
it's a Kumo Desu ga, nani ka? fanfic so what?

decided to make a so I'm a spider so what? fanfic cuz there aren't any on this platform and I gotta fix that ======== kumo Desu ga, nani ka? belongs to Okina Baba

Lustful_Death · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


[1885 words]

in the bustling streets of Tokyo filled with chatter one could see a man wearing a crimson red armor similar to that of a samurai, it had cracks on some parts of it, under it he wore a black shirt of thick durable cloth, he wore gloves and pants made out of the same material with matching open toed ninja boots, his sleeves were rolled up to his mid forearms and his ankles were wrapped in white bandages, in his right hand was a combat scythe, while in his left was a large fan, he was 6 feet 5 inches in hight, he had long black hair reaching all the way down to his waist, it swayed and shook along his footsteps, a few bangs of his hair covered the right side of his face, his skin was fair, his eyes were black and his facial features were sharp with a few cracks like the ones on his armor on his face, he had a stern, serious, uncaring expression on his face

as he walked by many people would take pictures or videos of him while talking to each other, after all he looked like a carbon copy of the character he was dressed as, Uchiha Madara

many of them wanted to ask for a picture but decided against it, either because they were embarrassed, shy or because they were intimidated by his stern face

no one was weirded out by his outfit since many other people were dressed in all sorts of cosplays, they were all probably heading to a large cosplay event that was happening today

the man continued walking for a few more minutes until he reach his destination, the cosplay event, he had decided to dress up as Uchiha Madara due to his extreme similarity to him and his love of the character, he had watched the Naruto anime after one of his friends told him that he looked similar to Madara, after watching some clips of him, he was hooked and so he decided to watch that anime although a bit apprehensive that the anime had around 700 episodes in total, he grit his teeth and prayed for God to aid him in his worthy endeavor

he snapped out of his short reminiscence after spotting another cosplayer, it was a woman she was dressed up as Tsunade the fifth hokage and she did one hell of a job at it even though her cleavage size was not up to standards, everything else was quite well done, standing next to her was another woman wearing a blue dress with long auburn hair, obviously dressed as Mei terumi

he approached her and said, "You there, female medical ninja"

hearing someone talk to her the looks at him, she definitely knew what was happening and so did the other woman, let's call them Tsunade and Mei

seeing as he got their attention he pointed at his chest and continued, "you have it, his blood runs through your veins doesn't it?"

"and what if it if it does"

"then I will.....take you down first"

*haa* Tsunade gasped

Mei stated, "taking out a unit's medical ninja first is a well established tactic, surely you don't think we would let you do something like that so easily"

"you're wrong, the reason that she's first is because she is a descendant of hashirama senju, your medical ninjutsu is only strong enough to defer death for what essentially amounts to a meaningless period of time, it's pathetic compared to what Bob senju was able to accomplish, he could make Krabby patties without weaving a single sign, in every driving test he attempted he was in a class by himself, everyone viewed him as the ultimate bubble butt bottom boy, and I once rode in a vehicle with him putting my own life on the line, compared to that this is nothing"

the women seemed a bit confused but just let him continue on as he folded his arms and said, "so even if you are his descendant, what do you really have to offer, just what can you hope to do in this restaurant, you don't live in a pineapple, your Krabby patties don't even come close to his, and most of all, you're merely a weak WOMAN, undercooked patties of any kind completely revolt me, a Krabby patty with pickles disgusts me even more"

and after that pleasent conversation, he went on to have many other interactions with other people, like Dio, HASHIRAMA and most important of all, man in cat girl maid costume after a few hours of fucking around it was time to go home

[1st person POV]

while walking down the sidewalk of the now somewhat empty streets, I stop on a street walk, I light up a cigarette while waiting for the light to turn green, although there are no cars I'm not taking that kind of chance with truck kun lurking in the shadows

I then see some kid running behind a red ball in the middle of the street, ah nice one truck kun you almost had me there for a second, I then hear a loud sound of metal bending

looking towards where the sound came from I see an old rusty yellow crane that is now starting to fall slowly towards the child

*haaauuuu* I sigh.

I drop my scythe and gunbai on the ground and casual walk towards the stupid child

I then kick the child to the ground and grab the ball and walk safely to the other side of the street, I lift the ball up as if holding up a child and say, "oh you're quite the nice ball I'm gonna name you red because you are red", after naming my new friend I heard a loud metal Crashing sound behind me, I look behind me and see that the child is now tomato juice staining the both the recked crane and the tarmac, well that's what I wanted to do but decided against since as you might know, street lights have cameras on them so I would go to jail

instead I kicked away the ball and grab the like a suit case and cross the street to safety, the crane falls a a bunch of dust flies around, the ball also pops making the stupid anti vax kid scream, "nooo my ball", he then looks up at me with an angry face with two tear drops threatening to fall from his eyes and demands, "put me down", I obliged by tossing him to the ground, "OW", he groans and gets up, he kicks me in the shin to which I have no reaction, he then yells at me, "you're a meany, you ruined my ball, and dropped me on the ground, a-and you smell like cigarettes", hearing his insults I smirk and then inhale the entire cigarette in one breath, after that I drop the the cigarette butt on the ground, go down to his level, I grab his chin with my right hand to force him to open his mouth and with my other hand I force him to keep his eyes open, and then with one long breath I exhale all the smoke in my lungs, he tries to struggles for a bit, but he was powerless in the face of my iron grip

after I was done showing the child my powerful heavenly breathing technique, I continued on my way, he was so impressed that he puked acid and fell on the floor and started doing a weird shaky dance, probably as a show of respect

reaching my apartment I open the door and as soon as I do my children welcome me



as soon as I see them a smile blooms on my face, it was so beautiful and bright that no one would think that I physically abused a child just a few minutes ago

I crouched down and give them all the rubs that they deserve and greet them, "hi Luna, hi Leo, did you miss me?", they just meow at that and continue to enjoy the rubs, Luna and Leo are a brother and sister they both have black fur and look exactly the same, the only way to distinguish between them by eye color, lune has blue eyes while Leo has green eyes

after I was done greeting them, I close the door and go inside, once I am inside I head to my room, I remove my clothes, wash off the make up on my face and slip into something more comfortable, after doing so I go to sleep

the next day, I take my children out with me for a walk, we walk for around an hour and stop after we reach the door of a house, I grab a handkerchief and start coughing, after an intense round of coughing and a few stares, I put back the now bloody handkerchief back into my pocket, something like this is normal after having long cancer for a year and not trying to treat it, after catching my breath from all the coughing I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later it is opened by a black haired asian woman that seems in her thirties, she looks at me and then my children and says, "oh you must be Mr. Akira, and these little guys must be Luna and Leo", I give her a smile and a small bow and reply, "yes Ms. Hatsume, thank you very much for agreeing to take care of them", "oh it's no big deal, would you care to come in and have some tea", hatsume says as she gestures me in, "oh I would love to, but I have lots of things still left to do", after saying so, I give both my children a deep long hug and a kiss, I then hand them over to hatsume and the look at my with beady eyes, 'are they crying?', 'no that can't be it, it's probably just the lights reflection, yeah that's it's', I turn around and walk away with heavy steps, 'it's ok hatsume is gonna take care of them, I made sure they would get a new good home, i don't have much time left'

time skip three days

I've finally reached my resting grounds, the Sahara desert, I bought a camel, fed it as much food and water as it needed, I even gave it a name, Paul

I hop ontop of Paul, pat it's neck and ride off into the scorching desert towards my grave and unsurprisingly after around 5 hours of camel riding at around sunset I start coughing and fall to the ground on my back, 'ah, I guess this is my time, oh well it was a shit life but some of it was good, anyways without delay let's start the final act of this show', I slowly reach into my pocket and pull out a black plastic rectangle with a red button on it and look at Paul who is walking away


"is an explosion"



and with that Paul explodes into pieces all over the place even some of it falls on me

"wow.... it's raining..... Paul", I say slowly as my eyes close