
"Why Won't You Just Listen!"

As Alice walks away harshly in anger, she hears a faint voice behind her..."Alice! Why are you so stubborn and disobedient?? Why won't you just listen?!". She knew in her heart she wanted to go back to Alex, and scream all her inner and frustrated thoughts out and have Alex comfort her, but that's was clearly not Alex's motive.

"I'm not going to be the one to apologise! It's not my fault he's biased! He's the one that just won't listen!". Alice is still frustrated, but manages to keep a straight face as she walks into her next class. "So, you're going to use substitution for this equation, and replace the "x" with 13. Then, you're going to -----". Alice could barely concentrate. She kept thinking about what Alex said...as if she even cared...

"After you do the substitution for all the parts, it becomes a lot easier to simplify. You should all have this equation done. Alice, what did you get for an answer?". Alice quickly reacts, and puts her head up quick. "Um,"...Alice does the equation quickly, as math was her strongest subject, and the equation was pretty easy. "276."

Alice sighs in relief as she has finished the equation quite quickly."Correct. Now, if you don't know what -----". The teacher continues her lesson. "Ugh! Why can't I just concentrate!". Alice is mad at herself, but can't even speak as Mrs.Barlin is strict.

Alice feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns her head slowly to not draw the teacher's attention too easily. Behind her is the current competitor of Alex. It was Shawn Ehane.

He is smarter than Alex, but has always lost to you in terms of sports. He's always came in second place somehow, even if they were on the same team/side. If they were in the same basketball team, Alex would score one more point than him for the team. However, it was the exact opposite in terms of grades. He was shabby looking either. Quite handsome and cute honestly.

"Oh hey, can I help you?". Alice doesn't exactly know what to say, so she went with a formal-ish response. "You look down, is something wrong?". He sounds genuinely caring, and sweet. "Oh nothing, I mean, you've heard the announcement already right? Just got into some beef with Katy Rose...". Alice is not in a good mood. She doesn't even have the strength to speak properly, as she has muttered almost everything after that conversation with Alex.

"But, from the Alice I know, you wouldn't be this pissed for that reason.". Shawn was right, it wasn't even that fact that made Alice mad, it was Alex who made her angry. "You're right, but why don't you ask Katy for the situation? She's more popular than I am, don't you feel as if you should ask her?" . Alice mutters once again.

"Hey, I.. don't fall for her tricks like an idiot ok? I am the top student after all.". Alice brightens up immediately. "Wow...that makes me feel a lot better!". Why couldn't Alex be like that? "Want to walk with me to the next class?". Shawn's offer is very tempting, so Alice agrees.

~Class is dismissed~ ~Passing time starts~

During passing, Alice explains what has just happened to Shawn. He sincerely listens and looked like he cared. "Trust me, it's not your fault! It's that stupid "so-called friend" of yours. ". Shawn tries his best to comfort Alice, and it really makes her day. "Oh well, my class is here, I'll see you next period!". Alice sadly bids him "bye" and walks into her next class.