


"Favour? What kind of?" Liam asks, confussion clear on his face.

"I know I am asking too much. But I don't want anyone to know who actually painted those paintings. I have absolutely no problem with you presenting them under your name. Just not mine." Liam looked at me like I was asking him to donate both his kidneys to me.

"Are you insane? I cannot do that. Why not your name? What is wrong with your name? It seems perfectly fine to me. I mean, come on, I know my name has a better sound to it... oouuuhh. What the hell?" he yelled as I smacked his head.

"I wonder, whether your body can balance itself, if your brain gets any bigger." he gives me that big smirk of his and then shakes his head.

"No seriously. Why not? Why not your name?" he asks again. His face turned completely serious by now.

"I just don't. I can't give you a proper reason right now but I just don't want to have my name there yet. For as long as I can remember, I have been this guy who has been good at maths and investing. I still can't grasp the fact that I am finally painting and I don't know if I can do that, or if I am any good at that. I did it for you. I am really sorry man. You already lost the girl and now I am burdening you with my stuff, but I don't know. I just...." I take a deep breath and put my head in my hands, between my knees. "I still need time to properly mourn the d... mourn Scarlett. I need time to adjust in this world, where she isn't. I need time Liam. I am struggling everyday. I don't want to worry you guys because this a war that I need to fight on my own."

He gives me a nod. "I can't exhibit your work under my name or under anyone's name for that matter. That's just not right. You have to understand what I am saying. There is no hurry. It will take months before, your exhibition can be arranged. Take your time. Plus just look at that beautiful painting. Why would you ever want to keep such an amazing work from the world?" he says pointing at the canvas that still holds the girl in the blue dress from that day. And for a moment I just keep staring at it. It's weird how this one scenery gives me so much comfort. I really wish I could give it to the girl. In my mind, in my version of her story, that was the day when she took a decision for herself. It was the moment when she decided that it was enough and she had to stand for herself. But then again it is all in my head. For all I know she could have been a serial killer, who was there waiting for her next victim. I laugh at my own idiocity and then suddenly remember another thing I had to talk to Liam about. And all this while he was observing me like I was the rarest species of living beings he had ever come across.

"That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. You can have all the other paintings that I did for you. Just not this one." I say to him, fumbling with my wedding ring all the time.

"Why? What's so special about this one?" He asks, his eyes once again narrowing at me.

"uhh, It's just that I think I captured a very important moment of someone's life, a very intimate one at that. I don't think it is mine to share." I tell him, still trying to figure out the answer to his question, which I don't have.

"Who is this girl, Elijah?" he asks absolutely ignoring what I said.

"I don't know man. Just some girl. Whom I am never gonna meet." I say with a sigh.


Liam's Pov...

As I sit in my office, the day after my conversation with Elijah. My mind is swirling in a tornado of worries. When I went yesterday, I was nervous about handling the situation about my "dream girl". Yes! the pun is fully intended. Damn! the things we do for friends. Especially when it's a friend like Elijah, who himself would go to hell and come back, just for friendship. Memories of the day when I lost my parents are fresh as dew in the back of my mind. For the entire month, he didn't leave my side. He practically mourned with me. I guess he knew the feeling of one's parents' absence in life. Yes! he knew it all too well. His parents have always been busy with their cases and judgments, both of them being lawyers. Elijah was gifted a career plan on his 14th birthday, instead of love and care. From what I heard, they came to Scarlett's funeral as guests, gave their condolensces and went back to their business. It has always been like that. Him and Evelyn all by themselves. And when Eve went to college, it was Elijah, Scarlett and me. Well! I was just the third wheel. So I can't stop myself when I know that somehow I can help Elijah move on. Not right now, but someday. When I saw his paintings I could somehow feel him coming on terms with Scarlett's departure and that now he has to live without her. But all those hopes were shattered when he couldn't even say that Scar was dead, let alone accepting this fact. But I shouldn't feel like this. It will take time. And Elijah is much stronger than he lets himself credit for.

My newest concern is the girl Elijah painted. It was clear that he was intruiged by her. There was a hint of dissapointment when he said he will never meet her. I don't think he would recognize her even if she head on bumped into him. "Oh God! Give me strength" I pray closing my eyes. Just then my secretary knocks on the door and comes in after getting an affirnation from me.

"Sir, your 3'o clock appointment is here." she says while writing something on her notepad.

"Yes Please! send them in." I reply straightening my posture.


Elijah's Pov...

As once again I lay alone in my bed, I can't help but keep staring on the left side of the mattress. The numbness starts to seep in bit by bit. The lump in my throat is too big to swallow this time.

"What do you think I should do Scar? I feel really bad for putting it all on Liam's shoulder. But I can't... I ...Its just....ugh..". Burrying my face in the pillow, I let it out. "It isn't stopping Scar. Damn it! What is wrong with me?" I abruptly stand and walk towards the other room where all my paintings are, safe and covered. Taking out a new canvas and I place it on the stand. I don't know what I am gonna draw, I just need to do something with my hands before I end up punching a hole in the wall.

As the outline proceeds, it gets more and more clear who I am painting. My day starts with her and ends with her. "I know you want me to move on, Scar. I know I would want you to too. But I can't. It is either you or no one else. It will always be you." With this I dry my cheek of the last tear and suddenly the corner of a painting of the empire state building catches my eye.

"It is signed with E.S.R"

Yes, This is exactly how the paintings should be exhibit. It is my tribute to her. My love for her.

Elijah Scarlett Ross

Taking out my phone, I dial Liam. As usual he doesn't pick up until three missed calls. Typical Liam. Just as I am in the middle of rolling of my eyes, he picks up,"What's up man?"

"Hey! so I guess I have a solution to your as well as my problem." I say, not being able to contain my excitement.

"Huh?" I can tell he was asleep just by the way he sounds.

"I want you to sign all the paintings by the name 'E.S.R'. Now you have a name to put at the exhibition and paintings. While my identity can still be kept anonymous."

"Huh?" I swear I am going to kill him if he says this one more time.

"Are you even listening to me Liam?" I ask in a teasing tone.

"Yes man, I heard you. Now can I please go back to sleep." he says with yawn.

"yeah go go." with that I hang up.


It's all chaos in the middle of the labyrinth. But it is not the freedom that changes you, it is the journey towards clearance. After going through the curves and crossings of this maze, you know where you want to be the most and where you want to be the least. You know, where you are meant to be.