compare our pains again. Because they are both just losses filled with guilt and sorrow. You loved her Allison. I am sure you still do just like all of us. And trust me when I say this, these emotions were very much reciprocated by her too. You are her best friend, who didn't know that Scar was not coming back that day. In fact, I am in no position to say anything to you when I myself walk through the same guilt street everyday. But in these past weeks I have understood that if she was meant to go that day then she would have gone anyway. It was out of our hands. Yet, I like to imagine her sitting just beside you face palming herself and thinking, 'What the hell are these idiots doing?' She sees us and smile. She is there with us all the time. She is still here with us just the way we all remember her." finishing with a teary smile, I looked at the wedding band still sitting on my finger. Taking the golden ring out, I placed it on the table in front of me.

"Damn man you have turned into a saint." She said chuckling and in a few moments the entire room burst into giggles. She thanked me and before her leaving, we both decided that just because Scarlett wasn't here with us, didn't mean we couldn't do something for her birthday. We would be going to an oprphanage. We think she will like it. Won't you Scar?


Scarlett's birthday was a beautiful event. The smiles on kids' faces were a sight for the sore eyes. I want to say that I was okay all the while, but then again it would be a lie. It's been two days since 'her day' and here I am lying on my bed, staring at the empty side of the bed and wondering what I am doing here without her. My plans, bucket lists, everything turned to ashes, the moment her heart stopped beating. Closing my eyes, I shake my head, "Useless". The moment I lift my lashes again, It is the painting of the girl in the blue dress. My beautiful unfinished work. If it would have been any other piece, I would have probably shoved it in the deepest closet of my house. Not this one. I want it to be whole. I want to see what it would look like, after I put my 100% into it. I don't even realise and I am standing near it already picking the brush. After all, It was high time, this moment came back to life once again.

Almost a month later, and Liam is standing right in middle of my living room, roaming around and scrutinising each and every painting present there. I can't help the grin that spreads across my face, as I stand there with my hand under my chin, playing with the light stubble. I really should shave before the neighbours complain of a criminal seen in my kitchen.

"Eli these are.... geez man they are beautiful." He says, not taking his eyes of the canvases even once. I walk towards him, patting on his shoulder.

"I am glad man. I hope Chloe likes them too. Now all we need to do is sign ur name at the end and we are done." He hums in response. After a moment of silence, he starts again, playing with his cuff links. "Why in hell are you nervous? Don't worry she will like them. I am sure." I turn around, picking up our glasses and taking them to the kitchen. He ramains silent all the while.

"By the way, when are we going to meet this amazing girl who has stolen my friend's heart ha? How about I accompany you when you visit her? I promise I won't tell her that her boyfriend is a bluff." I make a cross at my heart and laugh. But when I don't hear anything from his end, I walk back into the living room.

He is still there sitting on the couch, fidgeting. What is wrong with him?

"What is it Collins?"

He looks at me and sighs. "You see the thing is, that I and Charolette..."

"Who?" I ask on confussion.

"What?" he asks back as confused as I am.

"You said Charolette. Who is that?"

"Uhnmm... no I meant Clai...(clears his throats) damn, I meant Chloe. You see the thing is that we aren't together anymore. It wasn't really working. I don't want to go into details, but yeah we are over."I keep looking at him. That's why he was so nervous. He must have liked the girl just too much to be this upset.

"Why didn't you tell me Li? You were going through so much alone, while I was idiotically painting for a girl, who isn't even in the picture anymore." I state taking a seat beside him. His head snaps towards me.

"No! No. Don't think like that. I would have never let all this go to waste. I have already talked to..." I interupt him.

"I didn't mean it like that Li..." but he cuts me off.

"Just listen to me. I have already talked to an art preparator and sent him the pictures of a few of your early works. He is interested in exhibiting your work. We most definitely cannot let it all go to waste. You will have to sign them all under your name." he finishes, all in one breath.

"Wha.. What are you talking about man? I didn't do them for publicity. I don't want the world to see them." there is no way, these paintings are going in a gallery.

"Listen to me Elijah. You quit your job, because you wanted to find that one thing that makes you happy, besides Scarlett. I think this is it. But then again, It doesn't matter what I think, If you don't feel that way too. And you really need a job too. I know you have got a lot saved up plus Scarlett's saving too now." I begin to interupt him, but he raises his hand in a stop sign. "I know you are not going to use it, but you need some motivation Elijah. You can't just live like this, can you?" Now that I think about it. He is right. I have to eventually think about tomorrow too. I need to do something, now that I don't have my job too. This way I am just being a burden on everyone else. It's not fair to them.

I take a long breath before saying,

"Fine! Let's do it. But I need you to do one more thing for me"


Hello Everyone Shreya here. I hope you all are enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote and comment. I hope you had an amazing new year. I will beposting next chapter real soon. So Stay tuned and stay healthy.