
It's a twisted world

Plague_Doctor666 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Dark Eye

My name Damien Hill, I have this strange gift or curse. I can see a timer above people heads. The scary part is when the timer hits zero, they'll die. This is not any strange hallucination. Either by accident, diseases or old age, when the timer hits zero they'll die. For years my father kept my powers a secret and made me live a normal life, hiding me from the unknown. But a set of circumstances has brought me into a supernatural world

My father is part of this organisation called Dark Eye or also known as DE. He is called a hunter, their job is hunt down and captures the supernatural.

My connection to this supernatural ability is one of the reason, I am here in this dark room; strapped to a chair.

The screen only displayed a symbol. An eye inside a triangle. I am here for four hours staring into the screen nothing seems to have happened.

I am starting to lose my patience.


A voice came from the screen. An audio file started playing as the screen changed.

The screen: "Hello, if you are watching this that means you have been chosen to be part of the most expansive secret organization in history. The Dark Eye.

What is the Dark Eye? We are an international agency tasked with monitoring and containment of paranormal entities and anomalies, to keep them away from the normal world. To put it bluntly, we protect people from things that they don't know about.

With bases and research centres worldwide, we are not affiliated with any government to limit our resources. We have limitless manpower and technology in our fingertips.

The items, subject, creatures we procure very from the microscopic to larger than life-size and, everything in between. All these entities and objects and put under an order according to the threat they possess.


Safe-class entities are anomalies that are easily and safely contained. This is often due to the fact that the Foundation has researched the entity well enough that containment does not require significant resources or that the anomalies require a specific and conscious activation or trigger. Classifying an entity as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat.


Special class are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually, this is because the class is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable. Special is the Object Class with the greatest scope, and it's usually a safe bet that a specialist will be this class if it doesn't easily fall into any of the other standard Object Classes.

As a note, any entity that's autonomous, sentient and/or sapient is generally classified as Special, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own.


Stemma class are anomalies that are exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably, with containment procedures often being extensive and complex. The Foundation often can't contain these well due to not having a solid understanding of the anomaly, or lacking the technology to properly contain or counter it. A Stemma does not mean the SCP is dangerous, just that it is simply very difficult or costly to contain.


Container class are anomalies that the Foundation specifically uses to contain other anomalies. Even the mere existence of containers class objects is classified at the highest levels of the Foundation and their locations, functions, and current status are known to DE personnel outside of the Council.


Neutralized are anomalies that are no longer anomalous, either through having been intentionally or accidentally destroyed, or disabled.

-Threat class-


The object is beneficial to the Foundation and its use is strictly regulated, as detailed in the object's special containment procedures. Often assigned to Safe class objects.

● Blue:

The object might be beneficial, but its mechanisms are poorly understood or remain unknown. This applies to items with undefined properties or to entities that react differently to different individuals. Often assigned to Safe and Special class objects.

● Green:

The object is not beneficial, but isn't harmful as long as it is handled correctly. Often assigned to Safe and Special class objects.

● Yellow:

The object is harmful but easy to recontain. This may indicate that it can quickly be brought under control as long as certain, easily achievable conditions are met. May be assigned to either Safe, Special, or even stemma class objects.

● Orange:

The object is unpredictable, exhibiting dangerous properties and is difficult to recontain. It is generally graded as low to high. Often assigned to Special and Stemma class objects.

● Red:

The object is highly unpredictable and possesses considerable destructive capabilities. A containment breach may escalate into a K-Class scenario, and the object's containment is to be considered a high priority. Often assigned to Special and Stemma class objects.

● Black:

The object possesses the capacity for destruction on a global scale. Moreover, containment breaches by such objects are to be considered synonymous with an XK-Class scenario and its containment and/or neutralization is to be considered the top priority. It is chiefly assigned to Stemma class objects.

Hunters are also classified like this according to their jobs. You might already be aware of hunters ranks but this classification is different

Secure: These hunters are directly in touch with Other siders, their job is to monitor the supernatural.

Local: These hunters are deployed in a specific area and, are expected to be ready for any task when ordered.

High: There is something about these hunters which makes them special, their identity is not recorded and is kept secret. Only selected hunters know about them.

Special: These hunters are only called if the task is too Herculean.

You will now be provided information as your training progresses. Dismissed..."

The screen turned black and, the only source of light was now gone.


I felt a sharp sting on my neck. My eyes got blurry.


-Unkown city-

-23 September-

A young couple were on a date in a local cafe.

The woman: "Including this, it's been six months."

The man: "There is something I wanted to give you."

The woman noticed something and her facial expression changed.

The woman: "Excuse me, I'll be back. I have to go to the washroom."

The man: "Okay..."

A handsome boy with black hair and blue eyes, who was sitting near them started laughing.

The boy: "She might not be coming back."

The man's phone vibrated, he took his phone out check a message which read.

' I'm sorry. Something has come up and I had to leave.'

The man: "How did you....?"

The boy: "She told me. She also told you."

The man: "When?"

The boy: "Body language."

The man: "Body language?"

The boy: "Sometimes their body tells what they don't.Both males and females have different poses. There is an open pose and a closed pose. When people are having a fight or when they do not listen to others they usually keep their arms and legs close, they are actually subconsciously adapting to a defensive pose."

The man: "That doesn't prove anything. She could be just feeling cold."

The boy: "24 degrees is cold, I didn't know that.The second sign, the handbag. Handbag symbolizes the woman's mind. When a woman meets someone for the first time, she places her handbag away from them and when she is with someone she is close to, she may place the handbag between them. Of course, there are girls who just don't care but judging by her makeup and her style of dressing, she is not one of them."

The man: "It could be just..."

The boy: "Then the obvious one, she is lying. The eyes, the sweating and other actions, when people lie they exhibit several signs of it. Touching lips and then touching ears are two of them and she exhibited them didn't she."

The man: "But..."

The boy: "Then, at last, her smile is fake. When someone smiles, the way to confirm whether it's genuine or not is through eyes. If the eyes are impassive and she still smiling then her smile is fake."

The man: "BULLSHIT!"

The man ran outside the cafe furiously.

The boy sipped his cup of coffee while thinking, 'I forgot to tell him that she noticed the ring in his pocket.'

A muscular man with short blonde military-style hair entered and, sat opposite to the boy.

The man: "Damien..."

"Well, what are we dealing with, and where?"The boy asked.

"Skinwalkers. In South Africa.", he responded.

The boy almost burst out laughing. "Skinwalkers?" He retorted, "In Africa? I thought they're native to the states."

Sarge kept his poker face. "Our surveillance team received a distress call from the Bushveld region. They reported a pack of 7 skinnies running around, taking unsuspecting locals."

Sarge continued, "A team of 10 Rank 2 hunters were sent in. They downed two skinwalkers, but only two hunters returned from the reserve. One without his right arm, and the other with claw marks on his back. They've been evacuated, but both of them are mentally screwed- past the point of giving even a short account of what happened back there. They keep on rambling about a giant monster in the woods."

The boy tried to make sense of the situation. "The giant monster those two mentioned. Maybe a high-level wendigo?" he speculated.

"We don't have much to work with. We've received orders to consider it a C class threat and smoke whatever monsters lie in those woods. We drop into Bushveld, clear the areas around Eastern Cape, and lay waste to the monstrosities lurking in the shadows. What say, junior? It's another C-class mission. You up for it?"

"Yeah, count me in." The boy said. "Great.", Sarge boomed, "Report to base. We leave in 2 days."