
Something would never had to happen.

There was a forest with the darkest hedges. In between, there was a small home of a man who uses to cut the trees and fulfill the needs of the family. They were only three people who use to live there, a child, a man (father of that child), and a woman ( mother of that child). One day there was a downpour that caused the tree to be broken which caused a tree to be broke upon the home, it caused the deaths of women and men. The child remains alone. The child starts weeping and at the same point, a man heard his voice and ran towards the sound of crying of the child. That man reached the place where two dead bodies were on the earth in between those dead bodies there was a child, the child who was filled with the craze of conquering something bigger than anyone had predicted, he took that child up and settle down beneath the tree. That man who took the child was a defeated man with many worries and sadness, he lost his wife his child who was just about five years old but when that man took the child up he felt happy and thankful to God. He carried the child to his home and started growing him to be the best among all. The man named him Draco ( The Dragon constellation) and here the journey begins.