
Playing Cupid


If I am being honest, somehow the decision of staying at Eve's proves to be a right one. It is the first time since Scarlett has gone that I slept for more than 2 hours in the night. The feeling of emptiness has found it's home in me. I look around the room and that's when I notice the window at my 8 o clock. It's amazing how everything in your life changes it's significance to you according to just one person.

Taking a pen, I sat down on the bed and started writing at the end of a fashion magazine.

Wonder if she can hear

the rustle of these leaves

faintly mixing with my heartbeats

her name on the edge of my tongue

as it rolls the melodies of love, young

is that her when the sun knocks on my door

or when the spring breeze

caresses my wrinkled brows

when on Christmas morning, it snows

is it she, kissing me on her tip toes

is it she, once again beside me

or was I replaying

a memorandum of her memory

I close my pen with a click and lean back in the chair, whispering,"I love you Scarlett"



After having breakfast, I first wrote a letter for extending my leave. Then me and Neville left to bring some things of mine from my house, seeing I was going to be here for the time being. But for some unknown reason, Eve was just too relived to know that we will be gone for an hour or two. When I asked, she denied it. I think sometimes she forgets that I am her sibling and that I know her just too well. Something is really fishy here and it is now starting to piss me off. I get it she is up to something. Then either hide it properly or don't hide it at all. What's with this to and fro? I mentally face palm myself and force to pay attention on the road in front of me.

It is almost 3 hours later that we arrive back at home, after collecting my things, submitting the leave at the office and buying some groceries. Neville is already complaining of a headache. I see Liam's car in the drive. Strange. Why isn't he at office? When I enter the house a sweet fragrance of pancakes engulfs me and my stomach does a somersault. Liam greets me with a brownie filled mouth.

"Hey bro! How are you?" he says swallowing all of it in a second.

"I am okay. How are you?" he nods with a simple 'okay'.

We sit on the table and talk about office a bit. I have a hunch that he wants to talk about something but doesn't know how to start. Plus Eve's last night conversation adds up.

"So, I wanted to discuss something with you." here it goes.....

"Hnmm okay." I prompt him to say further.

"Can we go somewhere? I want to discuss just with you." He says emphasizing the word 'just'.

So now we are currently sitting on a bench in central park looking at people coming and going, children playing, couples walking hand in hand and what not. While I am just observing everything silently, Liam keeps on playing with his fingers. "What is it Liam? I hope everything's okay." I say now getting worried.

"I... I don't want to sound heartless or anything. I really care about you man. But I am in this big trouble right now." I raise my eyebrows. "So you know I was on this office trip in Seattle. Well, Wilson told me on the second day that I had to attend a conference too at this elite hotel. There I met this girl. So beautiful and smart and amazing and intelligent" I interrupt him. "I get the idea Liam. Please continue."

"Oh yeah sorry. So Yeah, as you see I am quite smitten by her man. I finally talked to Chloe and we instantly felt this connection. When we were talking, she told me about how she loved artists and everything about art. Soooooo...." He lingers on the word, shaping his lips in form of an O and I kind of just copy his expression. "I told her... Iamanartistandshowedherpicturesofyourpantings."

"Huh?" I am like 'what'. Because I seriously don't know what he just said.

He takes a long breath and says it again,"I uh.. I told her that I am an artist and to prove my point I showed her pictures of your earlier paintings. And now she wants me to paint New York as I see it. She wants me to paint something for her. I really like this girl and I want to impress her."

"Okay so wha... No No wait wait. You want me to paint something for you? Are you bloody insane?" I am not screaming at him. I just can't believe this guy right now. I thought he was my friend. I just lost my life and he wants me to play cupid for him.

"I know. I am so sorry. I just really like this girl. I....." And I am zoned out. Suddenly I can hear Eve's words from last night

I am the only friend he can go to advice for.

He's always been there for me.

Will I help him?

As I look at him I know he is the guy, who was always there for me and Scarlett. If he's doing it, It is for a reason. I love him too. I gotta do this for him. If he really is this attracted to the girl, I can't take away his chance. I think that's what Scarlett would advice me to do too.

"Okay okay listen. I will do it. But I will need time. I haven't held a brush in such a long time. And it will take time."

"Are you sure? I mean I get it that you just lost...." I interrupt him again.

"It's okay Liam. After all I have to start somewhere." He just nods flashing a thankful smile towards me.

God... What have I gotten myself into?


I trace my fingers along the brand new brushes that Liam left for me this morning. It's been almost a week after I agreed to help him. Still I couldn't bring myself to paint. So One day Liam actually brought my colors and brushes from my house and made me sit in front of a canvas, thinking that I will paint. I told him that I needed a scenery in order to actually even begin to think to draw something. We went to the central park again, sat on a bench, observed birds, people and did nothing. I couldn't do it. It frustrated me so much that I even threw my brushes away. But now that I unwrap these paints and let my fingers dip in five different shades. I realize that there are so many shades that come into existence only on the canvas. One different movement of the brush and it can change your painting. Hence may be the shades came as they did only so the painting could be better than what you had in mind. You just have to put your heart and soul into it.

This time I don't call Liam. I just pack some Lunch, tell Eve and leave to begin something new.


"Who is that Eli?" Scar asks me, pointing her eyes towards the painting in front of me and tying her hair in a ponytail.

"Who do you think?" We were sitting in our school's playground on a Sunday evening and I was drawing a picture of the field, with a girl walking in the middle of it.

"The Janitor Lady? I think I just saw her passing by." I literally face palm myself. What am I supposed to do with this girl?


"It is you Scarlett. You were strolling around the field when I came to school this evening.This is how you looked." I said with an excitement. Eager to know what she thought of my skills.

For a few moments she just looked shocked and kept staring at the painting. Then she turned towards me and hugged me, "Thank you so much. You really are the best friend, I could have ever gotten. You are an amazing artist Eli. I am so proud of you." I cringed at the word Friend. But well that's what I was for now. FOR NOW.

Present Day....


Another tear rolls down my cheek and I take a deep breath looking at the sky. Craving for one last smile from her. I am currently sitting, hidden in the bushes, near the lake of central park, so I could get a good view of what I want to paint. It doesn't feel right doing it without her. It just doesn't.

I sigh and look at the canvas again. You can do it Eli. It's just a painting. No hard feelings.


He isn't at home right now, but he could come any moment so I ask Eve to meet me at one of our fav cafes from college days.

I tell her how I convinced him to draw. Till now my plan was going just as I had imagined it to be. Elijah is conflicted, but he is willing to try. Plus I know that Paints are his weakness. He gets attracted to them like a kid to candy floss. My bet is that those paints will become his let out too.

"Okay! So let me get something clear. What are we supposed to do if Eli asks to meet that Claire of yours? We have to plan out something."

This gets my attention. It really is a good question.

"Uhnmm for that... I uh... Wait a sec. Who is Claire?"

"Your supposed crush." She says shrugging and yelling obvious at me through her eyes.

"No it is Chloe. I said Chloe to Elijah."

"How am I supposed to know when it was Claire till last week? Duh... Whatever Just let me know what will you do if he wants to meet her."

"Yeah about that. I don't think meeting her will pop up in his head now atleast seeing the place he is in. But if it does. I'll make some excuse."

Realisation dawns upon her and she hums in affirmation. I see her crossing her fingers as she takes a big sigh.

I hope so too Evelyn.

I hope so too.